The Green Wonder Food – Can Aid Weight Loss


Spirulina is a blue-green micro alga with an extraordinarily rich combination of nutrients. The single cell organism has the highest photosynthetic conversion rate (process by which plants create their own food using the energy from sunlight) in the plant kingdom.

The United Nation’s FAO has declared this energy-giving super food as “the best food for tomorrow”, which is not surprising considering that 1 gram of spirulina has the same nutritional value as 1 kilogram of vegetables.

Spirulina has been known for centuries in many parts of the world for its exceptional nutritional and health benefits. Both the Aztecs in Mexicoand the Mayas in Central Americavalued spirulina as a nutritional supplement. Recent scientific studies have proven that no other plant has such high nutritional value. The wonder food is very rich in proteins (60%-70%), as well as in vitamins and minerals.

It contains a total of 18 amino acids, 9 of which are essential for the human body. It also contains a valuable combination of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, H), unsaturated fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, and other trace elements. Thanks to its fine and soft cell structure, is easily digested and quickly assimilated, and comes very close to being the ideal food for humans.

As Spirulina is the highest protein food, with about 15 times more protein than steak, it is usually recommended as a food supplement for vegetarians and athletes. As it is such a concentrated nutrient, it can be used in weight loss diets, taken before meals in order to satisfy the body’s appetite, it doesn’t work in the same way as other appetite suppressants, as what it actually does is to feed the body in concentrated easy to digest form, fulfilling most of the body’s nutritional needs.


Source by Inma Mediero

2468 Diet Reviews – Can 2468 Diet Really Make You Lose 10 Pounds Per Month Safely?


Markets & online search engines are flooded with various weight loss diets. A new entry in these diets is 2468 diet. This is a calorie based meal plan. Can it really help you lose 10 pounds per month? As a matter of fact it surely can, but only at the cost of your health. Given below is a 2468 Diet Review:

Let us first understand what is 2468 Diet?

It is a 4 day cycle of meals that makes you eat different amount of calories everyday

Day 1 – 200 calories

Day 2 – 400 calories

Day 3 – 600 calories

Day 4 – 800 calories

This is why this weight loss plan is called as 2468 diet plan. This low calorie meal plan almost puts you to starvation.

Reviews of 2468 Diet Plan?

· Losing weight at the cost of your health is never advisable. Taking 200 calorie in a day, you might actually faint. Now the maximum calories you take in this diet is 800 pounds, which is again quite low. An average adult body requires minimum 1200 calories per day. There are other low cal diets that give you 1000 calories per day that is yet tolerable to an extent.

· Another thing we must know is that losing body fat in terms of weight loss is good. But losing muscle mass would make you ill & weak. Also, these pounds would come back the moment you quit the given diet plan. It also cuts on the water weight of the body that can lead to chronic diarrhea.

· Starvation leads various serious health issues. Some other side effects are as follows:




Blurry vision



The 2468 Diet reviews might report many weight loss success stories but remember your health is far more important. Another healthy means of losing on those lover handles is acai berry & colon cleansing. It is a healthy & safe combo for weight loss as well as weight management! They can easily help you lose 10 pounds or more per month!


Source by Amy Myers

1400 Calorie a Day Diet – Make Your Own 1400 Calorie Diet Menu Properly and Burn Fat, Not Muscle


The pharmacies and online markets are flooded with weight loss diet supplements. Some of them are good but expensive. Others have side effects. You can lose weight and burn your fat planning a simple 1400 calorie a day diet. You can draft your own meal plan using simple tips. These are as follows:

· Any diet that you take up must give you all required nutrients. Also the diet must not starve you. There is a difference in burning fat and losing muscle mass. Losing muscle mass is very unhealthy for any person. Also that weight comes back the day you stop the diet. Burning fat is the actual healthy eight loss that you should target.

· Read the labels of the food items you purchase. It is important because in order to make your 1400 calorie a day meal plan you must know the caloric value of any product. This would help you chart the diet that you should take in advance.

· Your diet must include lean proteins, raw vegetables & fruits, nuts, etc.

· Avoid oily foods, rice, white flour, potatoes, junk foods, etc.

· Replace cheese and butter with low fat cheese, etc.

· Replace sugar with honey & apples, etc.

· Use cayenne pepper & lemon for dressing the recipes.

· In you meal plan include some low calorie diet recipes.

· Include salads & juices as far as possible in your 1400 calorie a day meal plan.

· Detox drinks like honey lemon and maple syrup lemon would be a great help.

· Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

· You can also include some natural weight loss diets like acai berry & colon cleansers.

· 1400 calorie a day would only help you lose weight if you exercise at least 30 minutes daily. You can so some moderate exercises like swimming, jogging, cycling, walking, etc. In case you do intense exercises, 3 times a week, 30 minutes per session would be good.


Source by Amy Myers