Diet to Lose 10 Pounds – A Recommended Diet Plan


A lot of people are seeking the best diet plan to lose 10 pounds. The question is: how fast do you want to lose those 10 pounds? The time frame determines your chances of success and the diet plan which you'll have to pursue.

The faster you want to lose 10 pounds, the more drastic measures you'll have to take and your chances of success will be slimmer. Any time frame shorter than 2 weeks will require a huge commitment on your part.

If you want to lose 10 pounds in 5 days or less, you will need to either use a cleansing diet (mostly based on drinking rich fruit juice) which will purge your body of undigested food and does not contain a great amount of calories. Another way is to do a number of days of intense physical activity. A good thing to do would be to go to a secluded place like a camping trip or a mountain cabin where you can perform physical activity and be far from unhealthy and fatty food.

If you have a week, a diet plan to lose 10 pounds would consist of heavy physical activity and a diet of reduced carbs and sugars. The reason you need intense physical activity is that there isn't enough time to lose enough weight through the powers of good nutrition alone.

If you have 10 days or two weeks, a good diet plan to lose 10 pounds can be either based on physical activity or on good nutrition. A good physical activity program is the Turbulence Training program. If you wish to follow a nutrition focused plan, the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet may be the way to achieve your results.

If you have a month to lose 10 pounds, your diet plan can be relatively minor. Avoid sugary drinks, fast food, fried food, useless carbs, and do some physical activity like taking brisk walks each day. However, with a good and scientifically based diet diet such as Turbulence Training or Fat Loss 4 Idiots, you can lose more than 10 pounds in 30 days. It all depends on what your goals are.

Be aware that any time frame of under 2 weeks may prove to be unhealthy as the weight loss is too drastic. Try to give yourself enough time to lose 10 pounds and it'll be easier with a higher level of success.


Source by John Davenport

How to Lose 100 Lbs in 2 Weeks


Recent studies show that there has been a greater increase in the number of obsessed Americans in comparison to the last 50 years. The hectic life style coupled with stress is the major reason. The lack of active life style and unhealthy eating worsens this further. Obese people have higher risks of heart diseases, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, hypertension, cancer, arthritis, sleep apnea, strokes, brain damage and diabetes.

Apart from this, obese people also have low self esteem and face appearance issues. People look upon them as unhappy, unhealthy, tired, sick or lazy individuals, most of the time. Weight loss and shape up are their dream cravings, which they feel will increases their self esteem, induces the feel good factor and enhances their appearances, besides making them healthy.

Are you one of those overweight people I am talking about? Desperately wanting to shed your extra weight and realise your dreams? Get rid of those extra 100 pounds in just two weeks! Is that even possible? The answer is -yes. There are many success stories in weight loss from people around the world. So, why not try it yourself, and start looking and feeling good in a couple of weeks. All it takes is some knowledge and a good amount of hard work on your part. Here we are to help you out with this. Follow these simple techniques below, and lose 100 pounds in two weeks starting today!

First of all I’d like to be frank with you. Losing 100 lbs is not a matter of joke. You cannot take 100 pounds for granted. It is a massive target requiring a great deal of hard work and determination.

Self confidence plays the key role in achieving your goal as it is needed to create in you the right mind set. Confidence derives its strength from past successes – either one’s own or someone else’s. So, I’d like to let you know of this person Rob, who in 1990 weighed 475 pounds. In less than two and a half years, he was able to get rid of almost 300 lbs. We are not going to make you strive that long. Be confident, you will be doing that in just 2 weeks from now.

Mental attitude can help you succeed. Achieve your desired weight loss with the right thinking about yourself. Self image is connected to the success or failure of the goal you are seeking after. List down all the negative thoughts you have about yourself. Like “I can’t do it”, “I won’t be able to finish successfully”, “I’m not active enough”, etc. Be determined that nothing will put you down. Next list down the positives – the ones you love about yourself. This list should be lengthier than the first one. Now, for every negative thing listed, write down the corresponding positives. Like, instead of “I can’t”, write “I can”. Now say it again and again to yourself until you no longer have that negative self image. Hang the list of potentials in a place where you often look at. Read it every now and then. This will reprogram your thoughts, and incorporate a positive self image in you.

Things to do

You have achieved your right mind set. Now you have certain things to do. Drop your calorie intake. Avid all junk foods and carbonated drinks. Say no to anything that has high calorific value -candy, cookies, soda, chips, butter, French fries, etc. Every single pound in your body weight is made up of almost 3500 calories! So every single calorie intake counts. Restrict your calorie intake to a previously decided amount.

