Building Muscle – What Is a Suitable Diet?


To build muscle you need to choose a weight gain high protein diet. The most suitable diets will not just include adding calories, but will incorporate the types of foods that are known to build muscle.

The whole purpose of your diet for building muscle is to provide your muscles with adequate nutrition. This nutrition will allow your muscles to repair and build effectively. You also do not want to be gaining fat, so following a low-fat but healthy diet plan is crucial.

Performing a rigorous weight training schedule is taxing on your body. By ensuring that you are fuelling your body correctly you will have enough energy to maintain and finish your workout.

But how do you know what a good diet for building muscle is? Well that's a really good question and to get to the answer you want to understand how your body builds muscle.

During periods of rest your body uses the protein from foods to repair and build your muscles. So you need to eat adequate amounts of lean protein such as salmon, eggs, lean chicken and cuts of beef and pork. Eating lean will prevent you from gaining body fat.

Any person wanting to put on weight must eat 500 calories more each day, this equates to a one pound gain each week. By keeping this simple rule in mind you can easily increase your calories consumed into your diet.

Remember that you want to eat the extra calories as protein in order to build muscle. If you are finding this difficult you can opt to using protein weight gain shakes and supplements. They are easily mixed with milk and are very easy to digest. Two shakes per day will more than cover the extra 500 calories you are trying to eat.

Because people's food choices are so different, it is virtually impossible to recommend the one best diet for building muscle which is suitable for everyone. The best way for you to find a suitable muscle-building diet is to try a few different ones out and see what you feel comfortable with. Try a new diet for at least two weeks to give it a chance and to see how it makes you feel. You need to consider if it is easy to follow, you don't want to make drastic changes to your eating habits.

If you remember to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables along with carbohydrates and increased protein amounts you should be able to see your muscle mass increasing. If not, try adding a Protein Shake, or bar to your diet.

Now you are armed with the information for a plan to pick a suitable diet. By following these simple tips you will be able to personalize a diet that will successfully help you to achieve your desired result.


Source by Kurt J Brandso

10 Tips and Tricks to Stay on Your Diet


Tip # 1- Never ever go shopping when you are hungry. This is a sure fire way to guarantee you leave the store with fruity pebble and Little Debbie's.

Tip # 2- When shopping make sure to go with your accounting partner. This will help you make the right healthy decision when you are shopping.

Tip # 3- Never go down the aisles at a grocery store. Always stay on the outside that is where all the whole natural foods are like your meats, veggies, and fruits. All the aisles carry are processed food, which are a huge no-no in your quest for a new body.

Tip # 4- When you have a sweet tooth try and find something zero calories. You will become good friends with crystal light packs and diet sodas in order to survive your desires. You can also find zero calorie Jello and gum as well.

Tip # 5- Prepare your food ahead of time. I always try to simplify my diet as much as possible, so I will pick one day out of the week and I will cook all my food for the coming week and put it in Tupperware. Also if you have a busy day the next day or your on the road pack your food the day before and just drop it in a cooler on your way out the door.

Tip # 6- If you are in a hurry to go somewhere have a protein shake handy. If you have to be at the office super early or you have a meeting that just sprang up make sure to have a protein shake handy so you can down it on the go.

Tip # 7- Buy all your food in bulk. This will help alleviate any temptation to go to the store during the week to pick up a snack because all your food was already bought on your shopping day. This will not only save you time it will also save you a ton of money.

Tip # 8- Find ZERO calorie condiments. You do not want to add any extra calories to your diet but you want your food to taste good so find some zero calorie condiments to season up your food. Some choices are Mrs. Dash, Hot Sauce, Mustard, Sea Salt, Garlic Salt, Black Pepper, and anything else you can find.

Tip # 9- Eat green leafy veggies with every meal. Make sure they are green and leafy because those have the most fiber in them. The more fiber you eat the faster you digest, the faster you digest the faster your metabolism will run.

Tip # 10- Drink black Coffee. You can add Splenda to it or any other zero calorie sweeteners to it, but coffee in and of itself is hands down the best natural fat burner on the market. So drink up.


Source by Tony Randall Montgomery

Weight Loss Online — The Fastest & Easiest Weight Loss Plan


My first article provided steps for fast healthy weight loss. This was followed by my easy weight loss plan. So, if you combine the two, you’ll have my Fastest Easiest Weight Loss Plan — that you should never do!

Weight Loss Online — Avoid Fast Plans

Fast weight loss plans cause diet shock. If you’re not familiar with diet shock, read the article found at this link, Weight Loss Online–Diet Shock.

The faster you lose weight the greater the subsequent drop in your resting metabolic rate. Your body thinks it’s starving and in order to conserve energy it will slowdown the metabolic rate. This translates into fewer calories burned on a daily basis, which in turn, creates a positive energy balance.

A positive energy balance is simply extra calories left over at the end of the day that you store as fat, yippee! Unless, of course, you eat less and/or exercise more to compensate for the extra calories brought to you by your own body’s slower metabolism.

So, as you can see, you really shouldn’t like fast weight loss plans…unless it comes from me. My plan allows you to lose weight at the fastest possible rate while minimizing your body’s efforts to slow your metabolism.

Weight Loss Online — Avoid Easy Plans

What’s wrong with easy weight loss plans? Nothing. If a weight loss diet actually makes the weight loss process easier without setting the stage for weight re-gain (the inevitable weight gain after dieting) than by all means go for it.

Unfortunately and especially true for weight loss online, easy plans mean bad plans and lots of weight re-gain in the future. How? Easy usually means fast (see above on fast weight loss plans) and fast is usually achieved by severely restricting calories. Since you are basically starving, your metabolism slows and the weight re-gain chain reaction is on.

My easy weight loss plan will not slow your metabolism because I think it’s wrong to starve. My plan is exactly what it’s supposed to be…easy. It still works, but the work is easier to do.

Here is the plan for Fast & Easy Weight Loss Online…

Week One — Cut calories by 100, do nothing else.

Week Two — Cut additional 250 calories (total=350) and add a protein shake with mostly whey protein. For most people, replacing a meal with the protein shake will give a net reduction of about 300-350 calories.

Week Three — Cut another 250 calories (total=600) and drink two shakes of mostly whey protein. The best time to drink them is in the morning and in the middle of your longest period of not eating. For me, I don’t eat from 3 pm until 8 or 9 at night. So I will drink a shake in the morning and one around 5 pm.

Week Four — Repeat week three.

Week Five — Repeat week two by adding back 250 calories and drinking one shake.

Week Six — Repeat week one by adding back 250 calories.

Repeat the entire cycle until you reach your ideal weight.

If you follow the steps outlined above, you will lose weight at the highest rate allowed for healthy weight loss (4 pounds per week). Plus it’s a breeze to follow.

We’ll that’s it for my fast and east weight loss plan. Now, once you start this plan, make sure you prepare for your real problem…weight re-gain.

To Healthy Living

Michael Smith, MD

Diet Basics


Source by Michael Smith, MD