Fruits and vegetables Diet – How I Lost 13 Pounds in 14 days with a 2 Week fruits and vegetables Cleanse


Fruit and Vegetable Diet Cleans are really gaining popularity as a way to reach a very rapid weight loss!

After a stressful winter I had packed on some unwanted unsightly books I wanted quick gOnE.

Summer is coming and that meant skimpier clothing and shorts and I do not want to wear layers of clothes to hide my bulges and rolls if you know what I mean. Besides my comfortable clothes normally had become much less comfortable (read :! Tight around the mean).

I had lost weight before and kept away for years, but because of my emotional eating during a long period of stress in my life a little weight slid back on my body and I was miserable! I knew that the usual tricks and plans and weight loss options but I’m damn sick of them.

I do not want to see another diet meals frozen Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers. I knew deep in these frozen concoctions were packed with preservatives and often loads of sodium and chemicals.

Moreover, I had been a vegetarian for many years in my past and my instinct told me I had to go out to eat animals inhumanely treated the breeding factory that have had experience the slaughterhouse.

So it seemed like a natural progression for me to take a look at a way of eating, I had embraced in the past and see if it would give me the results I wanted. I wanted to lose weight quickly, improve my energy and stamina and improve the appearance of my skin and my overall health.

I started with a fruit and vegetable cleanse 14 days and I’m blown away! The books came flying so fast, it makes your head spin. I was never hungry and I ate a lot of delicious healthy food! You can imagine how I had to get on the ladder after 14 days and see the huge weight loss.


Source by Jana Suzzane