Hypothyroid Diet Basic Principles


The basic principle of a hypothyroid diet is based on hypothyroidism, which is a condition that reduces the metabolism rate of our body and leads to weight gain. This condition can be checked by using an ideal and specific hypothyroid diet. What does this diet entail and how can one increase their body metabolism rate and reduce the effect of gaining weight? This is one of the many questions that will be answered in this context. To achieve a perfect hypothyroid diet, one needs to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have been known to cause diabetes, one of the main causes of a low metabolism rate in our bodies. Some of the foods that you need to avoid are yams, pastas, sweet potatoes and regular potatoes. It is recommended you eat foods rich in fiber such as vegetables, whole cereals and whole grain bread. Other foods that you need to avoid are white bread, cakes, refined flour and corn.

Selenium and a Hypothyroid Diet

One of the most important nutrients that you have to include in your hypothyroid diet is selenium. This nutrient can be naturally found in foods like tuna, sunflower seeds, salmon, eggs and Brazil nuts. There are other essential nutrients that you may also include in your diet like Vitamin E, Niacin and Zinc. Foods that you need to avoid excess consumption in your diet include cabbage, kale, peaches, cauliflower, turnips, peanuts and broccoli. This class of food is associated with interfering with the metabolism rate of the body and it is wise to avoid eating them in excess. To achieve a perfect diet, and like most healthy diet plans, you need to drink a lot of water. This is because a thyroid patient is faced with a problem of retaining water. The body loses a lot of water and needs to replace it as soon as possible. Avoid using a lot of salt as this will make the situation worse. It’s best to use sea salt as a replacement.

Hypothyroid Diet and the Importance of Water

It is recommended that you drink a minimum of ten glasses of water per day as part of the hypothyroid diet. This will reduce the dehydration effect caused by thyroid. You are also supposed to prevent other foods that will increase the dehydration of the body such as salted crackers, salted nuts or any foods that has been preserved in salt.

Another important part of your hypothyroid diet is exercise. The body’s metabolism rate is low and you need to look for better ways of activating it. Be as consistent with exercise, but initially it is recommended to take on light and low routine workouts. Start with about a twenty-minute daily routine during the early stages, and then increase the training period over time as you become accustomed to it. No need to run out and sign up for gym sessions right away, home exercise sessions are ideal to get you body used to exercising regularly.

One of the most basic tips of attaining good weight loss is to prevent the effect of always chasing your weight. What this means is the fact that some people are always on the scale to check how much they have lost when on the hypothyroid diet. This could be especially frustrating in some instances. The issue of losing weight is a gradual process and needs patience in whatever you decide to do. Start regular exercises and stick to the hypothyroid diet and you will definitely see the difference over time. It is advisable to track your weight on a weekly and not on a daily basis. This will show you the extent of your progress and with time you shall note that you are losing more and more weight. Avoid eating the food items that have been discussed in this article and you shall notice the difference while having confidence in your hypothyroid diet.


Source by Vaughn J Tobes

Eliminate Toenail Fungus With a Healthy Diet Plan


Toenail fungus is an infection that stems from the constant exposure of your feet to dirt and grime. It can also be a hereditary disease that runs in your family. Even so, there are ways to eliminate toenail fungus no matter how acute your condition might be. Furthermore, you do not even have to spend a lot on the cure.

Before you run off to a dermatologist and spend tons of dollars on complicated treatment procedures, you can first start by modifying your daily food intake. This is a not only a very easy and inexpensive way to eliminate toenail fungus but is also one of the most effective remedies. In fact, most cases of toenail fungal infections can be cured simply by increasing the intake of certain vitamins and minerals.

To maximize the benefits of your new healthy diet plan, make sure that you include foods that are rich in the following vitamins and minerals.

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential component in helping your body use the proteins that you take in. Without an adequate supply of Vitamin A, your immune system is weakened and the body's defenses are slack, allowing the growth and proliferation of substances that create infection your body – including toenail fungus.

To increase your Vitamin A intake, you should eat more leafy green vegetables, carrots, squash, beets, asparagus, cod liver oil, and fish.

2. Calcium, magnesium, zinc

These three minerals are vital for healthy nails. They aid in the growth and protection of fingernails and toenails. If you do not consume adequate amounts of these minerals on a regular basis, your nails will deteriorate, which will then be a free invitation for toenail fungus to thrive and spread infection. Calcium can be found in milk and cheese while magnesium and zinc can be taken in the form of vitamin supplements.

3. Amino acids

Just like calcium and the other minerals, amino acids are also essential in building strong and healthy nails. Milk is a very rich source of amino acids because of its casein, a complete protein that the body can not produce on its own.

4. Lactobacilli

These are actually good bacteria that are used by the human body to fight off infections such as those caused by toenail fungus. A good source of lactobacilli is yogurt. You can also check out your local drugstore for health drinks that contain these helpful bacteria.

5. MSM

MSM is simply sulfur in tablet form. Although it has quite a nasty taste, this mineral supplement is very effective in eliminating toenail fungus infection. If you take in the required dosage – which is about 4 grams per day for the average case – your toenail fungus will be gone in two weeks or even less.

If you regularly eat food rich in these nutrients, not only will your toenail fungus disappear, but you will benefit from a stronger immune system as well.


Source by Chirs Parker

A Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan is Not Just About Losing Weight


A healthy weight loss diet plan is one where you not only lose weight but also keep your body healthy in spite of you having to shed the extra flab. Much as you would hate it, the fact is that when your body loses weight, it could undergo some hormonal changes. In so happening, the body could have been negatively affected.

A good healthy diet plan is something that needs to be implemented regularly over a period of 4 months to a year. This amount of time is necessary to see the sustained results of the weight loss program. Not following a weight loss program for this time could have you face the worst scenario, putting back on all the weight you lost in no time at all!

Here are some key points you should note about a healthy weight loss diet plan

  • A good weight loss diet plan would ask you to cut down on your binge eating habits. Please note – Cut down, not get it down to zero! It is taken that more often than not you would go to the nearest donut shop if you have been doing so for the last 10 odd years. If you try to curb your craving, it could work for a day or two, but one fine day, you are bound to freak out and then the problem would assume uncontrollable proportions.
  • A good weight loss diet plan will ask you to reduce the consumption of carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks can not be broken down easily once inside the body and hence can cause some fat accumulation.

The most important thing to remember about with any weight loss diet plan is – the importance of exercising. People think that by controlling their eating habits, they could reduce their weight. And to be fair to them, they still might but exercising, which is an integral part of a healthy weight loss diet plan allows people to get the best results.


Source by Jodie R Smith