Eliminate Toenail Fungus With a Healthy Diet Plan


Toenail fungus is an infection that stems from the constant exposure of your feet to dirt and grime. It can also be a hereditary disease that runs in your family. Even so, there are ways to eliminate toenail fungus no matter how acute your condition might be. Furthermore, you do not even have to spend a lot on the cure.

Before you run off to a dermatologist and spend tons of dollars on complicated treatment procedures, you can first start by modifying your daily food intake. This is a not only a very easy and inexpensive way to eliminate toenail fungus but is also one of the most effective remedies. In fact, most cases of toenail fungal infections can be cured simply by increasing the intake of certain vitamins and minerals.

To maximize the benefits of your new healthy diet plan, make sure that you include foods that are rich in the following vitamins and minerals.

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential component in helping your body use the proteins that you take in. Without an adequate supply of Vitamin A, your immune system is weakened and the body's defenses are slack, allowing the growth and proliferation of substances that create infection your body – including toenail fungus.

To increase your Vitamin A intake, you should eat more leafy green vegetables, carrots, squash, beets, asparagus, cod liver oil, and fish.

2. Calcium, magnesium, zinc

These three minerals are vital for healthy nails. They aid in the growth and protection of fingernails and toenails. If you do not consume adequate amounts of these minerals on a regular basis, your nails will deteriorate, which will then be a free invitation for toenail fungus to thrive and spread infection. Calcium can be found in milk and cheese while magnesium and zinc can be taken in the form of vitamin supplements.

3. Amino acids

Just like calcium and the other minerals, amino acids are also essential in building strong and healthy nails. Milk is a very rich source of amino acids because of its casein, a complete protein that the body can not produce on its own.

4. Lactobacilli

These are actually good bacteria that are used by the human body to fight off infections such as those caused by toenail fungus. A good source of lactobacilli is yogurt. You can also check out your local drugstore for health drinks that contain these helpful bacteria.

5. MSM

MSM is simply sulfur in tablet form. Although it has quite a nasty taste, this mineral supplement is very effective in eliminating toenail fungus infection. If you take in the required dosage – which is about 4 grams per day for the average case – your toenail fungus will be gone in two weeks or even less.

If you regularly eat food rich in these nutrients, not only will your toenail fungus disappear, but you will benefit from a stronger immune system as well.


Source by Chirs Parker