Lose Weight Gain Muscle Meal Plan – 2 Powerful Meal Plans to Boost Your Results Fast!


First and foremost, it is important for you to understand that there is no magical, lose weight gain muscle meal plan. This does not exist. Remember that a meal plan can help you get rid of the excessive weight if it is supported with an exercise routine that should be done on a regular basis.

Here is a sample of lose weight gain muscle meal plan. While reading on it, make sure to take note of the common factor involved for you to be able to create your own meal plan:

Meal Plan #1

Make sure to always start you day with a hearty breakfast. For a breakfast with a lose weight gain muscle meal plan, you may choose to have fruits such as, pear or apples, a bowl of cereal with skimmed milk, sandwich with low-fat peanut butter, omelets or bagels.

Remember that your breakfast is considered as the most important meal of the day as this can help prevent you from getting hungry too soon before lunch. During the first few days or weeks of your new diet plan, you might still end up feeling hungry even before your lunch time. If this happens, you may choose to opt for a cup of coffee, oranges or crackers.

For your lunch, you may opt for mushroom soup, vegetable soup, garden salad, lettuce salad, broiled or grilled chicken breast, steamed vegetables, pita bread or turkey breast. If you feel like you are hungry after your lunch and even before dinner time, you may snack on almonds, walnuts or a protein bar. Having a glass of fresh orange juice can also help you feel full before dinner.

As for your dinner, you should opt for lighter meals. Possible dinner menus may include spaghetti, macaroni, brown rice or yogurt with strawberries.

Meal Plan #2

As part of your lose weight gain muscle meal plan, you may choose to start your day with a bowl of fruit such as papaya or water melon. You may also have two pieces of toasts, boiled eggs, coffee or skimmed milk. Late morning snack may include pear, apple or jam sandwich.

For your lose weight gain muscle plan for lunch, the meals can vary and may include sprouts, soups, baked or grilled tuna fish, steamed vegetables, trout, salmon and cod. For your snack before dinner time, you may choose to have a protein shake which is milk-based. Your dinner options may include baked potatoes, grilled chicken, beans, cabbage, ravioli, lentils, spinach and baked corn.

Remember that when it comes to adopting to lose weight gain muscle meal plan, there are several important factors that you should consider. This includes your body’s nutritional requirements, your body physique and lifestyle. So it is important to check with your doctor to make sure that the foods you included in your meal plan are safe for your current health condition.


Source by Harris Ally