The Belly Fat Loss Secret – 8 Tips to Losing Weight Fast and Healthy


Weight loss is something everyone has on mind this time of year, with the hundreds of thousands of summer beaches coming to the front of our minds. And with all of those thoughts come the desire for results – fast and easy. These steps detailed below helped me to lose 10 pounds in one week.

Please remember that when you lose weight too quickly it can have serious repercussions for years to come. Do not try to focus or make these tips any more extreme then they already are, it is never a good idea.

Proceeding with caution, let’s take a look at these tips:

1) First and foremost, a day of detox was in order. Many studies have shown that the cleansing of the body will help lose weight even faster, not to mention being good for your body and your mind. I created a beverage of water mixed with ginger, honey and lemon juice. I drank this during the day. When I was hungry, I just made one and drank it. It certainly didn’t make me sick – I went about my day as normal. It wasn’t hard in the slightest, and I’m positive it aided my weight loss as a result. I’ve heard some people doing this for a whole week, but I didn’t think that was necessary for me. Nor could I have stuck with it, I’m sure!

2) Food limitation is of course the next part of our list. When I really need to lose the weight, I have to watch what I eat. With plenty of things like vegetables, eggs, fish, lean meat and some fruits (can be anything from apples to oranges though I prefer oranges) you’re on the right track. If anything is important to your success it is without a doubt what you eat. I made rules for myself, such as having half the plate be vegetables (watching the potato), ΒΌ of the plate being a white meat or a fish and the final fourth being fruit. I recommend avoiding bananas though as they are filled with starch and far too sweet. I am well aware that eating less cannot always be an option for some people on their weight loss journey. But for the fastest and quickest form of weight loss, it is one of the important things to take in to account and I definitely did. Even having a smaller plate that I filled up (instead of the larger half empty plate) helped, but it was not easy, I admit. Reaching my goal was more then enough reward however. Don’t forget: Nothings tastes as good as thin feels.

3) Here is a trick I rarely if ever see diets mention. The great food source of apples and beans. Now, bear with me. If you add two apples and one can of black beans (not re fried of course) the fibers can drastically improve digestion and make your digestive tract clean and healthy. You can have these as a meal themselves with a veggie side or split them in to meals, and don’t forget to do this every day. They add up to about 35 grams of fiber, and having that daily will truly put you on the fast track to weight loss.

4) This might seem like common sense but it is astounding how many people forget to eat a proper breakfast. Better yet, don’t eat at night! If you eat past 7pm, your body slows down its metabolism. If you eat early, the opposite happens. A proper breakfast will keep you ready and energetic for the day, and drinking lots of water throughout will cleanse your body, increase metabolism and keeps you from getting too hungry too often. Nice, eh?

5) Calorie distribution is pivotal. Eating small meals more often leaves you without hunger. Instead of eating 3 meals, try 5 spaced out meals. This boosts your metabolism by having a steady rate of digestion.

6) An oldie but a goodie here. Limiting our fat and unhealthy foods is the simplest and seemingly the hardest part of the job. If you do HAVE to eat something, move it to the front of the day. Eating ice cream or a donut in the morning won’t kill you but it certainly won’t help. Keep those splurges to a minimum.

7) Don’t drink juice. This should be another popular one, but the ridiculous sugar content of juice these days is, well, ridiculous. Eat fresh fruit instead and get some water or unsweetened green tea.

8) Attitude is everything. Keep yourself motivated and busy all the time. It may be a simple fact of life, but when you’re busy you rarely make trips to the kitchen. This will work wonders, I promise you.

Some parts of this plan might sound too simple for you to end up losing 10 pounds in a week – but if you follow this setup like the creed of your life, you will absolutely see results.

If you would like to know some of my best tips, most of which I didn’t even mention, to help lose even more weight on your first week, make sure you watch the Free Video and check out the Free Guide on my website.

WARNING: Burning belly fat and losing 10 pounds in one week is only for those who are SERIOUS about their weight loss and getting in shape. If this is not you, then don’t take that first step. But if you are ready to change your life, body and health for the better, click below.


Source by Matthew B Burns

How Do Weight Loss Herbs Work?


