Diet Plan For Building Muscle Mass


If you are already reading this article, it means you have your head on right. For most people, building muscle is a real struggle because they simply do not know how to eat properly. In this article, I'm going to outline the basics of a proper diet plan for those looking to build muscle mass. It's not rocket science, but if you do not have it right from the beginning, you're fighting an uphill battle.

The first thing you need to worry about is how much you eat. If you do not eat enough, you will not gain any weight and that is not what you¡¯re after, is it If you are the type of person who has always been skinny, you can get away with eating as much as you like. If you are one of these people and you do put on a little bit of weight, then you will lose the fat a lot sooner than you earned it.

On the other hand, if you are a person who gains weight easy, but finds it hard to make lean gains, you have to be a lot more careful with how you go about your diet. I fit into this category and when I first began weight training, I weighed around 77kg and was eating around 2200 calories a day. This allowed me to gain lean muscle, without putting on loads of lard too.

The second thing you need to worry about and this is just as important as how much you eat, is what you actually eat. Eating lots of hamburgers will make you put on weight, but not the kind of weight you want. So you need to be smart. Of course, if you are one of those people who finds it really hard to gain any sort of weight at all, then you do not have to worry quite so much. You can eat just about anything and not worry about getting really fat and bloated.

But if you're not one of those people, listen up. You want to restrict yourself to eating only quality foods. I've written an article on this topic, but I'm just going to list the main foods you should be eating down below.

As far as proteins go, you want to be eating lots of chicken breast, turkey breast, lean cuts of steak, tuna is also fantastic, just about any fish is also good and protein shakes can be helpful if you are low on time.

Carbohydrates. You obviously want to be eating lots of good, healthy vegetables. Stay clear of sugary, processed carbs like white bread and white rice. Instead, stick to wholesome foods like wholemeal bread, pita bread, oats, brown rice, etc etc.

And fats, well, I love eating peanut butter because it tastes great and is also good for you too. Other nuts are also great, like walnuts, almonds and good old peanuts. Just be careful about the amount of nuts you're actually eating. Fat is very calorie dense, so it's easy to over indulge.

So there you go, a quick and easy guide to creating the perfect diet guide for building muscle mass. Make sure you read over and understand all of what has been written.


Source by Sean Morissy

Lose Weight Gain Muscle Meal Plan – 2 Powerful Meal Plans to Boost Your Results Fast!


First and foremost, it is important for you to understand that there is no magical, lose weight gain muscle meal plan. This does not exist. Remember that a meal plan can help you get rid of the excessive weight if it is supported with an exercise routine that should be done on a regular basis.

Here is a sample of lose weight gain muscle meal plan. While reading on it, make sure to take note of the common factor involved for you to be able to create your own meal plan:

Meal Plan #1

Make sure to always start you day with a hearty breakfast. For a breakfast with a lose weight gain muscle meal plan, you may choose to have fruits such as, pear or apples, a bowl of cereal with skimmed milk, sandwich with low-fat peanut butter, omelets or bagels.

Remember that your breakfast is considered as the most important meal of the day as this can help prevent you from getting hungry too soon before lunch. During the first few days or weeks of your new diet plan, you might still end up feeling hungry even before your lunch time. If this happens, you may choose to opt for a cup of coffee, oranges or crackers.

For your lunch, you may opt for mushroom soup, vegetable soup, garden salad, lettuce salad, broiled or grilled chicken breast, steamed vegetables, pita bread or turkey breast. If you feel like you are hungry after your lunch and even before dinner time, you may snack on almonds, walnuts or a protein bar. Having a glass of fresh orange juice can also help you feel full before dinner.

As for your dinner, you should opt for lighter meals. Possible dinner menus may include spaghetti, macaroni, brown rice or yogurt with strawberries.

Meal Plan #2

As part of your lose weight gain muscle meal plan, you may choose to start your day with a bowl of fruit such as papaya or water melon. You may also have two pieces of toasts, boiled eggs, coffee or skimmed milk. Late morning snack may include pear, apple or jam sandwich.

