A simple diet plan to help you lose weight fast


There is a serious problem of obesity around the world today. For this reason, there is a serious need for nutrition education. There is a simple thing to do if you want to lose weight; make sure that you burn more calories than you consume. It should be simple and easy to follow, which is also its nutritional and balanced perspective. Let me show you a simple eating 6 small meals a day to help speed up your metabolism. This is a diet consisting of various healthy foods to help you avoid overeating and bulimia

Breakfast :. Have only one serving of lean meat (ie 4-6 egg whites scrambled or portion fat free dairy products or low-fat milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, or 4 ounces of turkey breast or chicken). If you are vegetarian, you can eat soy products rich in protein. Have a portion of complex carbohydrates and a serving of fruit (medium-sized fruit or brown rice, rich in fiber, oatmeal or whole grain cereal. Limit your portion size of half a cup a cup. Having unlimited servings of non-starchy vegetables such as mushrooms, greens and tomatoes

Mid-morning snack :. You can eat a medium-sized fruit or one ounce of raw nuts as seeds pumpkin, walnuts and almonds natural peanut butter portioned for one to two tablespoons is. ok

:. Lunch Have a portion of lean protein from fat dairy products and low fat cottage cheese , yogurt or four ounces of lean beef, turkey or chicken Having a medium-sized fruit that is fresh and not. canned. If possible, the best thing is frozen fruit. You are allowed a portion of complex carbohydrates like half a cup or a cup of whole grain pasta or brown rice, or size of the average sweet potato or baked potato.

Mid Taste :. Have a portion of lean protein, and unlimited amount of non-starchy vegetables

Dinner: Have two servings of lean protein and unlimited servings of non-starchy vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, mixed green salads. You can always mix with spices, herbs and lemon juice with sea salt. Try to avoid creamy sauces, margarine and butter because they are unnecessary calories.

This is the best and easiest diet if you want to lose weight. If you feel like you do not lose weight as fast as you want, all you need to do is to increase your physical activity. If you are still reaching a plateau, try reducing your carbohydrate servings of fruit in half. But never limit your protein intake. Remember that we want to lose fat, not muscle.


Source by Althaf Ahmed

Recipes for lowering cholesterol – Low Cholesterol Diet Plan


Engage in a low cholesterol diet plan is not as difficult as it seems. All you need to do is come up with a simple meal plan that reduces the cholesterol you eat on a daily basis. Find recipes for lowering cholesterol can be as easy as looking up health cookbooks and visit websites.

You can also develop your own recipes with the help of food nutritionists and doctors. Diets low in cholesterol shave fat and sodium on either substitute fat ingredients with healthier options or introduce techniques to reduce cholesterol per serving.

Any recipe that aims to reduce cholesterol should be all or part of two things. First, the ingredients of the revenue should be low on saturated fat and sodium. Saturated fats are the basic building blocks for the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) while sodium can increase blood pressure.

LDL cholesterol is a type found in fatty meats and other foods high in fat. It can cause heart disease and arterial blockages. Second, a recipe can incorporate a healthy dose of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in your body. HDL can counteract the level of LDL in the blood. HDL is commonly found in grains and fish.

Choose the right ingredients

substituting fat and salty ingredients in recipes makes a huge difference in the amount of cholesterol that you put into your body. For example, you can replace red meat with chicken or turkey meat for your meal. White meat has less cholesterol than red meat.

Recipes which use white meat are a much healthier choice than recipes that require large serving of red meat, pork loins and offal. In the selection of seafood, choosing tuna over shrimp and lobster can reduce your cholesterol drastically consumption. Fish such as tuna are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are the HDL precursors.

When choosing bread to make a sandwich, you can replace white bread for whole grain bread. Whole grain bread contains not only lower LDL levels, they are rich in HDL is good for the body. Similarly, you can replace the salt in your condiments for other non-sodium based herbs.


Select how to cook your food is as important as choosing your ingredients. Regarding the preparation is concerned, you should not add more fat in processing your food you need. Recipes to lower cholesterol generally favor the steam and boiling in frying. Frying integrates more cholesterol in your food. When you decide to fry, use oils that are low on LDL and trans fat. Canola oil is an example of a healthier alternative to frying oil from animal fat.


Source by Laza Marius

Diet plans for men – Suggested diet plans for men who want to lose weight


One of the most crucial things to do if you want to lose weight is to develop for you diet plan. A good diet should take advantage of the genetic and other considerations based on sex so that they will work as expected. As such, there must be diet plans for men and diet plans for women who aim to meet the same objectives, but to use all the difference in body processes between men and women to achieve the desired results.

specific to men, there is a significant difference in muscle mass between men and women which helps explain why basal metabolic rate – the minimum number of calories required for normal process of organization to continue happening – is higher for men than women. The men and women of the same age and height will also have different caloric need to schemes should be designed to exploit this difference accordingly. Similarly, the largest muscle mass and the high potential partner for muscle development means that men can take in more protein on a daily basis and to good use. Women, on the other hand will monitor and plan their diets better because they inherently have a threshold of calories and proteins and bottom these recommended – certainly not a very difficult thing to do -. Can lead to unwanted weight gain

Among the many diet plans for men available, here is a sample to illustrate the point regarding custom specific schemes based on gender trends. This diet plan for men promises to help you lose 2 pounds a week in a very healthy way if currently weigh 180 pounds or more. The total calorie intake for this diet is 1800 calories and is 600 short of the recommended nutritional intake calories 2400 calories for a middle-aged man weighing 180 calories.

For breakfast, eat a half-cup serving preferably cereal variety of grains mixed with chopped banana and a cup of fat-free milk. Add one serving of fruit or a large slice of melon. Finish with coffee or tea without sugar. This plan diet breakfast gives you 440 calories in total. For a morning snack, a whole wheat bagel with 2 tablespoons of cream cheese should give you 230 calories.

Like other diet plans for men, lean meat is a necessary food item in a day. Add tomato slices, cucumber, onions, lettuce and other vegetables cooked chicken and combine with pita bread and a glass of orange juice for lunch 420 calories. For an afternoon snack, munch a slice of whole wheat bread with a tablespoon of peanut butter to 175 calories.

Finish your day with turkey or grilled steak, a cup of rice or pasta with a spinach salad with half a cup of carrots or other vegetables as well as coffee. This is the equivalent of the total 425 calories, which gives more room for discount at two evening after dinner. You can eat yogurt or low-fat ice bays for 130 calories.

The important thing to remember is to eat these meals at regular intervals so that your body does not experience sudden hunger or binge eating sensation. Teach your meals properly space to diet plans for men to the ultimate benefit of your body.


Source by Chad Siemer