6 Week Diet and Exercise Program


Training with lightweight dumbbells and doing a high number of reps four days a week, as well as eating a high protein low calorie diet is the basis of a good 6 week diet and exercise program. This plan works very well for several reasons. This program helps people lose weight and build muscle within 6 weeks. Read on to find out why this particular routine works so well.

First of all training with lightweights is one of the best ways to lose body fat very fast. A person should do between fifteen and twenty reps per set. This will also build muscle at the same time. A person should also do a little bit of cardio after their workouts, fifteen to twenty minutes is a good amount of time to do cardio. Walking, jogging or running are what people should do for the cardio part of the workout. This is an important part of this 6 week diet and exercise program.

Protein is an extremely important part of this program. A person should strive to get one gram of protein per pound of body weight. This means a person who weighs one hundred pounds should consume one hundred grams of protein every single day. Protein repairs muscles and this is important for a person who is training with lightweights and doing a high number of reps. Consuming a high amount of protein on a daily basis for 6 weeks will help burn fat rapidly as well as help build some solid muscle.

When a person trains with lightweights they should know which exercises to start off with. For biceps a person should start with barbell curls. For triceps a person should start with tricep presses. For back they should start with deadlifts. For shoulders they should start with barbell shoulder presses. For legs they should start with squats.

As far as calories go, while on a 6 week diet and exercise program people should consume a low amount of calories on a daily basis. A man should try to eat around 2,000 calories a day while a woman should try to eat 1,200-1,500 a day. The meals that a person consumes should be low in fat, moderate in carbs as well as high in fiber. A person who sticks with this can expect to lose weight and gain muscle fast.

People who want to get serious about getting into shape should follow the advice listed throughout this article. If a person follows this advice, then they can end up getting into great shape within six weeks following this 6 week diet and exercise program.


Source by Jamie E Bell

Every Other Day Diet Review


Of all the weight loss programs on the market that I looked at, a few stood out more than the others. One of these was the "Every Other Day Diet" by Jon Benson. I watched the video on the home page and what he talked about seemed to make good sense based on what I had read about how to lose weight, so I got a copy of the course eager to find out more.

The main e-book was very interesting, to the point and easy to read. The basic concept behind the diet is pretty simple:

The diet is divided into two types of day: Burn days and Feed days.

On Burn days you eat a basic low calorie, medium carbohydrate and high protein diet, with plenty of vegetables.

On Feed days you stick to the same basic diet as above but you add an extra meal of your choosing, this can be anything you desire although not in unlimited quantity.

This is designed to overcome one of the big problems related to dieting and weight loss: if you cut your calories by a significant amount suddenly, your body can go into "starvation mode" and the body can actually start to store fat. It also overcomes the problem some people have when they try to deny themselves their favorite foods and become bored with a diet.

My Verdict.

Having tried the diet there are many good points and I will be incorporating some of the suggestions into my weight loss plan. But ultimately I could see myself having a few problems with this diet long term. I could see where I would have trouble sticking to it. This is not a reflection on the quality and validity of the diet program, but on my own personal preferences.

The good points:

  • The fundamental concept of the diet I have found to be very sound. The idea that we need to vary our calorie intake day by day rather than stay on a low calorie diet day by day makes good sense.
  • There is no calorie counting if you stick to the plan.
  • There are different plans for different people depending on your lifestyle, your level of experience with dieting and how much weight you want to lose.
  • If you do get tempted by a food or get a craving on a Burn day, you know that you can eat what you desire on the next day.

Why it was not "exactly" for me, but changed how I approach losing weight.

I tend to prefer complex meals and a lot of variety and this diet was a bit rigid for me most of the time. Even accounting for the days when you could eat whatever you wanted (this was only for one meal at mid day). Also, I tend not to get cravings for convenience foods like burgers and pizza too often. When I do eat junk or convenience foods it is more out of laziness. For example instead of preparing a healthy lunch for myself before going to work, I would buy whatever was around which was usually things like sandwiches, burgers, fried chicken etc.

However, I have learned a lot from reading the e-book (and by trying this diet program) and I will stick to some of the ideas, such as altering the amount of calories significantly from one day to the next. But I would just mix things up a bit, and add more variety.

So, to sum things up, this diet gets my recommendation, but only for the right person:

  • If you have been following a low calorie diet but seeing poor results, this diet could be the new approach you need.
  • If you genuinely get cravings for foods such as Pizza, burgers, chips etc. and these have lead you astray when following other diets then this program would let you eat certain foods without feeling guilty and feeling like you have failed when you give into temptation. You could even turn the foods you like into rewards every other day for sticking with the diet.
  • If you like simple foods, do not really like cooking and preparing meals and want a simple straightforward plan. There is only one full meal you need to do yourself everyday.

My recommendation would be to take a look at the Every Other Day Diet and try it for a period of time. Then honestly ask yourself if you could stick with the program for a longer term.


Source by Matthew Cowan

Daily Diet Plan – Fat Burning


Dieting is the practice of ingesting food in a regulated fashion. People are always looking for that perfect daily diet plan to achieve or maintain their weight. Dieting is used in combination with physical exercise to lose weight. They can also be used to maintain a stable body weight. It is all about restricting what we eat or how much we eat in order to lose weight. People usually diet because we believe that being thinner will make us healthier and happier!

Diets are generally divided into four categories:

– Low fat:

Low fat diet is containing limited amounts of fat and stressing foods high in carbohydrates. It also consists of little fat, especially saturated fat and cholesterol. It is very important to know that dietary fat is needed for a good health as they supply energy. In addition they also supply important vitamins such as A, D, E and K. It is used in treatment of some gallbladder conditions.

– Low carbohydrates:

Low carbohydrate diet is a program that restricts carbohydrate consumption typically for weight control or for the treatment of obesity. Foods that are high in carbohydrates are replaced with foods with higher percentage of proteins and fats such as fish, eggs, cheese, nuts and soy products. Low carbohydrate daily diet plan is also used as a treatment for other conditions such as diabetes and epilepsy.

-Low calorie:

In general low calorie diet is low on calories! Low calorie or calorie restriction has been shown to improve age related health and to slow down the aging process. Calorie restriction is a feature of several dietary regimes such as the Okinawa and the Cron diets. Calorie restriction of about 800 to 1500 calories per day.

-Very low calorie:

Very low calorie diet is a diet with very or extremely low calorie consumption per day. It is defined as 800 kilocalories per day or less. It also contains the recommended daily requirements for vitamins and minerals. This particular diet is prescribed on a case to case basis for a rapid weight loss of about 3 to 5 pounds per week in patients with body mass index of 30 and above.

Weight loss involves the loss of fat, water and muscle. Overweight people are usually suffering from obesity and are desperate to reduce the percentage of body fat. This is why daily diet plan is very important and can really help to achieve the body you have always wanted.


Source by Mario Kundrat