For your lose weight gain muscle plan for lunch, the meals can vary and may include sprouts, soups, baked or grilled tuna fish, steamed vegetables, trout, salmon and cod. For your snack before dinner time, you may choose to have a protein shake which is milk-based. Your dinner options may include baked potatoes, grilled chicken, beans, cabbage, ravioli, lentils, spinach and baked corn.

Remember that when it comes to adopting to lose weight gain muscle meal plan, there are several important factors that you should consider. This includes your body’s nutritional requirements, your body physique and lifestyle. So it is important to check with your doctor to make sure that the foods you included in your meal plan are safe for your current health condition.


Source by Harris Ally

A Good Diet Plan To Avoid A Heart Attack Or For After The Heart Attack


In January 2011, my husband was not feeling well and was having a hard time breathing. He was about 250 miles from home when he started feeling worse; his symptoms sounded like he might have had bronchitis. After a short discussion about what he should do, he decided he would keep driving but by 6 a.m. the next morning, and another 300 miles down the road, he was feeling worse. He called the number on the back of his medical insurance card to find a doctor, then drove himself to an emergency room. It turned out that he was having a heart attack that started the evening before. I felt so guilty that I did not know that he was sick.

My husband made it to a hospital in time, had 2 stints put in, and is now actually better than new. Since there was no damage to his heart, he was given a second chance at life. That scare woke us both up and now we try to eat healthy.

Both he and I are overweight. We have found that it was easier for him to lose weight than it is for me. I am still struggling. Most of his meals are eaten in a truck stop and almost everything on the menu in those restaurants is considered artery clogging foods.

Since his heart attack, we tried many different diets and supplements to lose weight and to change our lifestyle. I purchased an American Heart Association cookbook, tried a few of the recipes, and put that book away. It didn’t have a plan that we could follow, so we tried another, and then another and finally I found a plan that we could stick to even when we weren’t at home. The New Sonoma Diet has all the heart healthy foods we need and the right foods to help eliminate the midsection. It isn’t structured like a regular diet and although, we were able to change our lifestyle, it fits into our lifestyle not us trying to fit into its lifestyle. By that, I mean, that we didn’t have to make different concessions such as only having to eat at home, eat only at certain times, eat only certain foods.

Both American Heart Society and the New Sonoma Diet have recommended foods in common. The following are foods when eating out are recommended to those who have already had a heart attack and to those who wish to avoid a heart attack besides those who need to lose weight:

  • Meats – Order baked, poached, steamed, grilled, or roasted.
  • Meats – Choose sandwiches made with lean chicken or turkey on whole wheat bread.
  • Entrees – Avoid gravy, cheese, mayonnaise, or sauces.
  • Salads – choose fresh fruits and vegetable salads and use olive oil and vinegar based salad dressings.
  • Salads – Avoid eggs, cheese, and high fat dressings.
  • Salads – Use grilled chicken for toppings and avoid salads made with mayonnaise or sour cream as in tuna salad, chicken salad, potato salad, and pasta salad.
  • Side Dishes – Order fresh, raw, or steamed vegetables without the butter or sauces. Order baked potato without the butter and sour cream. Order steamed rice (preferrable brown rice) without the butter.
  • Avoid foods that are fried, basted, au gratin, crispy, escalloped, pan-fried, sautéed, stewed, or stuffed.

We were given a choice of many foods that we enjoy. When we are eating out, which is most of the time for my husband, there are choices on the menus that we only have to ask to have some of the ingredients on the side or left out, and we aren’t compromising the diet or dish. It isn’t a strict structure, just a generalized lifestyle change which is actually easy to do.

The best thing about this diet, although the weight itself didn’t come off fast, the fat around the midsection did come off fast, which is important to help lower the risk of having a heart attack.

Please read on to see if this diet plan would fit into your lifestyle.


Source by Jacki Syverson