3 Diet Mistakes to Avoid at All Cost


There’s a huge amount of information available about dieting and weight loss, yet people are still making the same mistakes almost every day. I don’t mean little lapses where you had a piece of pie that you shouldn’t have had, but big mistakes that can lead to you failing to lose the weight that you’re desperate to lose. But if you can avoid these mistakes, you can develop the attitude that will lead to permanent weight loss. Is this you:

1. You pick out a diet that is so complex that you have almost no chance of sticking to it. You search the kitchen for anything that does not fit the plan and throw it in the bin. You know for a fact that this is going to be perfect, and you’ll stick to it 100%, and it is until something happens that makes you skip part of the plan, only once, but that ruins it and there’s no point in continuing. In fact, you’re never going to lose weight so you head off to the store and buy everything that you’ve thrown out and spend the next month piling the pounds back on as fast as you can. If this is you then you need to ask yourself ‘Am I serious about losing weight permanently or am I happy ‘yoyo’ dieting, where I lose a few pounds and then enjoy the feeling of eating to put the weight back on?’ You’re better making small changes to your eating habits so that you have a slow but steady weight loss.

2. You treat your diet plan as a period of abstinence. You won’t allow yourself to have any of your favorite foods until you hit your target weight. You have a fantastic diet plan and the weight just falls away, but then you reach your goal and then what? What you haven’t done is train yourself to eat the ‘bad foods’ in moderation, so as soon as you get a taste, you go crazy and stuff yourself. Let yourself have a little bit of everything in your diet and you can learn to enjoy it in small quantities.

3. You need to set yourself goals that you can achieve. This is an absolute necessity for any diet or weight loss plan. Your goals must be clear and realistic. If you write them down you can look at them regularly and give yourself a reminder. You probably have an ideal weight in mind, but unless you are only a little overweight it is probably too far off to be of any use. A more realistic target would be to lose two pounds every week for the first five weeks and then one pound per week afterward until you reach your ideal weight. Some weeks you’ll exceed your target and some weeks you won’t reach it, some weeks you might even put a little weight on, but if you can keep track of your progress, you’ll see that these ups and downs are a natural thing, and you can continue progressing to your perfect weight.

If you make a mistake while you’re following your plan, don’t panic! Treat it like riding a bike, if you fall off, just get yourself back on as soon as possible. Don’t use your mistakes as a reason for giving up. The only chance you have of achieving your goal permanently is to decide that you are going to be a healthier person and stick to that decision. Eating normally means eating different amounts on different days. If you can learn to enjoy food in moderation, you have every chance of succeeding in your mission. Bon Appetit (but not too Bon, eh?)!


Source by Su Jackson

The Benefits of Maintaining Weight Loss


Permanent weight loss is a goal we all strive to reach. Reaching one’s ideal weight makes most people function at their best. It’s probably one reason why it’s also known as your happy weight. When you are in your ideal weight, your body functions better. You feel lighter, and of course, you look better. Maintaining your happy weight prevents obesity related health problems. Diseases which affect a huge part of the population.

Losing weight may be hard for some people. For others, it’s more difficult to maintain the weight loss. According to studies, 85% of those who lost weight regained it. Experts theorize that as a person’s weight drops, metabolic activity decreases. As the person continues to lose weight, metabolic activity continues to drop. This makes it increasingly harder to lose more weight. Some people might refer to this as a “plateau” in their weight loss efforts. A lower metabolic rate makes it difficult to maintain weight loss. When the person returns to a normal diet, the pounds previously lost are regained. Maintaining a healthy weight has lots of benefits. It improves heart health, lowers blood pressure and regulates blood sugar levels.

Maintaining weight loss requires commitment. People who want to lose weight must adhere to a diet plan. There are only two ways to lose weight. One is consuming a lesser amount of calories than your daily requirement. Another is to expend more than what you eat. If you want to lose weight faster, a diet and exercise plan is advisable. Going on a crash diet is not the answer. It slows down metabolism and deprives you of essential nutrients. Once you get back to a normal diet, it will just be a matter of time before you regain the pounds you lost.

Weight cycling or yo-yo dieting is losing and regaining weight multiple times. Diet experts discourage weight cycling. Some studies suggest that it promotes high blood pressure, gallstones and high cholesterol levels. However, there has been no conclusive evidence to support these claims. Studies also deny that people who go on a yo-yo diet will have a harder time losing weight again. Weight cycling affects the mental and emotional aspects, however. Getting frustrated frequently makes you less desirous to pursue your weight loss goals.

People know the importance of maintaining their ideal weight. They’ve seen how it improves the life of those who successfully lost the extra poundage. What usually stands between success and failure is determination. When you want something badly, you work towards it. You never stop until you achieve it. Be determined to maintain weight loss. The reward is good health and a better quality of life.


Source by Mark Warrington

Chart Ideal Weight and Loss Weight the Healthy Way


A person who is a few or several pounds heavier than his ideal weight or his desired weight can indeed consider a healthy diet program for himself. Dieting has always been a good option if an individual wants to shed a few pounds from his body or if he wants to tone down certain body parts. Of course, before he plans to start any kind of diet or exercise program, it is important that a person chart ideal weight in order to set his mind on his specific goals. It is important that he knows what his ideal weight is in order for his diet and exercise program to hit a specific but healthy objective. The good thing is that one can chart ideal weight based on height and body figure in order to plan out the perfect diet and exercise program right for his body type.

Diet Tools

There are various free diet tools online. For instance, a person intending to start a weight loss program can consult a height and weight chart so that he can determine the ideal weight for his specific height and body type. Consulting such charts gives a person an objective look on his weight and can., thus, lead him to a diet program that would not adversely affect his health.

Instant Results?

Following a healthy diet and exercise program is important especially if a person wants to lose weight and sustain his ideal figure in the future. One of the biggest mistakes a person can do in terms of dieting is to expect magical or instant results and not being able to maintain the pounds lost. That loophole can happen if a person does not implement a healthy dieting and weight loss method. By following a realistic goal, then a person can lose weight step by step in healthy terms and, in the end, have an easier way of maintaining his ideal figure and weight.

Diet for Health

Before a person starts a diet and exercise program, he should keep in mind that his overall health condition should also be considered. This is because dieting should be geared towards healthy objectives and not merely aesthetics ones. While it is true that losing weight can indeed improve one’s physical looks, there should be some healthy reason behind that objective. If there are no healthy reasons, then a person might as well aim for temporary weight loss that can make him feel better for some time but eventually cannot be sustained because it is not good for his body.

The good thing is that there are now a lot of resources that can help an individual create a healthy weight loss program from himself. When one accesses diet websites, he can have within easy reach, a lot of useful tips and advice that are not just from experts but also from dieters who have successfully lost the unwanted pounds. A person can also access these sites so he can seek motivation during the diet program. Always remember that being motivated through a diet and exercise program is important because that motivation can keep one bonded to his weight loss goals.


Source by Steven Kline