Starving Yourself To Lose Weight – Is This The Easiest Diet?


Are you starving yourself to lose weight? For many their first attempts to lose weight are simply to skip meals now and again. It seems a logical thing to do, after all you will be eating less so you should lose weight. And with all the pressures of modern life, there just is not the time for keeping track of what you're eating or counting calories.

It is true that to achieve any weight loss you should overall consume less calories than you need, and for many the simple way is to do that is to cut out meals. But this method is not a balanced approach to losing weight. When you start cutting out meals, your body is suddenly faced with a shortage of food and reacts by burning less calories and trying to preserve energy. This is your metabolism slowing down. You body is effectively preparing for a period of food shortage. The sudden loss of nutrients caused by your body when you skipped your meals has triggered your body into survival mode.

For your body to function normally, it needs a regular supply of nutrients. By following a starvation diet, you deprive your body of the nutrients your body needs to be able to burn calories effectively. The result for you is failure.

A starvation diet can also be harmful to your health. You can start to lose muscle tissue and this is hard to recover. Muscle tissue is an important factor in driving your metabolism, so any loss will make the burning of your reduced calorie intake less effective. When you reach this stage you will find it hard to lose any weight and may even start to put weight back on.

You may also notice that you often feel very tired. The loss of muscle tissue affects many functions in your body and so all those functions have to work harder as there is less muscle to do the job. This is absolutely the worst place to be.

It is important that you realize that starving as a means of losing weight is not an effective approach. The best way to drop those pounds is to follow a nutritionally rich diet. The key to successful dieting is to fire up the metabolism to burn off the fat, and you can do that by simple changes in the food you eat. You can also improve your results by taking some form of exercise. This will help to increase your metabolism and burn off the fat quicker.

I hope this article has helped you and you now understand that you should not be starving yourself to lose weight.


Source by Jenny Grahams