The Best Diet For Losing Pounds Fast


Looking for the best diet to follow for losing pounds fast? Most people can lose between 10 and 20 pounds within a month, simply by changing what and how they eat. You don’t need to starve yourself to lose weight fast. Follow the healthy diet tips below and you’ll be able to stay full, avoid hunger, control your appetite, limit food cravings, and boost your metabolism all at the same time…

7 of the Best Diet Tips for Losing Pounds Fast

1. Avoid simple sugars. By simply cutting simple sugars out of your diet, you can quickly and easily cut the kind of empty calories that make you fat and keep your from losing weight. Sodas, candy, packaged junk foods, and even fruit juices are all sources of simple sugar.

2. Avoid refined carbohydrates. Avoid refined carbs, especially “white” flours. Like simple sugars, these can spike blood sugar and insulin levels, shutting down the body’s fat-burning processes and often leaving you with more belly fat!

3. Avoid “bad” fats. Fat itself is not your enemy. In fact you can eat a significant amount of fat and still lose weight quickly. But “bad” fats — like those found in fried foods and hydrogenated oils — will make you fat and unhealthy. Avoid fried foods and always choose “trans fat free” products.

4. Eat “clean burning” foods. The best foods to eat for fast and easy weight loss are “clean burning” proteins, carbs, and fats. Some examples are: lean meats, fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans, and legumes (e.g. lentils). Make these the basis of your diet and you’ll lose pounds much faster.

5. Eat 5-7 times a day. Instead of 2 or 3 big meals, try to eat 5-7 small meals and snacks per day, spaced out at 2-3 hour intervals. This will help to keep you from getting hungry and experiencing food cravings. Plus it’ll help to stimulate your metabolism so you burn fat more quickly.

6. Cycle your starches. Starchy carbs — like breads, potatoes, rice, etc. — should be cycled in and out of your diet in a way that boosts the metabolism and keeps you from gaining weight. Many diets are based on this proven idea, such as the “calorie shifting” and “calorie rotating” diets.

7. Drink lots of water. Try to drink at least 60-70 ounces of water and sugar-free tea each and every day. This will help to reduce hunger while boosting your metabolism and optimizing your energy levels.


Source by JC Phelps

Why Does not The Diet Work For Me Like It Did For Other People?


You sometimes get the feeling that you're gaining weight out of thin air. With all the restrictions you apply on yourself, you still can not lose a few pounds like your friends did. Why? There are a few mistakes that annihilate the effects of the most effective diets!

You're skipping breakfast.

The biggest mistake during diets is skipping breakfast. Nutritionists say that breakfast is the best way to increase the metabolism. The stomach and the spleen are in their best shape in the mornings, therefore the food is digested fast and transformed in energy for the day.

You eat only a little.

When the portions are small, your brain will think this is a food shortage, and will order the body to slow down the metabolism and make reserves. A big part of what the body gets is transformed and stored as fat! The rule says: little and often!

You're not giving up sugar.

Even if you use sugar to sweeten the morning coffee, and the quantity is little with very few calories, sugar slows down the metabolism. And if you use it in the morning, the whole day is compromised, and so is your effort!

You eat any kind of cheese.

Margarine, fat milk, cheese, pressed cheese are hard to digest and full of fat that lies! You may choose non-fat milk or soy milk.

Give up fat completely.

There are good fats (vegetable oil, fat fish, almonds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds). Eliminating fat foods makes burning fat by the body more difficult. Do not give fat foods up, only eliminate from your diet fried foods, butter, lard, fat sausages and cheeses.

You're eating in the evenings.

Your last meal should be at 19:00, for your body to be able to consume the energy given by digesting the dinner. Otherwise, the body stores more food, the digestion is slower while sleeping, which causes fattening.

You're consuming too many proteins.

Excluding some foods from your regimen because they contain too many calories and replacing them with proteins with a smaller calories take causes serious alterations to your general health state: constipation, sudden mood swings, huffs, dizziness, headaches, and the worse thing, slowing metabolism , which means losing pounds even harder than before. Unhealthy fat are those found in red meat and butter, so give them up!

You give up too easily.

Even if you do not lose pounds that easily, the diet should be kept more than a week, only then your body will really react to the change and act as it should: lose pounds.

You do not drink water.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water is a natural inhibitor of appetite and keeps you from being hungry too.


Source by Dadrian V

Rapid Weight Loss – Lose Those Calories Not Your Health


Are you worried about not being in shape for your brother or sister or some friend's marriage next month? Or are you worried that your interview for a new and better paying job might not go that well because you are still a few pounds overweight? Or is it already summer and you still do not have that beach look? Well, there are a hundred and one reasons why we might want to lose weight and lose it fast. Well, rapid weight loss is definitely possible but it comes with some restrictions.

First of all rapid weight loss techniques call for a lot self denial and restraints in terms of diet and physical exercise. You will find a lot of companies selling various weight loss products online as well as offline and claiming that they can help you lose 20 pounds in 10 days or 40 pounds in 20 days or some crap like that. But believe me when I say that either they are lying or they will cause more harm to your body than good. Most of these rapid weight loss programs in the market will give you either stereoids or other similar artificially prepared chemicals to lose weight. But all these artificial products cause a lot of harm in the long run and in some case seven lead to severe complications. Several steroid based weight loss programs will make you use them regularly each year because once you stop using them, you will again start gaining weight. Also, the misdeeds of Steroids in the sports world and otherwise are not a big secret.

But what do you do then if you need a rapid weight loss? Well, that calls for increased hours of physical exercise in the gym, a properly planned and professionally guided diet and good amount of rest. If you can combine these three factors, you can achieve weight loss at speeds you can not even imagine.


Source by Aaron Cage