How to Lose Belly Fat – 6 Tips to Help!


If you want to know how to lose belly fat, you are not alone. At the same time that many of us are trying to lose this unsightly fat, medical professionals warn us to do the same. According to WebMD, "extra weight around the midsection is associated with inflammation and a higher risk of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and more." So let's look at the top key ways to help you lose that belly fat most quickly and easily!

Six diet tips to help you lose stomach or abdominal fat:

  1. Fruit and vegetables- Get your five servings per day, as they provide the best nutrition for the lowest calories. While losing belly fat you may want to limit your bananas and avocados, in favor of the water-laden citrus and berries for fruits, and the leafy greens, cucumbers and tomatoes.
  2. Monounsaturated Fats- Focus most of your fats on the olive oils, nuts, seeds, avocados, soybean and chocolate, which also lower the risk of heart disease. Just be sure to moderate the amount of these that you do eat, as they are still calorie density.
  3. Dairy: There has been a lot of controversialy recently about how good dairy is for us. Some experts recommend replacing most dairy with soy, rice or flax products- or at least minimizing take to low-fat dairy two times per day. Whichever you chose, staying with the low-fat products are a safer choice when it comes to your belly fat.
  4. Eat lower glycemic grains such as whole grains. The fiber will help keep your insulin from spiking and sturing grains as fat on your belly, while also keeping you from feeling hungry longer.
  5. Water: Drink enough water, as all the fat you are losing must be flushed out of the body in order to lose it. Drink at least the recommended six to eight 8 ounce glasses, and consider 8-10 per day for maximum fat loss.
  6. T o count calories or not? Some experts still recommend counting calories, while others state that you can lose weight if you use the portion method, and eat smaller meals 4-6 times a day. Experiment and see which way works for you, but I believe that the portion method is easier for the long term.

A word about exercise : Experts agree that 30-60 minutes of exercise, 3-5 times per week is important when it comes to losing body fat. Additionally, exercise helps you tone up and keep you motivated while you lose the weight. So how to lose abdominal fat with exercise? Aerobic exercise helps to create a leaner profile when combined with sensible eating. Crunches can help too, but they will not create the six-pack abs without dieting. Also, a better choice to crunches may be leg lifts, as new evidence shows that traditional crunches can negatively impact the spell, when done over time, where the leg lifts do not 'hurt the spell.

The great news is that when we lose weight, it has been shown that belly fat usually comes off more quickly than fat in other areas of the body, because it is visceral fat. With these tips on how to lose belly or stomach fat you do not needlessly need to follow a strict diet to be successful. However, if you are like many people, following a diet plan can help to keep you on track and moving towards your goal.


Source by Kate E. Walker