Dr Atkins Diet Plan – What are some of the foods that you can eat


With so many diets on the market, it can be difficult to decipher what is good for you. In this article we will cover Dr. Atkins Diet Plan, also known as the Atkins diet. By following this program, you can lose a lot of weight quickly.

The entire purpose of the Dr Atkins Diet Plan is to put you in a state of ketosis. This is where your body uses fat for fuel. The main way to enter this state is to reduce carbohydrates from your diet or limit them to a certain amount. This amount is 5 grams per day during the first phase and 10 grams for the next phases. Many people love this diet because you are able to eat all kinds of meats and cheeses. I know when I used this program, I loved to do burgers which were wrapped in lettuce instead of reading. I lost over 20 pounds using this diet. When you eat on this program, you must get rid of bread, sugar, sodas, more vegetables, or anything that have carbohydrates in them. You will be stocking up on things like steaks, chicken, hamburger patties, pork chops, bacon, cheese and other meat products.

There are some drawbacks to the Atkins Diet Plan Dr. The most important thing is that when you reintroduce carbs in your system you end up gaining weight rather quickly. To avoid this, you must add the carbs very slowly, so you do not gain weight quickly. This scheme works well for most people. Hopefully this has helped you decide if this diet is right for you.


Source by James M Donovan