Suddenly Slim Diet Plan Or How to Lose 9 Pounds in 3 Days


If you are interested in losing 9 pounds in a very short time this suddenly slim diet plan is for you. This diet plan is very popular in Europe; it really helps to lose extra pounds and in addition to stabilize the metabolism. Also, sudden slim diet menu has limited use of carbohydrates and fats. It means that it can be used like low fat diet plan or low carbohydrate diet. It is strongly recommended to consult health care professional before performing any new exercise, exercise technique or beginning any new diet.

First day:


170 g of grapefruit juice, a slice of black bread with soy milk.


170 g of fresh or boiled vegetables in a complex sandwich, 1 / 2 cup cooked beans.


115 g of cheese tofu, roasted with 1 cup of mushrooms and peppers 1 cup peas, 2 cups cooked steamed rice.


2 rice cakes with 2 teaspoons of jam.

Second day:


2 pancakes with fresh strawberries (or other berries).


1 cup of stewed vegetables, 1 cup of boiled corn, 1 cup of fruit salad.


2 slices of pizza with cheese, vegetable salad with fresh or boiled vegetables.


2 plums, 1 cup of forest nuts.

Third day:


2 slices of black bread with low fat cheese.


1 cup of stewed vegetables, 1 slice of rye bread.


2 large green peppers stuffed with rice and corn, 1 cup of cooked steamed broccoli.


1 cup of diet yogurt, 1 cup of fresh strawberries.

It is recommended to consult your doctor before applying any of these diets. Wish you success and don’t forget you Free report.


Source by Paul J Green

Healthy Eating Plans For 30 Days


If you’re looking for an easy way to lose weight, without the effort of counting calories, then try following a structured healthy meal plan for 30 days. Having your meals planned in advance will not only motivate you to eat healthy, but will help you lose weight. A meal plan that has been tailored around 1200 calories will help you to lose weight. For a meal plan to be effective, it should have the meals built from a variety of food taken from all the 5 food groups of the healthy eating pyramid. At 1200 calories per day, you do not have to starve to lose weight! You can restrict the amounts you eat, but enjoy a variety of food at the same time. As we all know, the key to losing weight is to balance calories consumed with the calories burned by your body each day. Having a well thought out and structured eating plan is half the battle.

A good healthy meal plan will follow well established guidelines for healthy eating and will be based on the healthy food pyramid, providing you with a balanced diet. A complete daily meal plan should include 5 meals for each day, Breakfast should be a high fibre choice or high protein choice so that you can start your day right. This should be followed by a low calorie mid-morning snack. As protein is known to help keep you feeling full, lunch must include some protein as well. A mid afternoon snack will pep up your energy, and finally a balanced dinner which includes protein, fibre and a low carbohydrate content will keep you feeling satisfied. This approach of eating regular meals throughout the day will help keep your metabolism in high gear, and keep you burning calories throughout the day.

Based on the meal plan for each week, a shopping list can be created, so you can organise your meals in advance and also keep your pantry stocked with healthy food. With a meal plan on hand, you don’t have to worry about what to cook each day, as you’re free to prepare your meals in advance when you have the time. This approach will help you to resist junk food, and ensure that there is always something healthy on hand to eat when you have the urge. Having meals ready to pack in your lunch box for work will keep you on the right track during the day so you don’t binge on unhealthy snacks.

A good meal plan will ideally include detailed nutritional information for each meal, such as the calorie count, fibre content, and saturated fat content, so you have a clear idea of what you’re eating, and also have the flexibility to customise your daily menu if you wish. If you have a plan for a whole month, you can chop and change between meal choices and keep within your calorie budget.

If you’re looking for a way to get started on improving your lifestyle and eating habits, then the healthy meal plans from Secrets Of Healthy Eating are an ideal way to begin. Start your journey to a healthier life today by downloading this 30 day pack of healthy eating plans.


Source by Fazila Adam

A week Diet Plan Weight Loss – Tips to lose 5-10 pounds in 7 Days


You can easily lose weight now undergoing a weight loss diet plan for a week. In order to lose weight naturally and healthily, it must be noted Berry and Colon Cleanse Acai diet. Most people try different techniques such as surgery and non-surgical methods such as lipo-dissolve, liposuction to lose weight quickly. However, these methods can not lose those fats temporarily. It is always advisable to generate metabolism from within to stimulate fat burning.

Nutrition and workouts play a very important role in the development of your body and mind. If you want a well toned body, then it is always beneficial to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Good rest, lots of water and a good training regimen is key. A week weight loss plan includes a lot of workouts, Acai berry diet and colon cleansing. It should religiously follow this plan to lose 5-10 pounds in seven days.

Weight Loss Tips

* Acai Berry diet is shown to be the best natural fat burner. It can cause your body’s metabolism, which therefore encourages a lot of weight loss in the body. Oprah’s impressive metamorphosis is the result of this diet plan. You can easily lose 5-10 pounds in seven days by doing this diet plan.

* You must also perform colon cleansing to reject harmful toxins from your body. This procedure cleans your colon and helps your body to easily remove stubborn abdominal fat.

* Cardio Workouts such as running, swimming, hiking, cycling and brisk walking can stimulate fat burning. You should drink lots of water during and after your workout regimen to keep your body hydrated.

* Combination of acai berry colon cleansing and cardio workout can make you lose 5 to 10 pounds in a week easily.


Source by Anna Holman