The Busy Mom Diet Plan – a way to stay healthy in your chaotic life


Each new day is filled with love, activity, potential complications, and yes, the chance to eat. If you’re like most moms, the dynamic nature of your life means that when you eat and what you eat can sometimes be difficult to predict. If you want to bring your weight down a bit, take the good, and reasonable food choices can be difficult. Here are some ideas that might help simply.

keep problem foods out of your house

Everyone has trouble coming out certain foods. Whether chips or German chocolate cake that is your downfall, remember to keep it out of your home. This way, when you have the urge to these foods, you will have to make the effort to get them. Chances are after you consider the effort required, you might reconsider.

Play may be exercising too

Most health professionals recommend getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. What mother has time for that? Well, fortunately, exercise should not mean following an aerobics instructor, and not have to be all at once. Instead, the children running around the house, or take everyone for an evening walk. Or challenge your kids to a game of pick-up on the field, or a dance contest in the lounge. By being active, you will not only grow your family ties but also reduce the size of your dress.

eat something to tide you

Of course there will be times that the only choice is a fast food hamburger or a piece of chocolate cake. As a busy mom, you know better than anyone. This kind of food is good in a pinch, but try not to make a habit. Instead, eat a small amount, enough to tide you over until you get home. This way, you can use healthy food, you have at home to make a more nutritious snack or meal.

Being a busy mom can certainly feel sometimes chaotic. The advice above will hopefully relieve some of the chaos in your life and help you maintain a healthy diet as well.


Source by Tracey Marks, MD