The Right Way to Diet


The favorite topic of health conscious and figure conscious people seems to be the best ways to diet. Entire books have been written on this topic. This weight loss frenzy has given birth to an entire industry feeding on the insecurities of overweight people. It has become seemingly impossible to escape the advertisements of weight loss products bombarding us from every form of the media including newspapers, magazines, television and the internet. These products range from exercising equipment to slimming belts to special meals supposedly designed through scientific research to provide your body with the proper nutrients while keeping your weight in check.

Most people erroneously think that one of the best ways to diet is to reduce their calorie intake by eating only a single meal per day. This practice is nothing short of putting your health in jeopardy. Eating less puts the body into starvation mode where it actually starts storing more fat in an effort of self preservation. When food intake is suddenly reduced, the body panics. This leads to increase in fat storage and lowering of overall metabolism. While this genetically ingrained panic instinct helped our ancestors survive in times of famines, it actually hampers us in the world of today where food is abundantly available.

Now that we have established the failure of calorie intake reduction in facilitating weight loss, it becomes clear that the focus should be on the right way to diet rather than the best ways to diet. An effective way to lose weight is to eat the right foods that discourage fat buildup and instead jack up the metabolic rate. For instance, green tea contains an extract that has been shown to improve the rate of metabolism. Ditching the morning coffee for green tea would thus be more beneficial. Fiber-rich foods like whole-wheat cereal make your stomach feel more full thus satisfying your hunger and also aid in lowering blood cholesterol. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be eaten in generous amounts and effort should be made to stay away from processed foods as much as possible.


Source by Cyeli Rony

Diet or Exercise?


It is a known fact that the 2 most important areas for anyone wanting to lose weight are DIET and EXERCISE. But more often than not, one would just decide to focus on one area to achieve the maximum effect. So which is it – to go for a proper diet or to focus on regular exercise to shed that extra kilos?

One would argue that eating right or proper diet control is certainly the more effective way to weight loss, but for some people who are genetically fat or overweight, they may not achieve substantial weight loss just by eating right or not over-eating for that matter . In such cases it makes great sense to compliment the dieting with regular exercise in order to achieve the desired weight reduction.

On the other hand, one would reason that just focussing on a proper and regular exercise regiment would lead to faster weight reduction as it helps to burn the unwanted calories almost instantly. This is definitely a fact. However, if one doesn't control the amount and type of food intake and choose to indulge in over-eating, one may need to put in more hours and the frequency of workouts in order to burn off the excessive calories due to such an eating pattern.

At the end of the day, assuming personal responsibility over our eating habits and exercise schedules should be the order of the day. Learning to understand how your body responds to food and exercise is crucial as it gives you an idea of ​​how much of each is sufficient for you to achieve your weight loss objective to stay in the pink of health.


Source by Bernard Teo

Why Can not I Stick to a Diet


So you need to lose 10 (or 20 or 30) pounds – or think you do – but we'll get to that later, missy. Well what is so hard about that? All you need is a little self discipline. After all, you only need to eliminate 3,500 calories from your intake, and whoosh – it's gone.
A one time deal and you never have to think about it again, Right? Right ?? Do not I wish !!

Why is it that I do not hear cheers and the sound of high fives from around the room? What I do hear is the sneaky rustle of potato chip bags and Twinkie's wrappings. Ah, you say, I could stick to a diet if it were not for those nasty food cravings.

All right, I hear you, and yes, I'll admit that food cravings are real, and the good news is that there could be medical reasons for these cravings.

o Are you pregnant? If you think you could be, please get tested. Do not wait for nine months to find out, girls. That kid needs to be fed right, and fed right NOW. (You want a pickle? Go for it, mom! Just do not use pregnancy to justify stuffing your tummy with everything you have tried to deny yourself for the past 15 years.)

o Premenstrual? Look at the calendar. Does simply being a woman make want you a candy bar? (Or some candy bars? I'll take two plain chocolate, one with almonds, and a little bag of … but you get the point.)

o Low insulin levels? Yes, lack of insulin could be driving your irrational desire for Real Food, ie, lots of carbohydrates. If you have low blood sugar or if there is diabetes in your family, your body will try to protect itself by storing every calorie within reach. Go to a doctor immediately, and get this checked out, will you? There are also great website loaded with information, check Insulite Labs for a great one.

o Low Serotonin? So your boss hates you, your mom will not get off your back about your messy living room, and your guy is the reason for the messy living room, in the first place. Sure, everyone wants to feel good, and if you are under a lot of stress, your body may start holler for a one pound bag of chocolate chip cookies, fudge-ripple ice cream or three Margaritas. Are you going to give in?

Yes, food desires are out there, but the question is, 'What can you do about them?' Well, apart from the very real medical issues that some women face, you can do a lot.

Now I know that some of you do not want to go the gym, but exercise really helps. Not only does it elevate the level of those natural feel-good chemicals, it tones your muscles (making the body you have look better, even if it weighs the same), it reduces the number of calories that are available for storage on your inner thighs, and gets you out of harm's way (that bag of potato chips can not see you when you are at the gym). Now that's not just a two-fer, it's a four-fer! Of course, you do not have to go to the gym to exercise. You can take long walks with a friend, go bowling, or swim at your local pool – better than watching TV any day.

Meditation and yoga help, too, and yoga helps keep you flexible, as well as calming your nerves (the ones that are frayed because of your guy, your boss, and your mother: see above). Sex and a bath with candles can help, too. The point is that we do have a lot of control over our lives, so let's go girls!


Source by Heather R. Bishara