Low calorie diet plans – Two methods of achieving weight loss


Did you know that nearly 40% of US population is classified as obese based on their body weight? With such alarming levels of obesity, it is not surprising that weight loss plans and diet are one of the most hotly sought after topics on the net. There are many different methods of weight Loos and all have their different advantages and disadvantages. But briefly to lose weight, you need to create a negative calorie balance. This means that you will have to expend more calories than you consume.

There are two ways to achieve weight LOSS- consume fewer calories or burn more calories.

Most diets and weight loss plans advise a kind of food restriction. But we must realize that the extreme reduction in caloric intake is not beneficial to the body because the consumption of calories recommended by these schemes is very less to meet the metabolic needs of the body.

Such a regime is the way in 1000 called calorie diet. This diet is severely restricted in calories and nutrition. The energy provided by this plan will suffice only for those who have a minimum physical activity. Furthermore, it is not appropriate to all people, so it is of utmost importance to seek the advice of a professional doctor or health before embarking on this particular plan. Since diet is so restricted in calories, you should be sure that your body is in a state to go through the system. It is especially recommended when rapid results are expected, as in the cases of morbid obesity deadly characteristics or in preparation for surgery. It may also be suitable for people who are more engaged with food and would like to clean their system. No matter what the reasons to go on this diet, it is not advisable to continue with the diet for a long time (no more than three days in a row). This plan is very deficient in calories and in the long term, it will leave you hungry.

There are some other things you should keep in mind all about it. First drink plenty of water. Every time you go on a diet your body goes into overdrive and starts to burn calories. This leaves behind a lot of waste in the body. Drinking plenty of water will help flush these toxins. Secondly, since this system is so deficient in calories, it is imperative to choose them carefully so that the ingredients get the full complement of vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

Although there are many different versions of this diet plan with their menus, two important things above will be a good start. So what are you waiting for? Take action today.


Source by Mico Jonathan Ellison