Diet Plan


In desperation to lose weight, people resort to unhealthy way to lose weight: starvation diet plan. Restricting calories is normal in any weight loss program, but starving yourself will only lead to poor health and poor metabolism. You may lose a few pounds at first, but soon your body will stop letting go the extra pounds to protect themselves.

Most diet plans are an effective job of keeping your body and metabolism guessing. Doing this you continue to burn fat and extra calories while you stay healthy. A problem with weight loss diets can be muscle loss. This can be avoided by eating the right amount of protein and exercise to build muscle.

When you follow a starvation diet plan for a few days, your body will burn extra calories, not knowing that it does not get any fuel for some time. After the right fuel is gone, your body will start to break down muscle tissue to survive. Usually at this point, your body goes into starvation mode and you will become very tired. Your body will try to stop to conserve energy.

If you want a good diet, look for something that burns fat while keeping your muscle tone. Want to keep your metabolism burning at a steady pace while limiting enough to burn the extra fat calories. Adding to an exercise regime will complete your healthy diet, leaving you slim and toned. If you start to feel lethargic, you can not eat enough, so be sure to keep a food log.

Losing weight can be frustrating, but the starvation diet plan is not a healthy response. Rapid weight loss can be done in a healthy way.


Source by Ali Carsen