One of the biggest strengths of using herbs is the weight loss that can occur, not so much due to the properties of herbs, but due to the loss of appetite for fattening substances. Often the trick is not when one consumes herbs that they “magically” lose weight, but once the palette is adjusted and favors the delicate nuances of herb seasonings then the traditional fats, sugars will no longer taste good. It’ s this change, and it’s generally permanent, that helps lose weight and keep it off.

One immediate change is to drop the use of soft drinks and substitute in herbal teas. An example is the simple use of mint as the tea base. All one does is place about a gallon of water on the stove, heat till bubbles break, drop in a handful of mint leaves (for the measurers that’s about one cup, lightly packed) into the hot water and let stand for about 1 hour. Not only is there no caffeine now but it’s easy to use this mint water as your tea base and add to it couple small stalks of lemon grass for additional flavor, or a handful of crushed basil leaves. I actually prefer to add both to my tea and it’s a very refreshing drink for my family throughout the week. Being a wine love the herbal tea is my beverage choice at night as I rest after dinner, wanting another glass of vino, but change that desire by having my glass or two of iced herbal tea.

Also a benefit of herbal teas is the ability to diminish the desire for eating more, or consumption of other fatty items. Suppression of the desire to eat is another benefit of altering the diet to herbs. Licorce, cinnamon and ginseng are herbs with those properties. Simply add a dash as seasoning, rather than sugar, salt and those smaller portions become more desirable as one consumes yet “fills” the hunger pangs quicker and with less food. Again this is an ongoing lifestyle change that not only helps lose weight but eliminates the behaviors which add to weight gain.

Any herbs that speed up your metabolism can also help in losing weight.

One of these herbs is ginger and the active component of the flavor is gingerol which also gives ginger its flavor.

Herbs that are diuretics simply aid in eliminating unnecessary water retention. Remember that one gallon of water is equivalent to 8 pounds of weight. If one is looking for “immediate weight loss” then the best method for this is the elimination of water. Use diuretic herbs such as parsley – Italian or Curly, rosemary, celery and dong quai. Fennel is very good here also and make a simple fennel tea. Hawthorn berries, dandelion are two more herbs that are diuretics. Of course exercise more to sweat the fluids as one changes diet to herbs.


Source by Bob G Johnson

How to Diet Smart? Hunger n Calorie Free Dieting


Most often, when we are dieting, we associate dieting with hunger or feeling unsatisfied. But cutting on calories don’t count in satisfying your hunger. A few facts of eating right must me known before we start dieting.

  • The amount of food you eat will determine whether you are hungry or satisfied regardless of the calorie content of the food that you’re eating.
  • You can be more satisfied and lose weight by eating larger portions of less dense foods instead of a smaller portion of more dense food.
  • If you’ve found that dieting always leaves you feeling hungry, eating less dense foods can help you lose weight without this discomfort.

For example, when you drink water by itself it is unlikely to make you feel full, but when water is a significant part of the food you are consuming you will get full on fewer calories. Now which types of foods have high water content?

  • Fruits,
  • vegetables,
  • stews,
  • cooked grains,
  • lean meats,
  • fish,
  • poultry, and
  • soup

These types of foods tend to be filling even though they are less dense. Similarly, foods high in fiber such as whole grains and beans are filling without adding a lot of calories. An additional benefit of high-fiber diets is a lower incidence of constipation and colon cancer. Quite the opposite, high-fat foods, such as butter, full-fat salad dressings, and most desserts, are dense because fat has twice as many calories per serving as carbohydrates or proteins.

Many dry foods like pretzels and crackers, even if they are low fat or fat free, are also dense. Five pretzel sticks have about twenty-five calories but won’t make a dent on your hunger; where as a whole tomato would be more filling and has the same number of calories. It is not too hard to plan to serve a large portion of a low-density salad or soup as a first course. Remember, you don’t have to give up all high-density foods, just make sure that you have healthy servings of low-density food before you have smaller portions of the high-density foods. There is another positive advantage of this approach. You can find yourself encouraged to add foods to your diet. Put fruit on your cereal, include apple slices in your chicken salad, place salsa on your chicken or fish, add vegetables to your marinara sauce, put eggplant in your lasagna, and add veggies to your shish kabob skewers. By adding low-density foods you will become full sooner and eat less of the high-density food. So enjoy everything but remember HOW!


Source by Zenith Regan