Low Calorie Diet Plan – The truth about diet plans low calorie


The message has been there for years – if you want to lose weight, you have to control the amount of calories you consume each day. Therefore, many people who go on conventional diets begin the tedious process of counting calories. Many low calorie diet plans focus on total caloric intake between 1200 and 1500 daily.

At first glance, it seems perfectly logical. I mean, if you ate 2000 calories a day, if you deposit that amount by 500, then you can easily lose weight, right?


There is evidence now following a low calorie diet is not necessarily going to cause you to lose weight. You see, it’s all about how the body really works when we give it some types of food. If you suddenly go from eating hamburgers, fries, and apple pie, eating only salads, carrots, fruit, yogurt and other low-calorie foods, your body will react to this by slowing down your metabolism to down.

I’m not saying that these low calorie foods are not good for you to eat, because they are. What I’m saying is that any kind of extreme change in your diet will trigger your body to go into a defensive mode.

This mode of defense is something that all humans have. It goes back to when people were mostly hunters and gatherers. Food was not always plentiful in those days, so our bodies have learned to store calories in fat cells to keep us going during times when food was scarce.

In our modern society, we no longer have to hunt or harvest our own food. We jump only down to our local supermarket and get what we need. We do not even have to also exercise a lot to prepare our food. This means that we eat more food and we are much more sedentary than our early ancestors.

Our bodies, however, still operate on the “fat store for a rainy day” original principle. When you have spent years eating a lot of calories, then move suddenly low calorie foods, your body will think that you are hungry. You know you’re not, but your body is not, so it will react by protecting you and bring your metabolism to a halt.

It will be harder for you to lose weight when you are on strict diet low in calories because of the natural tendencies of your organization.

Therefore, it is much better if you go on a diet that moves between low calories and high calories on a regular basis so that your body can adjust to the idea that you eat foods different, but you will not starve. The truth is, you will feel much more satisfied on a calorie shifting diet because you get to eat a wider variety of foods.


Source by Janine Michaels