Dr Atkins Diet Plan – What are some of the foods that you can eat


With so many diets on the market, it can be difficult to decipher what is good for you. In this article we will cover Dr. Atkins Diet Plan, also known as the Atkins diet. By following this program, you can lose a lot of weight quickly.

The entire purpose of the Dr Atkins Diet Plan is to put you in a state of ketosis. This is where your body uses fat for fuel. The main way to enter this state is to reduce carbohydrates from your diet or limit them to a certain amount. This amount is 5 grams per day during the first phase and 10 grams for the next phases. Many people love this diet because you are able to eat all kinds of meats and cheeses. I know when I used this program, I loved to do burgers which were wrapped in lettuce instead of reading. I lost over 20 pounds using this diet. When you eat on this program, you must get rid of bread, sugar, sodas, more vegetables, or anything that have carbohydrates in them. You will be stocking up on things like steaks, chicken, hamburger patties, pork chops, bacon, cheese and other meat products.

There are some drawbacks to the Atkins Diet Plan Dr. The most important thing is that when you reintroduce carbs in your system you end up gaining weight rather quickly. To avoid this, you must add the carbs very slowly, so you do not gain weight quickly. This scheme works well for most people. Hopefully this has helped you decide if this diet is right for you.


Source by James M Donovan

A simple diet plan for Mom

weight loss

As a single mother, the effects of excess weight can be multiplied by the enormous responsibilities of parenthood. Occupied single mothers can experience the kind of tiredness that sleep late, on vacation, and even quiet time alone does not eradicate. Many single parents have little or no time to exercise and use the most appropriate methods to feed their children. This sometimes leads to plans to take daily, which are high in fat and low in nutritional value. Ultimately, we feel the dreaded weight gain. Although there is not a pill or a potion to find our physics in high school, we can take some easy steps to customize a simple diet plan for weight loss.

First, start with a quick physics with your personal physician. He or she is aware of your specific medical condition and can warn you of any foods that may hinder your progress. Once you get the green light, first assess your personal situation. Writing down your weight loss goals will make them more concrete in your mind and you can also view them on the fridge as a reminder at mealtime. Measurable making will also provide more motivation in the form of short-term goals. For example, a goal of the sample can be 4 inches to reduce your waist rather than simply achieving a tummy tone.

Next, identify your vices. If you surround yourself with unhealthy snacks, this will make it more difficult to achieve your goals. Focus on healthy fruits and vegetables. A diet that minimizes empty calories such as high sugar sodas and alcohol can help relieve many symptoms after being overweight. As a busy single mother, you may experience restless sleep, muscle and joint pain, headaches and exhaustion. Caffeine-rich drinks can also cause difficulty concentrating.

Keep your pantry filled with healthy snacks solutions. This way you have a healthy option face temptation Oreo gold. Keep in mind a few simple substitutions can add up over time. Popcorn and low-sodium pretzels over popcorn movie Butter, records clicks the calorie counter. Almonds and walnuts cut sugar honey roasted peanuts. Whole grains, pasta and biscuits give you the much needed fiber on bread and white starches more refined.

Protein is your friend! Many women are constantly struggling with the loss of belly fat. Increasing your protein intake can help you get a flat stomach fast. Eating protein early in the day also helps prevent hunger and fatigue, which is important when you live the life of a single mother. Eggs, unprocessed cheese, Greek yogurt, peanut butter and almonds are good choices. Meat without breading generally contain little or no carbohydrate sugar that cause spikes in blood and weight gain. Beware of the many soy “meat” and “chicken nuggets” that they often contain less protein. These proteins are important options in your arsenal of foods that burn belly fat. Read your labels to be sure.

Remember that you do not have to banish your favorite treats from the kitchen indefinitely. The children will not like this move, either. Once you have achieved your goals personal weight loss gradually reintroduce your favorites in your diet one at a time. Leave moderate proportion and see how your body reacts. This way, you can identify what foods your body is more sensitive towards weight gains and losses.

We can not forget the importance of water. Water and protein go together. If you strive to achieve your belly, remember to stay hydrated. It is helpful to have a bottle of water with a dedicated table so you can track your water against fat loss.


Source by Wendy Webb

Diet Plan For IVF success


If you are about to undergo IVF, then you are about to embark on a journey which is very costly in terms of money, time and emotional costs. You naturally want to do everything possible to make it work and following a diet for IVF success is a good way to go.

You must ensure that you eat several small meals each day, rather than “three square meals”. An ideal number is 4-6 small meals should consist of a portion of complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, quinoa, or legumes and lots of organic fruits and vegetables. About half of your daily meals should also include a small portion of organic protein such as lean meat, eggs, seafood or dairy products.

you can also have small snack between meals if you are hungry, provided they are in good health and in the guidelines of the diet plan for the success of IVF.

General Principles

* In terms of preparation, it is best to lightly steam vegetables as it retains the most nutrients, but they can also be baked, grilled or fried .

* Eat hot food more often than cold food

* Avoid drinking with your meal, as it may interfere with proper digestion, but drink plenty of filtered water between meals

* Chew all your food well

* Avoid fried foods, trans fat, non-organic foods, refined carbohydrates, sugar, corn syrup, caffeine, alcohol, sodas and artificial sweeteners

There are certain foods that can help boost fertility and which these will help. The diet of IVF success includes cereals, brown rice, wild rice, black beans, peppers, potatoes, onions, squash, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, cranberries, raspberries, figs, monkeys, cherries, peaches, dates, melon, pineapple, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, lean organic meats, eggs.

There is a lot you can do to improve your chances and diet for the success of IVF is only one of many ways you can help before and during the procedure.


Source by Elena Vincent