Diet Plan for rheumatoid arthritis


More and more people are drawn to make changes in their lifestyle to prevent the development of certain diseases. People who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis are not different from these people. One of the most popular techniques lifestyle change is making a diet for rheumatoid arthritis. There are many many different suggestions in terms of diet appropriate for diseases. However, it is important to remember that not everyone will benefit from these schemes. The key is to choose one that suits you best.

It is important to keep in mind that most diet plans for rheumatoid arthritis does not promise to cure diseases. His only goal is to carry out an on the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. In the following sections, I will mention some of the popular diets followed by most people with rheumatoid arthritis

& bull. Get rid of the Solanaceae. Among the most common diet claims is that getting rid of the Solanaceae, which include potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, and most peppers, relieves arthritis. This diet is less likely to cause damage, but no research supports

& bull. Alkaline diet plan. The alkaline system assumes that the various forms of arthritis are the result of the excessive acid from the diet. Some foods to avoid in this diet are sugar, coffee drinks them, red meat, and the majority of grains, nuts and citrus fruits. The changes are observed for only one month

& bull. Vegetarian diet. Some people describe the symptoms improve, but the evidence is to be combined. A little research of people with RA showed improvement in four weeks, and follow-up studies of those who stayed introduced the diet improvements after one and two years

& bull. Switching fats. Among the correlations among the recognized food and arthritis is that omega-6 fatty acids increase swelling and omega-3 fatty acids cut back. This type of diet for rheumatoid arthritis include limiting the consumption of meat and poultry, and increase your intake of cold water fish such as sardines, mackerel, trout and fish

& bull. Green tea. Drinking green tea daily can help people with RA. Studies funded by the Arthritis Foundation have shown that polyphenols in green tea providing at significantly lowered mice the number of cases and the intensity of RA. Human studies certainly not, but confirmed the results. Integrating a good amount of green tea in the diet of rheumatoid arthritis may provide relief of symptoms of the disease.


Source by Vendra Funporseno