Plans guaranteed weight loss run


If you have been looking for the longer duration of the program and a fat weight loss that works for you, you’ve probably tried some of the most popular diet plans such as Atkins, South Beach and the three-day diet. You also almost certainly have discovered that they do not really work. Let’s learn more about the theory behind these three fat loss and weight programs.


The Atkins diet program is based on the theory that obese people tend to eat too much carbohydrate-rich food. Atkins seeks to significantly reduce your carbohydrate intake and encourages you to take more foods that are rich in protein and fat as far as the body goes into a state called ketosis instead. A body in ketosis gets energy from ketones, which are carbon fragments which are the fuel resulting product by the decomposition of stored fat. A body into ketosis tends to feel less hungry and will be able to burn fat stored more efficiently.

South Beach

The South Beach diet works on the principle Glycemic Index (GI). This diet plan suggests that people who want to lose weight should stay away from foods high in GI, typically carbohydrate foods. The consumption of foods high in GI triggers the release of large amounts of the hormone insulin, which is needed for the transport of carbohydrates in the liver where they are converted into fat for storage. The release of insulin in large quantities tends to make a body feel tired and hungry, and deceive to start craving more calories.

The three-day diet

The Three-Day Diet is a fat loss program and weight that has a strict control plan should be carefully monitored for three days at times. After each three-day period, you can resume your normal eating habits for four or five days and then continue with the three-day diet again. The Three-Day diet promises weight loss of up to 10 pounds in just three days.

why they do not work

fat and weight loss diets such as Atkins, South Beach, and Three-Day diet does not work, or at least produce such results negligible, for one simple reason. These diet plans do not use the calorie shifting principle.

fat plans and weight loss that respect the calorie shifting key functions on the assumption that the rate of metabolism of an organism provides only for your next food intake based on your past feeding behavior. These plans include an online diet generator that is configured and calculates a collection of arbitrary lunch menu which is oriented mainly to confuse the metabolic rate of your body so that it will continue to break down the calories, even after has finished break the food into the body. After the body has burned all the calories in the body, fat is then burned, after which they are converted into energy that is used to reduce fat deposits. The key factor in fat plans and weight loss that work on the calorie shifting principle is to maintain the body’s metabolism rate so as not to deprive the body of food and energy.

Armed with all this vital information, it is probably time for you to go looking for a diet plan that works on the calorie shifting theory, and you just might last chance on a plan that is guaranteed to work for you.


Source by Janet Sommers

Legumes – based on a Low Carb Diet Plan


A low carbohydrate diet is one of the popular weight loss diets in the past. Unfortunately, experience has shown that it is not good to keep the weight. It is, however, a very healthy diet. A low carb diet puts a limit on the amount of carbohydrates you take in and maintains a high level of protein. The protein contained in the fish, beans, meat and vegetables.

If you are wondering, peanuts, alfalfa, clover, carob, soy, peas, lentils and beans fall into the category of legumes. International studies have shown that legumes play an important role in the diet of communities that have a low incidence of heart disease.

Carbohydrates are in a range of foods in varying amounts. When they arrive in your blood, they become glucose, increasing sugar levels in the blood. A low carb diet can help stabilize your blood sugar in the blood.

Low carb diets are a popular choice among people who want to lose weight fast. This is because your body needs to burn fat for energy if there is a level of sugar in your blood relatively low.

A low carbohydrate diet is a matter of choice carb to take into your body. Sweets, pastries, cookies, white bread and sugary drinks contain carbohydrates that are bad for weight loss and health in general.

Carbohydrates that are contained in legumes and fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, are good for you. These are complex carbohydrates, which contain a lot of fiber. Fiber slows digestion, makes you feel full and keeps your blood levels go up sharply glucose.

As with every diet you need to do some planning before you start. You should avoid pasta, carrots and potatoes because they will cause a sharp rise in insulin levels. Fortunately legumes are one of the types of foods that can add a rich variety of flavors to your meals. To see which legumes have this level of carbohydrates, you will need to get your hands on a glycemic index table. This will be invaluable in helping you stay within a daily limit of carbohydrates.

When you choose legumes to your diet, stay away from canned varieties. If you do not have a choice, and for beans canned low-sodium. Fresh is best, frozen is almost as good. Dark colored beans have fewer carbohydrates. And carbohydrates that they have are more easily absorbed by the body. Also, you do not necessarily have to cook your food. You can rinse and peas and cooling beans and eat them raw.

legumes contain a lot of protein, so when you are planning your diet, you will need to remember to maintain a proper balance of protein and fat. If your low carb diet leads to a higher level of normal proteins, this will result in your kidneys having to treat the excess as waste. So if you suffer from any kind of harm to the kidneys, consult your doctor before going on a low carb diet.


Source by Zara Buckley

Diet plans that work fast – How are security and are they effective


There are so many diet plans on the market today that it can be a bit overwhelming to try to understand what plan is right for you. Many diet programs promise rapid weight loss. But, do these quick weight loss diets really work? How are they safe? These are just a few questions you should consider if you are thinking of trying one of these diet plans.

Does Fad or crash diets really work?

Diets that promise instant weight loss as the grapefruit diet, Scarsdale and Cabbage Soup Diet, can be very effective to drop pounds quickly. Many people use these types of plans to look their best for an important social event.

Although these diets can be effective in the short term, they are not very conducive to long-term or permanent weight loss. People who drop 10 or even 15 pounds on crash diets usually end up gaining back the weight they lost and adding extra pounds on top of that.

How Safe are the quick weight loss diet plans?

Regardless of what type of plan you choose, you should always consult a doctor before starting any diet or exercise program.

Because crash diets severely restrict the amount of calories you consume can have negative side effects. Often times people complain of headaches or dizziness when on a crash diet. Other side effects that people are generally report severe gas, bloating or diarrhea.

Another negative aspect of rapid weight loss diets is that they tend to slow down the metabolism of your body. Most crash diets allow you to eat only a few calories per day to force your body to slow your metabolism to a crawl. This is the main reason why most people end up gaining more weight than before.

What are the alternatives to fast weight loss diets?

If your goal is to lose weight and keep it off then you should consider a diet plan that will help you change your eating habits permanently not only for a short period of time. Making healthier food choices and eating foods that will help you boost your metabolism, rather than slow down, you will start to lose weight at a steady pace and have much more likely to keep the weight permanently.

Losing weight is not an easy proposition requires a mental strength that many people seem to miss. However, with the right plan and the right mind, you will find that once the weight comes off it remains for good!


Source by Alex F Hernandez