Foods to Fight Abdominal Fat – The Best Foods to Eat to Melt Away Stubborn Fat Lightning Fast!


If you want a flatter stomach, then proper nutrition is the most important step that will ensure incredible results. Take a couple of quick minutes to read the top foods to fight abdominal fat and get a flatter stomach incredibly fast! Okay my friend, there are a few pointers I would like to help you with first before we go into the best foods to eat for fat loss:

1.) Please avoid fad dieting – Fad dieting typically will end up being those celebrity diets, low carb diets, low fat diets, low calorie diets, etc. Those programs are only going to shut your metabolism down!
2.) Water – You'd be amazed at how faster you'll lose fat if you increase your water intake! I recommend for you to get 1/2 your body weight in ounces a day.
3.) Cardio & Weight Training – You must do both in order to lose abdominal fat. For cardio, I recommend HIIT (high intensity interval training), and for weight training, I recommend compound weight training (bench press, squats, dead lifts, etc.). Those types of workouts yield the best and fastest results.

Now, as mentioned above, proper nutrition is the most important step, and with that said, here are the best foods to fight abdominal fat:

1.) Protein (protein shakes, lean chicken breast, lean turkey breast, fat free yogurt, beans).
2.) Complex Carbs / Fiber (beans, whole grains, apples, green veggies).
3.) Healthy Fats – Monounsaturated / Omega / Polyunsaturated (fish, nuts, olive oil, fish oil supplements).
4.) Vitamins / Minerals – (fruits / veggies) (for fruits, I highly recommend apples and berries, and for veggies, I highly recommend darker green veggies such as spinach).

So, if you want to get a flatter stomach fast, follow these tips above, get a proven diet system for increasing your metabolism and getting proper nutrition, and include those foods above in your diet.


Source by Avy Barnes

Easy Diet Tweaks To Lose Calories


Nutrition is a significant part of our fitness plans. Investing time on planning daily meals can make us reap big rewards. Having basic knowledge of what goes into everyday foods allow you to swap high fat ingredients for low calorie ones. This results to maximum satisfaction minus the weight gain. One secret of making your nutrition plan tick is to make sure that your food is palatable. You should find it appealing enough to commit yourself to it. Otherwise, you’ll always find reasons to cheat on it. In the end, as in relationships, the one who cheats is the biggest loser. Or in this case, the one who expands in girth.

Midday sandwiches are healthy if you know how to choose what’s good for you. Turkey and chicken should be your top picks. We can compromise on roast beef but ham and other processed meats should be out of the picture. Instead of mayonnaise, you can use avocado to moisten a dry sandwich. On salads, go easy on light olive oils. They’re not as nutritious as the extra virgin ones. You can save on calories but lose out on the nutrient content. You can compromise by using extra virgin oil sparingly.

Before eating, drink two glasses of water. It fills you up and decreases the amount of food you’ll consume. Doing so also ensures that you get your eight glasses a day, which keeps you adequately hydrated. When going out, your beverage of choice should be preferably low in calories. Liquid calories are notorious for promoting weight gain because you just don’t regard them as serious calorie sources. Unsweetened iced tea and water are good choices. To avoid getting overwhelmed in the buffet table, just remember this rule. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Fill the rest with complex carbohydrates and lean protein.

If you’ve got a chocolate craving you can’t shake off, here’s a little trick. Add shavings of dark chocolate into chili or barbecue sauces. You’ll get a rich flavor plus antioxidants. Just don’t overdo it. Rid your canned beans of too much sodium. These are rich sources of protein but too much sodium is not good for your health and your belly. Rinsing canned beans sheds one third of their total sodium content.

A healthy nutrition plan is essential for lasting weight and fat loss. This is simply because such action will enable you to sustain the entire process. Temporary “fits all” diets are just quick fixes. They may be effective at first, however, purely unreliable in the long run. All the weight you lost is bound to come back later. A healthy nutrition plan is like a good spouse. It might not be the most attractive option but one that will assuredly love you back.


Source by Mark Warrington

Is the 3 Day Diet Any Good?


The 3 day diet is a popular diet for those looking to shed some quick pounds before a big event usually a weeding, dance or party. It is not a long term diet plan for continued healthy sustained weight loss therefore it does not rank well here.

Although the 3 day diet can lead to quick weight loss for a short period of time it should be known that the weight loss is mostly water weight. Anyone attempting this diet should be aware that it is ONLY intended for a quick burst of weight loss before a big even as mentioned above. It will most definitely be gained back shortly after ending the diet. The diet being tied to the American heart association gives credibility to the diet and while the diet is good for the heart the biggest misconception is in the actual use of the diet. As long as people use the diet for what it is intended it can be very effective.

On the diet you will be eating everything from fish to tuna and mayo. It is rich is omega 3 fatty acids. While there are a few variations of the 3 day diet they are all meant to accomplish the same thing. The biggest complaint of this diet is the yo-yo effect where weight will bounce from lower to higher without reason or logic. This can be frustrating for a dieter that is looking to manage weight consistently long term.


1. Quick weight loss can be achieved for that special party or event

2. Diet is not risky or unhealthy


1. Long term weight loss not achievable

2. Body experiences a yo yo effect

3. Most weight lost is water weight

Sample Day


1 c frosted wheat squares

½ c 2% skim milk

2 oz turkey bacon


1 medium apple

2 Tbsp peanut butter


3 oz tuna salad

3 slices whole wheat bread

0.5 c romaine lettuce

2 slices tomato


½ 9″ flour tortilla (1oz)

1 tsp mustard

1 oz sliced turkey breast


8 oz cnd beef ravioli (~1c)

½ c steamed broccoli

1 medium apple


Source by Ashley Atkinson