6 Week Diet and Exercise Program


Training with lightweight dumbbells and doing a high number of reps four days a week, as well as eating a high protein low calorie diet is the basis of a good 6 week diet and exercise program. This plan works very well for several reasons. This program helps people lose weight and build muscle within 6 weeks. Read on to find out why this particular routine works so well.

First of all training with lightweights is one of the best ways to lose body fat very fast. A person should do between fifteen and twenty reps per set. This will also build muscle at the same time. A person should also do a little bit of cardio after their workouts, fifteen to twenty minutes is a good amount of time to do cardio. Walking, jogging or running are what people should do for the cardio part of the workout. This is an important part of this 6 week diet and exercise program.

Protein is an extremely important part of this program. A person should strive to get one gram of protein per pound of body weight. This means a person who weighs one hundred pounds should consume one hundred grams of protein every single day. Protein repairs muscles and this is important for a person who is training with lightweights and doing a high number of reps. Consuming a high amount of protein on a daily basis for 6 weeks will help burn fat rapidly as well as help build some solid muscle.

When a person trains with lightweights they should know which exercises to start off with. For biceps a person should start with barbell curls. For triceps a person should start with tricep presses. For back they should start with deadlifts. For shoulders they should start with barbell shoulder presses. For legs they should start with squats.

As far as calories go, while on a 6 week diet and exercise program people should consume a low amount of calories on a daily basis. A man should try to eat around 2,000 calories a day while a woman should try to eat 1,200-1,500 a day. The meals that a person consumes should be low in fat, moderate in carbs as well as high in fiber. A person who sticks with this can expect to lose weight and gain muscle fast.

People who want to get serious about getting into shape should follow the advice listed throughout this article. If a person follows this advice, then they can end up getting into great shape within six weeks following this 6 week diet and exercise program.


Source by Jamie E Bell

Planning Your Body Building Diet


One of the biggest things you need to do when planning your diet for body-building is to find a diet that you can follow through. If you don't see yourself following through with a certain diet, look for another one. Do not set yourself up for failure. For ideal bodybuilding you will need to set up 2 different types of diets.

The first diet needs to consist of something that will develop and give you more muscle mass while cutting the fat and the second one is maintaining your muscle mass while also cutting the fat. This is easier said than done as it is tough to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously. For most of us, it is highly advised to focus your efforts on cutting fat first before building muscle mass, or vice versa. Doing both at the same time is quite difficult, so it may be a good idea to focus on one thing first.

Another factor that you may want to consider is if the diet fits within your budget. This is important, especially for those of us that may be on a tight budget. Be sure to have this in your daily diet: Milk, Eggs, and Chicken.

If you think you are going to go crazy with your body building diet, you are OK to cheat. It is actually advised to cheat as it has shown that you are more likely to stick to your diet for the long term. So when you plan your diet, be sure to plan for cheat meals so that you are in this for the long haul. See you at the finish line.


Source by Jameson Masoli

Exercise Vs Diet For Weight Loss


When it comes to fat burning, the first thing that we think of is which route to take, do we exercise, or do we go on a diet, or do we do a combination of them both. The traditional advice to burning fat is to eat less and to move more.

There is a ton of things to do to burn fat however we are constrained by our finite resources such as time and money. Weight gain and loss revolve around caloric expenditure and consumption.

Diet Only Route

This is the easiest route because we are going to be eating anyway so we might as well cut out the calories in our meal. For most people cutting out calories is easier than burning them off but what we really want is burn fat and not to lose muscle. When we take the diet only route that is exactly what happens, not only do we burn fat but we also lose muscle as well.

When most people hear the word “diet” they think of grilled chicken and salad only, however this is an extreme diet that you probably won’t have to commit yourself to. You might want to try a more balanced diet that includes high fibre and a variety of colours.

The diets with the fastest results are the low carb diets which make them the most popular, but they are difficult to sustain. Unfortunately though, most people on a diet only program tend to gain the lost weight back within two years.

Exercise Only Route

Exercise is an important part of weight loss, without it, part of the weight loss would involve muscle loss and not just fat loss. The problem with an exercise only plan is that you could possibly end up eating more and thus gaining extra unwanted weight. However those who do exercise regularly tend to keep the weight off for longer than those who don’t exercise.

Exercising for just twenty minutes can boost your mood for up to 12 hours and can even help treating people with depression. Exercise has many benefits like reduced stress and better sleep at night. The most important benefit of exercise is that it increases the rate at which your body burns fat.

Muscle tends to take up less space than fat so even though you’ll gain muscle weight you will defiantly look and feel better.

A Combination of both Exercising and Dieting

This is probably the best route to take.

The great thing about this approach is that dieting and exercising help to complement each other. The general rule is that weight loss should be 75% diet and 25% exercise. The important thing to remember is that dieting initially helps the process of weight loss but exercising helps keep the weight off.

Remember that you can’t out exercise a bad diet!


Source by Justin Greyling