Easy Diet Plan – Lose 25 Pounds in 1 Month With the Easiest and Most Effective Diet Plan!


How would you like to lose 25 pounds in one month easily, effectively, and actually keep the pounds off for good? My friend, take just 60 seconds out of your day to read this article and learn more about the easiest and most effective diet plan to lose pounds fast!

The reason why most diets that you see so much of today fail is because of the fact that they go against the core principles of a healthy lifestyle. When you deal with those low calorie, low carb, low-fat, and starvation types of diets, your body will respond negatively to those unnatural methods to lose weight fast. One of the most common things that can end up happening is you will end up slowing down your metabolism…which leads to yo-yo weight loss and stored body fat!

Now, the most effective diet plan that is incredibly easy, natural, and highly effective is the calorie shifting system from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Just imagine having a diet program that you can do at the comfort of your own home where you don’t have to give up the foods that you love or lower your daily calorie intake, but yet still lose weight lightning fast! Calorie shifting can do all those things for you because you will be taught a powerful dieting trick called “shifting” where you will alternate the calories from the foods that you eat daily said that you can raise your metabolism as high as possible. Now that your metabolism is running stronger throughout the day…the faster and more consistently you will lose pounds and burn away fat!

So, if you are ready to lose 25 pounds in one month, then I highly recommend the calorie shifting system from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.


Source by Avy Barnes

Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Days! – The Greenlane Diet


The Greenlane Diet is a three-day diet. It is a program that promises a loss of ten pounds if you follow the regimen religiously. It is also known as the “British Heart Foundation Diet” in the United Kingdom. It is not clear though if the diet is affiliated with this organization. People who are following this regimen are only allowed to take in 700 calories in a given day. The choices of food are restricted to a given selection. The regimen seems to border on a starvation period because of the minimal caloric intake of the dieter.

The dieter will only be able to eat dry toast, boiled eggs, tuna, fruits, and Snax biscuits which are made by New Zealand’s Griffins Company. The beverage is limited to black coffee, water, and plain tea. The meals consist of the same food for three days. For breakfast, the dieters will be eating a small apple, five Snax biscuits, a slice of cheddar cheese, and one of the allowed drinks. For lunch, the dieters are supposed to eat a slice of dry toast, one boiled egg, and one of the allowed drinks. For dinner, the dieters can eat a melon, a cup of tuna, a cup of cauliflower, a cup of beetroot, a cup of vanilla ice cream, and one of the approved drinks.

The advantages of this program are the following:

o It is very useful in losing water weight.

o The instructions on this regimen are very easy to follow.

The disadvantages are the following:

o Taking in only 700 calories a given day might be dangerous to your health.

o The chances of cheating on this regimen are very high.

o How it originated is very vague; it has never been disclosed.

o People with health conditions are not allowed to take this program.

o It is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

o Exercise is not encouraged.


Source by Harold McDaniels

5 Meals Per Day on a Healthy Diet – I Lost 22 Pounds of Weight in 8 Weeks


The online Diet That I have chosen is based on a healthy diet of 5 meals per day using whole foods, much of what you would already have in your cupboard at home. There is no packaged low fat meals, no meal replacement drinks, no special pills or herbal supplements.

The online diet generator takes your list of foods and creates a personalised diet plan just for you. You can add curry powder, chilies, and other spices to your meat dishes. This maybe because of the theory that spicy foods will give your metabolism a boost as well as a way to make your meals more flavoursome without having gravies and other creamy sauces.

Also if you have spicy food dishes you may like a large glass of ice cold water which is good because your body then burns extra calories warming the water to body temperature. Another example of eating whole foods would be fruit. A glass of pure orange juice has all the vitamins, but it also contains more calories than four whole oranges and none of the fibre.

Your body has to work to break down the orange,the fibre helps with your digestion and you also increase the amount of energy spent by peeling the fruit. So instead of a glass of orange juice with breakfast you may be better off drinking water and eating your fruit whole.

Eating every 2 to 3 hours means that there is no time that you are starving and if you do happen to over eat at one of the meals you still have to eat the next one. I found because of this your servings naturally become smaller and you are not complaining of being so full you cannot get off the couch.

There is a 3 hour cheat on the seventh day and you really look forward to and plan for it which I did ( a big roast dinner with all the trimmings and gravy) but because you have already had 4 meals on that day maybe you will find as I did you will not be able to eat all that you had planned to eat.

Here is a sample of one day out of the 14 day meal plan that the diet generator provided from the foods that I chose.

Meal 1:

Fresh fruit salad w/ yogurt-add any favorite fruits such as pineapple,mango,banana,berries or apple.

Meal 2:

Apples & cheese

Meal 3:

Fish & sweet potatoes

Meal 4:

Cottage cheese & tuna crispbread

Meal 5:

Lean steak( chilies,garlic & pepper) w/ broccoli

No portion controls are given apart from not overeating as you still have to eat the 5 meal plans. As every body is different not one diet plan suits us all. I have tried many diets over the years but this change of my eating habits and lifestyle plan is working for me. With the very strict diets you become bored very quickly and revert to old habits because you have to eat the same bland foods everyday.

This program with the diet generator organises the food that you like into a meal plan that has you eating the right foods at the right time to maximise your weight loss.


Source by Glenore McNeil