5 The plans for busy people


If you live a busy life and can not devote time to a conventional diet, fear not. There are many diets out there that get great results whatever your lifestyle and are easy to implement, no matter how busy you are. These five diets for busy people are natural and therefore all long-term weight loss results remain! Furthermore one of these plans is so powerful that people can actually lose 10 pounds or more in less than 2 weeks without trying! So let us already

Diet 1: The green tea diet. I’m sure you’ve heard about the benefits of health and amazing weight loss green tea, but the ideal way to drink this is by substituting green tea for other drinks morning / evening like coffee. Drinking green tea at least 2 times a day without sugar will start to show after about 2 weeks. Very easy to find product and very easy to implement in your life

Diet 2: apple cider vinegar diet. So many health gurus voted in favor of this “elixir” calling it the greatest product ever to be made. The cider vinegar not only helps people lose weight quickly and restores the health of people, but it also contains MANY nutrients and health benefits, including improving the immune system, fewer allergies, regulation digestive system, improving blood circulation and more. Drinking apple cider vinegar with juices like cranberry juice. It is imperative that you mix at least 1 teaspoon cider vinegar with at least one cup of water or juice because the cider vinegar is too acidic to drink on its own

Diet 3 :. Drink 10 glasses of water daily. I’m sure you’ve heard that drinking lots of water is good for you, but can it also help you lose weight? The answer is yes. If you substitute sodas, coffee, drinks and even normal with water and drink at least 10 times a day (10 glasses), you can lose weight. Water naturally flushes out the toxins and undigested food in the body, causing the body to stabalize, improve metabolism and attach naturally, causing the improvement of health and weight loss occur

Diet 4 :. The lemon diet. The lemon diet was considered the most powerful system ever created. It has been known to cause people to lose up to 20 pounds of weight loss in 10 days or less. He was also known to cure chronic diseases and regenerate the health of people so, people in their 40s report feeling again 20. The lemon diet is not the easiest diet to accomplish. It requires that you drink 32 ounces of salt water in the morning, six glasses of water mixed with organic maple syrup and lemon 6 times a day, and drink a laxative tea every night for 7-10 days. You can not eat during this time. Of the 5 diets for busy people listed here, the lemonade diet is the most difficult to accomplish, but at the same time is the most powerful and beneficial

Diet 5 :. The transfer of food calories. Earlier it was said that there was a power in this list which was so powerful that people could lose 10 pounds or more in less than 2 weeks without trying. Well, what is the diet. Although it does not include all the health benefits causes lemonade diet, calorie shifting works for himself and is ideal for busy people. It automatically causes the metabolism and burn fat to soar and stay that way, regardless of what you eat or do. This is the most flexible system ever invented and works for absolutely everyone.


Source by Vitaliy Gershfeld

Diet plan for fatty liver – 8 rules for reverse FLD


A diet for fatty liver should be holistic in its approach not only to improve liver health, but also the overall health of the human body. Anything you eat, good or bad, finds its way through the liver before being distributed to other regions of the body. Performing over 200 functions, the liver is a critical organ, and a healthy liver is usually a healthy body.

fatty liver disease (FLD) results when the triglyceride fat is more than 5-10% of liver weight. Fat accumulates in and around the liver cells (hepatocytes), which causes the liver to become larger and heavier. When this happens, some patients complain of abdominal pain and discomfort and the sensation of feeling “stuffed” in the lower torso area on the right side of the body.

For most, foie gras in its early stages (Simple steatosis) is an asymptomatic condition. Many patients are unaware of the condition until it is deteriorating. When this occurs, symptoms may include weakness and fatigue, nausea, anorexia, confusion, abdominal pain and jaundice. If not corrected through diet and exercise, FLD can progress to cirrhosis or liver cancer and can become fatal.

A fatty liver cure does not exist. However, this does not mean that the condition can not be treated, slowed or even reversed. Although alternative treatment methods such as the use of vitamin C and E, Epsom salts, milk thistle, and a variety of different drugs exist and are gaining popularity in some medical circles, a good diet and Exercise is still the best way to fight against the FLD.

Diets for fatty liver patients to follow some key principles. Here’s a quick breakdown that can help you if you have alcoholic FLD or not.

  • Focus on foods rich in complex carbohydrates such as brown rice and whole grains.
  • Reduce your intake of refined and simple carbohydrates like those found in sugar, white bread, egg pasta, cakes and many desserts.
  • Eat plenty of servings of fruits and vegetables every day. A tip :. raw vegetable juices can be extremely healthy for the liver
  • Stay away from fried, fatty and processed foods, especially processed meats such as sausages and hot dogs.
  • Reduce and limit your intake of dairy products. When dairy consumption emphasis on organic yogurt and ricotta and / or cottage cheese. You can also opt for soy and rice milk instead of whole milk or 2%.
  • Margarine, excessive consumption of fat condiments such as salad dressing, sweetened fruit juices, energy drinks and alcohol should be avoided.
  • Focus on lean white meats such as chicken or turkey instead of beef or pork. Free-range meats are the best because they do not contain harmful steroids, growth hormones, and other antibiotics.
  • drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters per day).


Source by D. J. Atterson

Diet for women pear shaped – is the result of the pear-shaped woman


Women come in different shapes and sizes – in fact often we are talking about women pear shaped and apple-shaped women. Unfortunately, most weight loss programs are designed for girls in the form of more frequent apple. For this reason, a lot of juicy pears are left out in the cold, which begs the question: What is a good diet for pear-shaped women

First, the good New: You can use almost any diet, no matter what your shape. Diets do not attack specific parts of your body when they flush fat from your system. Instead, they reduce fat all over your body. Therefore almost every sensible diet help you reduce your pear shape.

  • The best way to do is make sure you eat three to five small meals a day – and above all, do not skip breakfast. When you give your body food in the morning, it jump starts your metabolism and allows your body to properly digest the food you give him for the rest of the day.
  • Eat dinner as soon as you can when you get home from work – because if you eat dinner before bed, you give your body the conflicting management – using energy to digest, but lock body to get ready for sleep – and you end up gaining weight.
  • Drink plenty of water during the day. Reduce carbohydrates and fat means. Instead of eating lots of fruits and vegetables and low fat protein like chicken and beans. If you need to snack during the day to eat fruit or vegetables.
  • Avoid processed foods like the plague and never get food to take away – it’s full of fat that can ruin your diet.

Now for the bad news: most exercises plans marketed women do not work for women pear shaped. They are designed for apples. So you have to throw them like yesterday’s news.

Notice that plans traditional exercise for women focusing on the ups and crunches and sit bench presses. These are great for apples, but can actually make women pear shaped look worse. If all they will exploit your shape and make you look even more pear-shaped, and then when you started.

Instead, the thing for you to do is to build your upper body as you lose weight through diet. This will balance your body and make your figure more sinuous than low-heavy.

The best way to do this is to use free weights to build your arms, chest, back and torso. Do a lot of loops. Hold the dumbbells over your head and slowly lower them down to the neck. Lie on your back and lift the dumbbells over in the air until they are above your chest. Do a lot of push ups.

Avoid crunches and sit-ups until you have built your upper body. Keep it work and make sure – even after you start working on your lower body -. You make about twice as many upper body exercises like body or the lower stomach exercises

Keep it with the help of a sensible diet and nobody will dare think that you were never a pear!


Source by Cornell Dayne