Diet Plan Sheets – How to Plan Your Diet to Lose 15 to 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks With No Side Effects?


Losing 15 to 20 pounds in 2 weeks is possible through a correct diet plan sheet. Actually it is beneficial in having safer weight loss in the long run. But for all this you need to prepare the diet plan sheets in the correct manner.

There are several factors that must be taken into account which are follows:

* You need to have a balanced and healthy diet. It must include all the essential nutrients.

* You must plan your meals accordingly. You must fix time for your meals and try not to skip any of them.

* You must calculate your body mass index to know how much calories do you need everyday.

* BMR (basal metabolic rate) must also be calculated. It helps you in determining the daily caloric needs of the body. It further tells you the amount of calories your body is able to burn everyday.

Here is a diet plan that helps you lose upto 20 pounds in 2 weeks:

* Breakfast: You must take high protein diet in breakfast. You may take eggs, rolled oats, etc. Never skip your breakfast as it is very essential to kick up your metabolism.

* Mid afternoon snacks: You may take either one scoop of protein shake, beef jerky, an apple or string cheese as snacks.

* Lunch & dinner: You must start with a natural soup or vegetable soup to fill few calories. In meals you can take good protein diet like lean beef, turkey, salmon, chicken, etc.

* You must stick to low carb foods.

* You may take protein supplements if you wish to.

* Acai Berry Diet must be included in your diet plan sheets. It is the thing that would accelerate your metabolism. It would help you lose upto 20 pounds within few weeks. The best part of taking acai diet is that it provides a safer weight loss as well body detox with out any side effects.


Source by Anna Holman

Fruits and vegetables Diet – How I Lost 13 Pounds in 14 days with a 2 Week fruits and vegetables Cleanse


Fruit and Vegetable Diet Cleans are really gaining popularity as a way to reach a very rapid weight loss!

After a stressful winter I had packed on some unwanted unsightly books I wanted quick gOnE.

Summer is coming and that meant skimpier clothing and shorts and I do not want to wear layers of clothes to hide my bulges and rolls if you know what I mean. Besides my comfortable clothes normally had become much less comfortable (read :! Tight around the mean).

I had lost weight before and kept away for years, but because of my emotional eating during a long period of stress in my life a little weight slid back on my body and I was miserable! I knew that the usual tricks and plans and weight loss options but I’m damn sick of them.

I do not want to see another diet meals frozen Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers. I knew deep in these frozen concoctions were packed with preservatives and often loads of sodium and chemicals.

Moreover, I had been a vegetarian for many years in my past and my instinct told me I had to go out to eat animals inhumanely treated the breeding factory that have had experience the slaughterhouse.

So it seemed like a natural progression for me to take a look at a way of eating, I had embraced in the past and see if it would give me the results I wanted. I wanted to lose weight quickly, improve my energy and stamina and improve the appearance of my skin and my overall health.

I started with a fruit and vegetable cleanse 14 days and I’m blown away! The books came flying so fast, it makes your head spin. I was never hungry and I ate a lot of delicious healthy food! You can imagine how I had to get on the ladder after 14 days and see the huge weight loss.


Source by Jana Suzzane

5 Day Mayo Diet – Lose 10 Pounds in 5 Days


Let me say from the outset that the Mayo Diet Day 5 is not a weight loss plan compared to only eat mayonnaise for five days in a row!

In fact, there are no mayonnaise in this regime at all. He called the Diet Mayo because it would have been created in a health facility with the name “Mayo” in it. This makes sense because a diet based on mayonnaise consumption would certainly not well!

So that’s All About Then regime? Well this diet is actually a variation on the popular grapefruit diets

detail diet plan

meals a day: .. Three meals

the power Duration: five days

Plan Type: .. low carb

you can eat

grapefruit, meat, eggs, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, cheese and tomatoes

What you can not eat :.

grains (rice, bread, pasta), starchy vegetables (peas, potatoes), fruits (grapefruit are of course exceptions).

5 Day Diet Menu

Sample breakfast

1 grapefruit

2 whole eggs

2 sausage breakfast


sample Lunch

1 Grapefruit

one serving of meat (any kind you prefer)

1 bowl of salad greens

Example Dinner

1 grapefruit

one serving of meat (any kind you prefer)

a cup of steamed vegetables


My review

[1999002 Wonderland] So what this diet work for you? Well, let’s be realistic, it is only five days. Do you really believe that you will lose all the weight you need in just five days?

Even if you lose ten pounds in five days, do you think you’ll keep it off once you return to your normal diet lifestyle? I think you know the answer to this question based on your past experiences regime.

If you need to lose weight for an event in five days from now (like a wedding), you might want to give this diet a shot. Just be prepared to gain back all the weight in a few days.

On the other hand, if you want to lose weight … and actually keep it for good … you should definitely spend the 5 Day Diet Mayo.


Source by Omar Maskori