An Honest Review of Herbal Magic Diet Plan


Herbal Magic is a Canada based weight loss centre specialized in weight management and herbal supplements. According to Herbal Magic, their clients lost in average 2 to 7 pounds a week. Their program is also said to be able to improve various health issues, including stress, cold flu, arthritis, and digestion. If you are interested in Herbal Magic, you may arrange free and private consultation with the company to determine the appropriate program and herbal supplements based on your health profile.

The Herbal magic diet meal consists of the following: 2 proteins, 2 starches, 2 fruits, 2 fats, 1 dairy and 3 vegetables. Beside, you have to take their herbal supplements 30 to 60 minutes before each meal. According to Herbal Magic official website, there’s no set cost for their weight loss program. You will find out the cost after the consultation. According to reliable source, the joining fee is $1000. After that, you pay approximately $250 every month for the herbal supplements and 1 to 1 consultation. In fact, depending on your health profile, you may need to buy more herbal supplements which cost far more than $250.

If you are interested in Herbal Magic, my recommendation is save your money. The reason is rather simple: it is too expensive! The price is simply outrageous. If you want to follow the plan religiously for a period of time, the cost can add up pretty quickly. You should spend the money to get advice from your family doctor instead of the consultants from Herbal Magic. In fact, we are not even sure if these consultants have the proper qualification! Even if they do, you have to be careful as they may earn commission from products that you purchase via them. At such, they may not have your best interest in mind.

Sure many people swear that Herbal Magic helped them to lose weight, but I suspect that it is direct results of low calories intake. In addition, if you examine the meal plan, you will notice that it lacks flexibility. It’s not feasible in the long run. What’s worse, if you stop the plan, you may stop losing weight or gain back the weight. Besides, I would also like to question the long term safety, potency, side effects and effectiveness of herbal supplements from Herbal Magic. I really wonder: why are their herbal products more expensive than market price?

Sorry to disappoint you, but there’s simply no “magic” when come to weight loss. However, don’t be discouraged, there are good plans out there to help you shed away the fat.


Source by C.Y. Lai

1000 Menu Calorie Diet Meals With


Several diet plans have become common in recent years, mainly thanks to the experts on the internet. Most will advocate reducing calories to lose weight and diet of 1000 calories seems low, but it is effective. This weight loss diet will depend on the person of sedentary nature, or one that likes to sit around a lot and do little exercise -. The sweet potato couch

Due to the severe restriction of calories, 1000 calories a day diet is a short term solution, and should not exceed three days at a time. It would be advisable to consult a qualified physician or nutritionist before embarking on such a strict diet. You have to consider the daily demands of your body with diet of 1000 calories and if you provide the necessary nutrition to stay healthy.

This diet is usually recommended by the medical profession where obesity has reached the stage where it is life threatening, and you might well call the diet of 1000 calories an emergency measure. Also keep well hydrated if you decide on this plan or any other plan; not only is water essential for your well-being, it is a great peacemaker of hunger.

The following plan was approved by the USDA and recommend these proportions for diet of 1000 calories to provide the correct nutrition during weight loss procedure.

1 cup of vegetables and fruits, cereals 3ozs, 2 ozs of beans and meat, 2 cups milk, 3 tablespoons of coffee good quality oil (extra-virgin olive oil appropriate) more than 165 calories of your choosing to give you the perfect diet plan. And do not forget to drink water within your limits of comfort

sample diet plan :.

1 meal:

· Your breakfast should be a chopped banana on a bowl of cereal with skim milk and a little honey or better , coconut sugar

snack mid morning :.

· 1 cup of skim milk or yogurt with ½ cup of fresh or frozen strawberries


· 2 slices whole wheat bread with 3 ounces of lean beef, or ham, ½ cup raisins or a plum salad, lettuce, cucumber and tomato with olives and chopped apples. Sprinkle with olive oil

Mid snack :.

· Half a small apple with cottage cheese. (About 75 calories)


· Stuff tortilla with ½ cup of mashed beans, ¼ cup of rice, a handful of lettuce, and a small small slice of cheese into solid fat. Plus a dash of Tabasco, if you dare.

· Before you retire, you can have a cup of grapes or strawberries.

water, herbal teas and drink no calories can be consumed throughout the day.

more meal suggestions:

1 st Meals:

· Make a small bowl and cook up some oat bran. Throw in a sliced ​​banana, some raisins, a tablespoon of cinnamon and a cup of skim milk. Sweeten with sugar coconut or some honey

snack mid morning :.

· You’d be surprised at how a handful of nuts can be so filling. Choose your favorites and add some raisins

Lunch :.

· There is nothing nicer than scrambled eggs on a slice of whole wheat bread, and it is low in calories. Add to that strong ½ cup cheese sprinkled on top

Evening meals :.

· Decorate your plate with finely chopped lettuce and place on top 6 cherry tomatoes, ½ cup sliced ​​green pepper, 6 onions, ½ avocado, chicken, chopped 2 oz. Dress with extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar and sprinkled with dried basil.

The diet of 1000 calories an ideal starting regime before undertaking a long-term diet, which is of course a life change for a healthier lifestyle. Develop what I have shown you here and add your own ingredients, but uses a calorie counter to keep track of your input. If you continue with this plan, you will lose weight and if you do not have to be so serious with your weight loss program you can always make your own sensitive adjustments.


Source by Sheila Griffin

A sensible diet and exercise plan to lose weight


With so many fad diets on the market, it can be difficult to find a good diet and exercise to lose weight. In fact, there are only two main ingredients necessary for a weight loss plan. They are to eat less and exercise more!

You will lose weight by eating fewer calories, but if you want faster results, then combining fewer calories with exercise is the answer.

The best way to start a diet and reasonable exercise for weight loss is to keep a food diary. Save what you currently eat for a day or two. Then analyze these results, sit and watch how much you eat during a day. Add up all the calories and be surprised.

The first thing you need to do is cut 500 calories a day. Do that for a week will result in a one-pound weight loss. If your goal is to lose 2 pounds a week and cut 1000 calories each day. These first steps are very simple to perform. Looking through your food diary you will probably notice how many snacks you eat. Cookies, crackers, cheese and more, all you have to do is to cut these out. They could possibly account for more than 1,000 calories a day!

Other simple ways to reduce your calories are removing all prepackaged foods that you used previously. These are known to be loaded with calories, chemicals and fats. The preparation of fresh fruit and vegetables should become a daily habit. If you just do not have time then using frozen vegetables is the next best thing. Cutting down on your portions will reduce the amount of calories you eat. A great trick here is to eat your meals on smaller plates. Your plate is full and you still get the satisfaction of eating a large plate, just without the extra calories.

Adding exercise to your daily routine should not be a nightmare. The word exercise causes pictures to work out hard in the gym or running until you drop. It need not be this way! If you have not exercised in a while, you want to start slowly. Just add 10 minutes walk of your day, even if it is just to walk to the end of the street and back. Time yourself, before you know it you will be walking this distance faster. Now it is time to increase the distance, making around the block or head out to your local park for a stroll. Any exercise will be beneficial. As your body adjusts, you will find that you need to exercise for longer periods or simply increase the intensity of each workout.

Other simple exercises are swimming, dancing, cycling and climbing stairs. The next time you’re at the mall make a point to take the stairs and not the elevator. Any additional exercise will eventually show on the scale.

As you can see, a reasonable diet and exercise for weight loss is easy to find and implement. There are large additional resources available that offer everything from nutritional advice for recipe ideas. Make use of these to keep your trip interesting weight loss.


Source by Marquita J. Moten