1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet Plan


An 1800 calorie diabetic diet plan means consuming less than 1800 calories worth of food per day. This may be perfect for anyone who’s diabetic; it may be something between 1200 to 1800 calories. The diabetic diet varies from one person to another due to the individual calories required. By restricting calories, diabetics can regulate their cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

When you stick to an 1800 calorie diabetic diet meal plan, you’re not only controlling diabetes, but ensuring a healthy eating habit. This diet regulates the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fat you eat. It’s low in calories and fat

In an 1800 calorie diabetic diet menu, fruits and vegetables are quite important, as they contain calories that can actually be utilized by the body, not those ineffective ones such as in junk food. Fruits which are recommended for this diet include fresh, canned, and frozen fruit juice or dried fruit. It’s important to remember though that 1 cup of pure fruit juice on daily basis is just enough.

Vegetables are an essential constituent in an 1800 calorie diabetic diet menu. 3 cups of dark green vegetable, starchy veggies and legumes are recommended at least once in a week as part of this diet menu. Orange vegetables such as carrots and pumpkins should not be left out, with a weekly intake of 2 cups. The remaining veggies should be consumed on a daily dose of 1 cup.

Grains such as barley, wheat, oats, cornmeal, rice, bread, pasta and cereals, should also be part of an 1800 calorie diabetic diet. 1 cup of grains a day would be enough. That would mean half-cup of pasta, 1 slice of bread or a cup of whole grains.

As for milk, meat and eggs, 1 egg or 1 ounce of well-cooked meat on daily basis would suffice. Meat should be cooked with as little oil as possible. A cup of skim milk per day is also recommended. The levels of butter, cream and cheeses should be minimized. Instead of a cup of milk, you can have sugar-free yogurt.

An 1800 calorie diabetic diet plan is built primarily out of your own diabetes. However, it’s possible to use standard diets to create your own diabetic meal plan. A diabetic diet is great and ideal for people fighting diabetes and you can obtain so much information from eBooks and guides. Finding delicious 1800 calories diabetic recipes which will relieve you from eating tasteless, dull diabetic meals is possible. Choose to stay healthy.


Source by Olaniyan Taibat

Compare Diet Plans


American adults face the biggest problem of overweight. Nearly two-thirds of the adult population is inclined towards obesity. The amount spent on diet and weight loss programs forms a significant chunk without much positive result.

The various weight loss programs offered are to be compared and analyzed before taken up seriously. It is not necessary that a program should suit a person perfectly. The variations in programs should be examined for risks, suitability, advantages and disadvantages. Then only can one decide to go ahead with a particular program.

Here are certain hints that can be taken into account before deciding on a particular program.

Select a diet which would suit the life style. The working pattern, the meal times, medical restrictions and other conveniences cannot be ignored. If not sure about the diet which would suit best, the metabolic typing diet can be tried out. It contains a questionnaire which would take the inputs and gives advice as to which is the best suited proportion of carbohydrates and protein for a particular person.

A macrobiotic diet is basically a vegetarian diet which has lots of fiber and a very low fat. This diet by itself is a cure for many diseases and prevents many illnesses from creeping in.

A detox diet would rid the body of unwanted toxins consumed by way of junk food and unwanted beverages. If a low calorie diet is needed, the selection should be Zone or South Beach Diet. Atkins also can be considered. They emphasize low carbohydrate intake of food.

Some bodies react adversely to proteins. They can go for alkaline diet. This will balance the effect of caffeine, sugar and the proteins.

After selecting the diet, staying with it would pave the way to success. Only a small percentage of dieters loose weight and stay with it for long years. This happens because of the wrong choice of the diet.

Joining a group of weight watchers is a sure way to stay with any programs. The hints can be shared. The ideas can be strengthened. The community support would help a person to continue his effort without stopping it in between.

The personal lifestyle is the main determinant for a diet selection and the success of it. So enough care should be taken to choose the right program to stay with it and reap the benefit of it. It may be hard going but will definitely be worth it in the end.


Source by Sharon C Frith

A Healthy Nutrition Plan for Everyone


How to Create a Healthy Nutrition Plan

What should you do when you feel like all hope is lost for your efforts at dieting?

Here is a short healthy nutrition plan that can be customized to fit your diet and own agenda. Although there are numerous ways to make good choices with nutrition, you have to find the way that works for you.

1. Research Nutrition
Before you go out trying to find a nutritious diet based on your gut feelings, you should research the topic and find information about many different foods. It is of utmost importance to start slowly and introduce a healthier diet in steps so that you do not feel like this diet is something that you can never accomplish. Begin by eating more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. They are very easy to purchase and can cause a complete change in the energy you have and how you feel from your diet. Another big step in a healthy nutrition plan involves listening to your body.

2. When to Eat
You might be wondering when you should eat in your nutrition plan. The main thing to remember is to listen to your body. If it tells you that you are hungry, then you should probably eat. This does not mean that you should continue to snack on junk food and other things detrimental to your health just because you are hungry. Maybe you will eat a low fat yogurt or a bag full of blueberries.

3. No "One Size Fits All" Healthy Nutrition Plan
One key thing that should always be on your mind is that there are many ways to achieve the nutrition that you seek. You do not have to do the exact same thing as any other person, and there are many avenues available to achieve your goal. I try to always find new ways to stay healthy and eat foods that will benefit me for years to come.

4. Stay With It
Please do not give up on your healthy nutrition plan. It might require you to give up some foods and work hard to make good choices, but you will be glad that you did it. Never stray from the goals you have set for yourself and try new things everyday. Once your healthy nutrition plan becomes second nature, you can go on to help other people start their own. The possibilities are endless when it comes to healthy nutrition.


Source by Patrick Cardel