Keep your tummy full so that you don’t go hungry. Eat loads of fruits and vegetables. Make sure that the fruits do not have high sugar content. Take more fibre rich food stuffs like fruits, cereals, wholesome grains, etc.

Exercise, involve yourself in a lot of physical activities, and keep active! Do intensive aerobic and strength exercises. Running, rowing, cycling, swimming and hiking are good exercises that burn calories fast. Try exercising vigorously. They are more beneficial in weight reduction than the modular ones. Work on specific areas that need more attention- like doing abdominal crunches in case your belly is in bad shape. You should also maintain strict disciplines regarding the timings. Exercising each morning is better than working out in any other time of the day. Because, you will breathe fresh air and morning sun rays rich in vitamin D at dawn. For at home weight loss exercises, learn and try; push ups, pull ups, weight squats, step ups, plank and stick ups. Warming up before exercising would help you exercise for a longer duration of time.

Detoxify your body of potentially toxic substances. There are harmless dietary regimes called the detox diets that have detoxifying effects. It is harmless as per physicians, dieticians and scientists. Follow a juice based detox diet like the lemonade diet. It will cleanse your body and make you lose weight within a short period.

Drink lots of water. Eight glasses of water a day will work your way to weight loss by speeding up your metabolism and ensuring proper digestion. It keeps you hydrated. An adequately hydrated system functions faster. Intake of proper amount of water makes you feel more.

Raise your metabolic rate. It is a simple and sensible way to weight loss. Have several frequent meals a day. This will burn down the calories faster.

Award Winning Diet To Lose 100 lbs

If you are serious about losing weight, checkout this award winning diet plan to lose xx pounds in A Month <- Click Here. Over 2 Million members have already used this diet with huge success. You will also get exclusive access to virtual trainers, online dietitians, fitness experts, a mentor, and a community support of 2 million members like you who want to lose weight.


Source by Andrea David

Lose 9 Lbs Every 11 Days! Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review


Okay, what you don't need to hear is how one becomes fat and that you need to lose weight because of health reasons, blah, blah, blah. Instead, I will focus on what Fat Loss 4 Idiots says it will do, how well it delivers, the benefits and my pros and cons of the program.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots claims you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days. That is a big claim … is this possible? As I did, you probably have your doubts, however, with the this diet and exercise program, it is possible. It does require though, the right program and applying the strategies outlined. To assist, Fat Loss 4 Idiots comes complete with an extensive handbook that teaches you how to eat and how not to eat, which is an obvious part of any weight loss plan.

A good diet is essential and part of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program is a meal plan (weight loss plan). The meal plans is made up of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and sources of good fat which come from whole foods, such as eggs or cottage cheese. To help round out your diet, starchy carbohydrates such as oats and pasta are included. The meal plan is divided into four daily meals that should be eaten at a maximum of 2 1/2 hours apart. Unlike oodles of other diets, calorie or carb counting is not part of Fat Loss 4 Idiots and there is no limit on portion size; Fat Loss 4 Idiots says you "just eat short of being full".

After following the meal plan for 11 days, there is a 3-day 'cheat' cycle. During this time, you can eat whatever you want, then the 11-day meal plan cycle begins again. The idea is to not allow your body to get comfortable and therefore, will not feel like it is starving during the 11-day session. This process has been widely advocated. rather than simply sending you to the grocery store empty handed, the meal plan is created by selecting from a list of preferred foods.

Now, this is not going to be like 'The Biggest Loser', where you spend hours a day on a treadmill and though Fat Loss 4 Idiots was developed for mainly sedentary people, they do recommend exercise. Though they do lay out a low-intense exercise program. Exercise is important for the success of any weight loss program. If you are interested in something more regarding exercise routine. May I refer you to

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a one thing only … an inexpensive weight loss program, designed solely for helping people lose weight. Don't take the statement as one of the program being weak; Fat Loss 4 Idiots provides you access to an on-line diet generator, diet workbook and a nutritional guide. This weight loss program recommends common-sense weight loss principles … brisk walking, plenty of water, etc., and contains only whole food diets (no processed foods, high-sugar foods, or supplements).

Pros: Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a very simple plan for darn near any person. The 'cheap' nature means that you do not have to spend crazy for a weight loss program. Secondly, the diet plan keeps your metabolism from working against you and allows to easily craft a complex meal plan. Third, the program is highly popular and would presume then, to be a successful program.

Cons: Fat Loss 4 Idiots is so simple though, it may start to get boring to follow. There is a lot of repetition in the meal plan which in these busy days, should be okay with most.


Source by Scott Siegrist