Should You Go on a Diet or Try Losing Weight on Your Own?


When it comes to the best way to lose weight, a lot depends on your personality type. Many people do fine losing weight on their own without the structure of a diet, while others do better on a diet plan that tells the what to eat and when to eat it. By carefully considering your own personality and how you interact with food you will be able to make an informed, intelligent decision about how best to go about losing weight.

Some people do fine losing weight on their own without following a diet plan. You can easily fit into this category if you know a lot about nutrition, if you are good at tracking calories and are honest about the foods you eat, if you have time to plan your meals to fit with healthier eating. The benefit of doing weight loss on your own rather than following a strict diet is that you get to choose the foods that you eat while you are losing weight.

Most diet plans restrict what you can eat and do not offer a lot of variety when it comes to foods. By planning your own weight loss you can customize your weight loss plan to include foods that you like. You can also eat a wider variety of foods than most diet plans allow for. Probably the largest benefit to losing weight on your own rather than following a diet plan is that you learn how to eat right and develop long term healthy eating habits. This can make it easier to keep the weight off because you never really go "off" your diet since you were not on one in the first place.

On the flipside, other people benefit from the structure of a diet plan instead of trying to lose weight on their own. For many people diets simplify things by taking the guesswork and calorie counting out of the equation. When you are on a diet plan you just follow the plan and do not have to spend a lot of time figuring out what foods you can eat each day to stay within your calorie range. This is really nice if you are busy or do not want to take the time to learn a lot about nutrition or calorie counting.

Although diet plans do make weight loss easier than going it alone, you should take the time to find a diet plan that is a good fit for your lifestyle and your food preferences. If a diet is too difficult to follow or too restrictive you will not be likely to stick with it long enough to benefit. You should also consider how much weight you need to lose. If you have a lot of weight to lose then you may have to be on the diet plan for a long time. That makes it especially important to make sure that it contains foods that you enjoy, that it does not restrict your eating so much that you feel deprived, and that it is not too expensive to purchase the food required by the diet plan. For instance, many pre-packaged meal plans like NutriSystem can become quite cost if you have to stay on them for a long time.

If you can find a diet that works for you and that allows you to lose weight without feeling reduced it is often times a great way to jump start your weight loss and to begin learning a more nutritious way to eat without needing to invest a lot of time in planning. On the other hand, if you enjoy counting calories, tracking your progress and planning meals you may benefit more from losing weight on your own without the benefit of a diet plan or program. The choice about whether losing weight on your own or going on a diet is the best option will depend greatly upon your own personality type and personal preferences when it comes to food.


Source by Sarah Callen