The No Torture Way to Live With Your Diet


How many diet plans have you read about that recommend that you throw out all your food and start over? It's a common suggestion. What does this mean for you? For starters, it means you have to spend more money. In addition, the foods that many of these diet plans expect you to live on are outrageous at best. Living on a diet that is consistent of nothing but tofu and alfalfa greens is not healthy.

Torture like this is not necessary. It is quite possible for you to diet and still enjoy normal foods. They key is to what you are eating. If you have a balanced diet that includes all four of the major foods groups, in the right daily serving amounts and portion sizes, you are not only going to lose weight, but you will be provided your body with everything that it needs at the same time.

Eating in moderation is important. You should have 3 normal meals, with 2 snack times, each day. This will ensure that you are getting the right servings that you need. A general idea for portion sizes would be to make a fist. The portion size of your food should not be bigger than your fist.

Eating too much in one sitting is also a hindrance to your diet. You should only eat until you feel satisfied. If you feel like you need to unbutton your pants, you're eating too much at once. Overeating slows down food digestion. Stick to a schedule with your portions measured out.

Find a healthy alternative to junk food. Choose baked chips or dried fruit. Baked chips have less fat and cholesterol. Dried fruit can feed your need for sweet stuff and provide you with a serving or two of fruits in the process. Rice or popcorn cakes are another junk food substitution. The occasional ice cream or cookie is okay, though it should be enjoyed in moderation.


Source by Miri Khutoretsky