Pregnancy Nutrition and Diet – Key to a Healthy Future


The onset of pregnancy signifies someone new coming into your life. The thought is rather exhilarating, as you start to contemplate how he or she will be like – personality, quirks, likes and dislikes. You feel excited over the bond the two of you will share, and the strong connection that the two of you will have. You start counting down the days until you can finally get to meet the being that is growing inside of you. Although you may not have complete control over how his or her personality and preferences would be like, you do have control over the baby's health conditions at birth, and general state of wellness even after that – and this is through having the proper pregnancy nutrition and diet.

In the same way that a 5-year old child's nutritional requirements are different from a 60-year old woman's nutritional requirements, a baby's nutritional needs also vary throughout the different stages of pregnancy. It is essential to have regular check-ups and consultations with your doctor so you can work out the proper pregnancy nutrition and diet plan for you. There are, however, general guidelines for pregnancy nutrition and diet, which, when followed, would result to having a healthy baby:
o Taking multivitamins daily to supplement the vitamins and minerals obtained from the healthy food items you eat
o Obtaining 30 mg of iron daily
o Consuming 400 mg of folic acid daily
o Having a proper and well-balanced diet that consists of a variety of nutritious foods

But pregnant or not, it would always be beneficial to follow a healthy nutrition and diet plan. By doing so, a woman would get used to having a healthy lifestyle while reaping the maximum benefits of proper nutrition as well. Moreover, she would not have to go through such drastic changes when undergoing a pregnancy nutrition and diet plan, and which will allow the following for the baby:
o Ensured brain development
o Ensured nervous system formation and development
o The likelihood of any defects or complications during birth is lessened
o The immune system is strengthened in order to combat any possible illnesses

Providing the best possible care and nutrition for your baby while it is still in your womb through the observance of a pregnancy nutrition and diet plan would provide positive long-term effects for your baby's health and wellness, and as for yours as well.

The moment when your baby would finally be born into the world, when you would be able to hear his or her first cry, and would be able to see his or her features, would be nothing but magical. It would be devastatingly heartbreaking, then, if you would suddenly learn that your baby is doing poorly in terms of health just because he or she was not supplied with the proper nutrition during the pregnancy. As such, it is essential to eat right for both you and your baby during your pregnancy. At this point, food quality should be given more focus than food quantity. You must make sure not to eat too much, and to eat the types of food that would best provide the nutritional needs for your baby. A good pregnancy nutrition and diet plan suggests the following:
o Eat up to 7 daily servings of fruits and vegetables
o Limit consumption of fatty foods
o Consume whole grain food products such as whole wheat bread
o Eat lean beef and other protein sources, but do so moderately

The outcome of following a sensible and healthy pregnancy nutrition and diet plan is a healthy and strong child not just at birth, but for years to come.


Source by Brent P

Fitness Nutrition Program – A Healthy Diet Program to Lose Weight


A fitness nutrition program is a diet program that can assure you weight loss. You can keep yourself fit and healthy when you provide your body with proper nutrition. Hence, providing your body with essential nutrients is very important. The reason you see so many undernourished, overweight, obese people in the world are because they do not follow a good nutrition plan and are lethargic enough to exercise.

On the television and internet, we can find so many easy ways of losing weight. These products and diet plans are endorsed by famous personalities. However, this does not mean that every product or diet plan can work for all. There are so many diet drugs such as phentermine pills and supplements people resort to speed up their weight loss. Some of these help greatly in losing weight. However, these diet drugs may cause serious health complications or side effects if not taken under medical supervision.

People who have knowledge about diet plans may find it difficult to choose a plan that will help in losing weight. In such cases, you may consult your physician to help you in choosing one for you. Zone diet, Mediterranean diet, South beach diet and Atkins diet are some of the diets that have helped many to lose weight.

On the internet you can find countless testimonies of people who have spoken highly about these diets. Apart from the testimonies, you will also read reviews from health experts on the internet that will help you with all the pros and cons of the diet. A good diet is the one that provides all the essential nutrition to your body. Ideally, if you eat protein and fiber rich food items, your metabolism will increase and you will have healthy bowel movements. This will surely help you in losing weight.

To lose weight many people take up starvation diets such as lemonade diet or cabbage soup diet providing your body with only with certain types of nutrition. Since decades, health experts have been advising to stop indulging in starvation diets because in the quest of losing weight quickly you will only gain weight as you may feel hungry many times when you are on the dieting spree.

You need to drink lot of water in a day. Eight to ten glasses of water will help in increasing the metabolism and cleansing your body from harmful toxins that are stored in the body. Sleep is often neglected by many people. Because of the demands of our daily life, we tend to cut down the amount of hours we sleep. However, sleep means rest, if you don't sleep properly; it would mean that you are not providing rest to your body. Junk foods and unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages are strict no-no if you are serious about losing weight.

Exercise is also one of the best ways of losing weight. You must exercise consistently throughout your weight loss program to ensure proper weight loss. Cardio vascular exercises and resistance training exercise can be very helpful in increasing the metabolism of your body that will result in more burning of unwanted fats and calories from your body.

A nutrition diet plan coupled with exercise regime is a perfect fitness nutrition program . Eating healthy food and consistent exercise will surely help you lose weight.


Source by Zane Shaffer

Your Diet For Belly Fat


I’m always surprised with the issues people seem to have with losing weight, while at the same time they just keep on eating junk food. One interesting thing I have seen after years of helping people to lose weight and get lean is that almost every one claims they are “trying” to lose weight but their kitchen is filled with all sorts of junk food rather than natural whole unprocessed food.

People will always say that they are doing their best to lose weight, but I will still notice candy, cookies, cakes in their cupboard and fizzy drinks in their cooler.

So why is it when people really want lose weight badly, do most still have junk foods to hand in their homes?

Most people hate the idea of giving up their favorite foods because they look on junk food as one of life’s little pleasures”

But consuming junk foods has nothing at all to do with enjoying life… In truth, when you stop eating junk foods you will enjoy life so much more because you feel better and have more energy daily. Also, getting into better shape by cutting out these things will certainly help improve the way your body looks. Therefore you will probably have more confidence

Healthy eating does not have to mean boring eating with bland tasteless food. When you start enjoying whole, natural food and start trying out all of the varieties of natural food on offer to you, you will realise that you can truly enjoy the taste of natural foods a whole lot more than salty, sweet, processed foods.

I used to drink sweetened tea and put a lot of sugar in coffee, but slowly I reduced the amount of sugar I would use in coffee and tea, I can now drink them both with no sugar or sweeteners.

Everyone should be able to enjoy what they eat without consuming highly processed junk food which is just about the worst thing for giving you an ugly fat belly! Actually, people are usually pleasantly surprised to find that many foods that they think of as junk food, have tasty and healthy alternatives that they never would have expected.

For example:

Junk food: a milk chocolate bar or a chocolate cookie

Healthy eating alternative: Extra-dark chocolate (with more than 70-75% cocoa content)… high in fiber and has a lot less sugar than milk chocolate

Junk food: Deep fried and battered chicken with fries (loaded with bad trans fats)

Healthy eating alternative: grilled chicken without the skin with peanut sauce for dipping, plus vegetables

Junk food: Fast-food processed meat burger on a white bun

Healthy alternative: A burger made from grass-fed meat, which is high in CLA. Along with grass-fed cheese on a wholemeal or grain roll

All healthy food but still tastes good!

Hopefully what you get from this report is that there are plenty of alternatives to eating junk food. Alternatives that not only taste good, but also helpwith your diet for losing that unsightly belly fat!


Source by Geoff G Payne