Calorie Shifting Diet Sample Meal Plan


A calorie shifting meal plan sounds like a complicated way to eat but in this article I will break down what calorie shifting is, how and why it works and provide a calorie shifting sample meal plan. Calorie shifting is a simple process where you change and alternate your calorie intake by eating different foods in very specific combinations. An example would be to eat 1000 calories one day followed by 1400 calories the next day then back down to 1100 calories then again back up to 1600 calories.

This would be an very broad example of calorie shifting. What happens when you calorie shift is your bodies metabolism is forced to work hard than usual because it has no idea what rate to burn calories at so it essentially goes into overdrive. A good analogy for this would be muscle building. When you lift weight you have to lift weights that are either more or different than what you previously lifted. If not there is no reason for your muscle to grow. To get muscle to grow you give it constant stimulus and keep it off balance so to speak. This is the same wayou calorie shifting works. If done right it can put your metabolism into overdrive and cause it to burn more calories and fat than normal.

A Few Rules To Follow When Following A Calorie Shifting Meal Plan:

  1. 80% Rule: DO NOT eat till you are full. Over time you will know what this feels like but only eat till 80% full.
  2. Eat 4-5 Meals: Instead of 3 bigger meals eat 5-6 smaller meals
  3. Water: Drink LOTS of water. Aim for half your bodyweight in ounces.

Sample Meal Plan:

Day 1:

10am 1 apple cut in slices 1/2 cup roasted unsalted cashews 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese

1:30pm 1/4lb roast beef 1 can tuna mixed with some mayonnaise steamed broccoli/zucchini/squash one can diet rootbeer

5:30pm broiled orange roughy filet with lemon pepper and parsley 1/4 cup unsalted walnuts

8:30pm 10 small shrimp w/lemon and cocktail sauce 4 slices English cheddar cheese 1/4 cup pinto beans

Day 2:

10am Roast beef sandwich: 2 slices of oat bread, homemade sliced roast beef (up to 3 oz.), tomatoes, iceburg lettuce, sweet white onions, 1 tbsp mayonnaise low fat one diet rootbeer at any time during the day except at night.

For the rest of your meals at 1:30, 5:30 and 8:30 you will only be eating fruit. You can eat as much as you want but ONLY eat till you are not hungry, not till you’re full! That’s very important. You will need to eat slower so your body has time to tell you when it’s full.

You are allowed to eat pears, apples, strawberries, oranges and plums

You can eat just 1 fruit or you can combine them all. But, do make sure you mix them up. Don’t eat just 1 of them for your next 3 meals.

This may seem weird but it is party of the CALORIE SHIFTING program. This IS based on an established and very effective dieting technique that has been proven to work. Hopefully you read my explanation above to learn more.

Day 3

10am 6 strips smoked bacon (broiled crips) 2 egg omelette with garlic and skim milk

1pm The “Big” Salad – Iceburg lettuce, mixed baby greens, roma tomato, sliced sweet onion, sliced red pepper, sliced zuchini, cubed roast ham, 1 oz boneless skinless chicken breast, Lite vinaigrette.

5pm One can diet Rootbeer 6oz can albacore tuna 2 tbsp. mayo 3 Medium roast beef slices

8:30 One hard boiled egg pastrami slices


Source by Ashley Atkinson

Free 3 Day Diets Plans – Quick Weight Loss in 3 Days


There are a variety of diets for a simple emergency loss in a short period. This article offers two free 3-day diets for your use. Remember these diets don't substitute for a longer periods of time or good eating habits but they certainly provide a quick fix when that party dress is a little tight.

If you like tuna, this three-day diet gives you some every day. Starts with tea or coffee that and if you sweeten it use no more than ½ packets of artificial sweetener.

The first day breakfast is ½ grapefruit juice or 1/2 grapefruit and one piece of toast with a spoon of peanut butter.

Breakfast for day two serves an egg, ½ banana and toast. Day three is an ounce of cheese, 5 saltine crackers and an apple.

Lunch on this 3-day diet is ½ cup of tuna and a piece of toast for day 1. Also tea or coffee with no more than ½ packages of low calorie sugar substitute.

Day 2 lunch is eight saltines and a cup of tuna or cottage cheese.

On day 3 you get an egg, one piece of toast and coffee or tea.

Dinner for the 3-day tuna diet offers 3 ounces of poultry or meat, 1 cup of green beans, 1 cup of carrots, 1 cup of regular vanilla ice cream and an apple for the first day.

Two bunless beef hot dogs, 1 cup of broccoli, ½ cup of carrots, and ½ cup of plain vanilla ice cream topped with ½ banana is the menu for day 2.

The final meal, dinner on day three offers one cup of tuna for supper, 1 cup of carrots and the same for cauliflower, 1 cup of melon and ½ cup of ice cream. Condiments such as mustard and ketchup are part of the basic diet.

Another quick weight loss free 3-day diet is the grape diet or grape juice diet. The diet, originally intended to rid the body of toxins, quickly removes weight in three days. The food is simple. Eat nothing but dark or light purple grapes or grape juice. Your grapes can be chopped, blended or whole.

You drink only water with the 3-day grape diet to flush the toxins out and get the weight off.
A lot of the weight loss from the free 3-day diets comes from water and returns after you cease the diet.

If your goal is just a quick fix for a special occasion that is not a problem.
Both of these free 3-day diets cause quick weight reduction but don't substitute for sound diet principals over long time periods.


Source by Subin Han

Why You Must Use Lemon Water For Fertility


If you are trying to get pregnant and yet cannot conceive, doctors recommend different methods to remedy this. Certain factors have been identified to lower the chances of conceiving. Some of these factors are alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, improper diet, and many more. Because of the different scientific studies that established the effects of diet on fertility, many doctors recommend that proper diet is a key to increase fertility.

Have you heard of lemon water? It has been said that this type of water is good for fertility. In fact, it has many health benefits. How does it help for most infertility couples?

For many years, lemon water for fertility has been gaining popularity among women who find it hard to conceive. Lemon water for fertility is from the Traditional Chinese Medicine, which uses natural ingredients to treat and prevent diseases.

Lemon is a great fruit because it is loaded with vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants. First and foremost, drinking water already does wonders for fertility. Water thins out mucus and increases it as well. And cervical fluid is very important in conception. Without cervical fluid, the sperm won’t be able to reach the egg. Furthermore, if the cervical fluid is of good quality and quantity, it can help the sperm stay alive for several days while waiting ovulation.

And if you add lemon to your drinking water, you are even increasing the likelihood of getting pregnant many times. The bodies are bombarded with harmful free radicals from pollution and food. And these free radicals can harm the sperm, egg, and reproductive organs. This is the importance of antioxidants. Antioxidants in this beverage will help destroy these free radicals thereby making your bodies more ready for conception. This is why it is effective for infertility treatment.

Another great advantage of lemon water for fertility is that it has no adverse effects since you are using an all-natural ingredient. You can continue drinking this even if you are already pregnant. You can also continue with your water regimen even if you are prescribed with fertility drugs or in conjunction with other fertility treatments.

Other health benefits include: detoxification, hormonal balance, enhanced immunity, liver health, digestive health, and great skin. How do you make this type of water? You simply have to add 1 to 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to your warm drinking water.

Lemon water for fertility can be consumed any time. Although many people believe that it is best early in the morning. Instead of drinking coffee or hot chocolate, drinking this beverage is great for re-hydrating your bodies. Furthermore, it can help to stimulate bowel movement in the morning.


Source by Eddy Wai KK