Eating and diet plans that work – Lose Weight in 7 Days


Most of us have at one time or another needed to lose weight quickly. It could be that we’re going to be in the wedding party of a friend and we want to look good in this tuxedo or bridesmaid dress. It may be that we want to look a little better in that swimsuit while we enjoy a weekend in a retirement business. It could be almost any reason. What we all want to know that when the time is whether there are actually eating and diet plans that can work to help us lose weight, we want to take – fast! The good news is that there are ways to lose weight quickly.

But can it be done in seven days?

This is really the question, is not it? How many of us have to take off the weight loss commitment for an event until we had a week or two parties to achieve the goal? Well, there is hope yet available for the individual who needs to slim down within seven days. It’s not the easiest of routines to bear for a week, but it offers the possibility of losing those few extra pounds – and inches -. And help you to achieve this modest goal of weight loss that you have in mind

liquid look

When many people think that losing weight quickly they think of water weight. In many ways, this makes a lot of sense, since the majority of the human body is water. Reduce water consumption should, in theory, you will reduce the amount of water weight you carry. But wait! There is a catch to this approach, and it is the direct result of the function of water in the body.

Water is responsible for a number of important functions in your body. It helps regulate your temperature, protects your body tissues, provides lubrication for your joints and helps eliminate waste and toxins from the body through bowel activity, urination, and even sweating. You get water both liquids you drink and the food you eat. If you can see the immediate problem with depriving yourself of water while trying to lose weight, go to the head of the class.

What was that eliminate waste and toxins?

Bingo! You hit the nail on the head, so to speak. The problem with trying to lose weight quickly by eliminating so-called water weight is that any drastic reduction in your water consumption will slow digestion, and reduce waste removal efficiency. This will result in higher levels of residual toxins in the body – toxins which usually result in greater storage of fat cells. In other words, without water, you can get even bigger!

So what is the answer?

You can always lose weight you need to lose in 7 days, but you need to take a different approach. Eat more vegetables like tomatoes, watery and fruit, and maintain your water consumption. This will allow your body to cleanse toxins and waste – not only elimination of excess weight, but this look swollen as well. Eat nuts and other foods that make you feel full to help you refrain from overeating. Finally, begin each day with a half hour or an hour of exercise to boost your metabolism, and you will see moderate weight loss results you are looking at the end of the week.


Source by G. Crandall

5 Day Mayo Diet – Lose 10 Pounds in 5 Days


Let me say from the outset that the Mayo Diet Day 5 is not a weight loss plan compared to only eat mayonnaise for five days in a row!

In fact, there are no mayonnaise in this regime at all. He called the Diet Mayo because it would have been created in a health facility with the name “Mayo” in it. This makes sense because a diet based on mayonnaise consumption would certainly not well!

So that’s All About Then regime? Well this diet is actually a variation on the popular grapefruit diets

detail diet plan

meals a day: .. Three meals

the power Duration: five days

Plan Type: .. low carb

you can eat

grapefruit, meat, eggs, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, cheese and tomatoes

What you can not eat :.

grains (rice, bread, pasta), starchy vegetables (peas, potatoes), fruits (grapefruit are of course exceptions).

5 Day Diet Menu

Sample breakfast

1 grapefruit

2 whole eggs

2 sausage breakfast


sample Lunch

1 Grapefruit

one serving of meat (any kind you prefer)

1 bowl of salad greens

Example Dinner

1 grapefruit

one serving of meat (any kind you prefer)

a cup of steamed vegetables


My review

[1999002 Wonderland] So what this diet work for you? Well, let’s be realistic, it is only five days. Do you really believe that you will lose all the weight you need in just five days?

Even if you lose ten pounds in five days, do you think you’ll keep it off once you return to your normal diet lifestyle? I think you know the answer to this question based on your past experiences regime.

If you need to lose weight for an event in five days from now (like a wedding), you might want to give this diet a shot. Just be prepared to gain back all the weight in a few days.

On the other hand, if you want to lose weight … and actually keep it for good … you should definitely spend the 5 Day Diet Mayo.


Source by Omar Maskori