The four basic principles of a Detox Diet Plan


The key to a simple detox plan is to keep things, well, simple. You do not need to join an expensive program, buy a lot of books, or get coaching. Eating well is just down to common sense. You do not need to study nutrition, you just start thinking about what you put in your mouth, and make conscious decisions rather than mindless eating.

A simple detox plan does not mean starvation, counting calories, or drinking vile potions. This is simply a case of eat good, natural food and cutting, maybe just temporarily, some items that you may find

There are four common basic principles to simple detox plan, negatively affect :.

1. Cut out all processed waste is not only unnecessary but also contains harmful additives

This rule is first for a reason -. It has massive implications! When trying to determine whether a food is allowed or not, it is the rule to consider first.

But why should we cut processed foods? Basically because they contain ingredients that are not natural and the manufacturing process can leave them with virtually no nutritional value for us. They also tend to contain large amounts of sugar and fat (to make them taste good) which means they are high in calories.

high in calories, and with little nutritional value? Does that make sense to eat

First questions to ask are ?:

1. Is it in a tin box, packets, bottles, polyethylene packaging, jar or cardboard?

2. Do you agree that all the ingredients of natural foods? ie can you eat each item on its own?

3. Can you identify within five steps of raw materials to the finished product?

Basically, do you really know what is in what you are about to eat, you know how it was done, and is it going to provide you with the right nutritional energy?

2. Cut the elements that have no nutritional value to you what so ever.

Now this is where it starts to get difficult for some people.

At a simple detox plan, you should cut alcohol altogether.

same goes for candy, cookies, chips, cookies and soft drinks that are so many islands in the supermarket.

Do they give our bodies good nutritional content? No, of course not. What they provide is sugar and fat, and a lot of calories.

(not to mention they fail every principle number 1 on avoiding processed foods!)

3. Cut the dependency elements that our body needs for moment.


For many people, sugar and sugar substitutes are consumed on a daily basis, to the point where we might call an addiction.

Therefore, during a detox you need to cut out all sugar from your diet.

During a detox, you can learn to listen to your body, and begin to distinguish the needs of his desires!


No matter what your tea or used to drink coffee, most detox diets recommend you cut out caffeine completely.

Although detox you should drink water, and lots of it!

4. Cut out foods that cause common intolerances.

Common symptoms of intolerance are bloating, indigestion, stains and general lethargy.

The only way to identify intolerance is completely detox the body, then adding the suspicious items in your diet in a controlled manner.

The two key suspects approached in most detox diets are wheat and dairy products.


By cutting the wheat and all wheat based products, you will almost certainly see improvements to your weight, your height and overall sense of well-being.

Most detox diets insist you cut out all breads and pasta, even free alternatives wheat.


As for wheat, many people have intolerance to dairy products unknowingly. So, most detox diets recommend you cut out all dairy products from natural (preferably organic) yogurt, free range eggs and butter.

So that means no milk, cream or cheese.

stick to the above principles for as long as you can. Simple!


Source by Samantha J Goodwin

Diet Plan Day 3 – Lose 10 pounds


There are plans and there are fad diets. Those who are skeptical if the diet plans made popular by Internet users really work or not, should definitely find the time to try the diet plans. However, they should know that a lot of discipline must accompany the diet plans, especially with the recent popularity of the three-day diet – lose 10 pounds in 3 days is certainly a dream come true. Here is the 3 day diet plan, and feel free to modify and replace food ingredients as you like

Day 1 :. Breakfast should consist of a cup of tea or black coffee, citrus and a half a slice of plain toast. You can set a tuna salad for lunch accompanied by another slice of toast and vegetable juices. Try carrot or beet sugar, they are preferred for their content of beta-carotene. For dinner, have some lean meat, preferably chicken, accompanied by green beans and wash down with other citrus fruits. Add a scoop of sorbet or sherbet as an incentive to your diet

Day 2 :. Again, pour yourself some coffee or tea for breakfast. Have an egg, a banana energy to start the day and a piece of toast if you’re still hungry. Have a light lunch that consist of cottage cheese spread on a couple of lightly salted crackers and wash it with vegetable or fruit juice. As for dinner, cook yourself two hot dogs, a portion of blanched broccoli, lightly buttered carrots and even a scoop of sorbet or sherbet for dessert

Day 3 :. On the final day, prepare lightly salted crackers and cheddar cheese for breakfast. Sprinkle with apples and a cup of your favorite beverage. Boil an egg and nibble with a slice of toasted bread, preferably wholemeal bread. For dinner, eat a serving of tuna paired with cauliflower, citrus fruit and sherbet or sorbet

Finally, you should take precautions and be sure to complete the 3 day diet plan -. Lose 10 pounds effortlessly with appropriate exercises.


Source by Jack Cardell

3 Day Diet Plans – Lose weight in your areas Considerations – stomach, hips, thighs and buttocks


You should use this diet plan for three days, followed by four days of normal nutrition. This diet is convenient and easy. All fruits and vegetables can be modified for fruits and vegetables with equal calories. This diet can be repeated several times until you have achieved the desired results

For three day diet plan, you should drink plenty of water -. 6-8 glasses every day

[1,999,002. ] Day 1:


The black coffee or tea without sugar, a slice of bread, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or jam

2nd breakfast .:

1/2 grapefruit

Lunch .:

1/2 serving of tuna in oil, a slice of bread

Dinner .:

100 grams of chicken without skin and fat, a cup of cooked green beans, 1 cup cooked beets, 1 slice of crusty bread. Add a tablespoon of soy sauce chicken soup

Before going to bed .:

a small apple

Day 2 :.


The black coffee or tea without sugar, 1 boiled egg, a slice of bread

2nd breakfast .:
1 banana


a cup of yogurt, 5 crackers

Dinner .:

2 sausages, a cup of cooked broccoli, 1/2 cup carrots, 1 slice of crusty bread.

Option: broccoli and carrots can be modified to vegetable soup

Before going to bed .:

Tea, 2 prunes

Day 3 .:


The black coffee or tea without sugar, 5 crackers and a slice of cheese

2nd breakfast .:
a small apple


1 boiled egg, 1 cucumber (fresh), 1 slice of black bread

Dinner .:

1/2 cup tuna, 1 cup cooked beets, 1 cup cauliflower and a slice of crusty bread.

Option :. Replace the tuna with 200 g chicken

Before going to bed:

1/2 small melon or a small apple.

Remember to consult your doctor before applying any of these daily diet plans.


Source by Alen I Green