Type II Diabetes Diet


The type II diabetes diet has become of utmost importance today because of the prevalence of type II diabetes, not just in the United States but throughout the world. The more populous countries of the world – India and China – have seen a tremendous increase in this disease mainly due to their adoption of the American fast food diet. In addition, because of the growth of the aging population in this country, it is now estimated that this disease will affect one in four people here.

This has prompted the growth of an entire industry to service the needs of these folks. This industry is comprised of, but not limited to:

– Pharmaceutical companies

– Medical practices geared exclusively to the treatment of diabetes

– Support groups

– Specialized dietitians

– Organizations such as the American Diabetes Association

– Journals aimed at diabetics

– Foods

– Television shows

– Books by authors espousing their life and experiences as diabetics

– Etc…

With the exception of a few of the above items, the overriding message throughout for diabetics is that they must pay much closer attention to their type II diabetes diet. They must also become more active by participating in some form of physical activity, whether it’s walking or doing more intense exercises such as interval training.

The topic of type II diabetes diet seems to be an ever-changing subject with only a few publications getting it right. Recently, a well- known television personality came clean by declaring that she was diabetic. This was after years of demonstrating how to prepare meals which were laden with everything a diabetic was not supposed to consume.

The proper type II diabetes diet should be made up of what is labeled as primal foods. These are foods in their most natural form without any adulteration by additives such as artificial sweeteners or flavors. For example, apples should be eaten as is and not be part of a pie. The same goes for countless other types of natural foods.

Some of the foods that should be consumed in a type II diabetes diet include:

– Fish prepared with as little seasoning as possible

– Chicken

– Organic fruits and vegetables in their natural form

– Butter and not margarine or butter-like product

– Organic eggs and not egg by-products

– Natural cheeses

– Sweet potatoes (of course without any added sugars)

The above diabetic food list is by no means exhaustive but should be a considered a major part of the diabetic diet menus. The emphasis should be on consuming good proteins and carbohydrates in the proper proportion for your body type.

Foods to be avoided at all cost are bleached products such as rice, bread, sugar, flours and salts. Any carbohydrates in their unnatural form should be removed from the type II diabetes list. Even breads labeled as whole wheat should be avoided.

What can diabetics eat? This should be the question every diabetic need to consider each and every day if they want to live a life free of complications. The list above is a good start.

One of the areas where there is a huge vacuum for diabetics is eating out. Restaurant food, in general, offers the total opposite of what should be on the type II diabetic diet. Here is an opportunity for a creative restaurant owner… start an eatery that caters to diabetics!! A place where diabetics as well as the general eating public can go to enjoy natural foods prepared in a healthy manner.

It is sad to see how this disease has ravished so many people and homes. There are people who cannot travel overseas because they have to do dialysis three times per week. They are virtual prisoners in their communities.

If you look around your city you can easily spot the person who is diabetic. They are the ones who have to administer insulin several times per day. They are people who have lost limbs because of the effects of peripheral neuropathy. They are overweight and sluggish. They sweat profusely and need to drink water constantly. They need to go to the bathroom often. The list goes on. So much of this could be prevented by following a proper diet and exercise program.


Source by Owen Lecky