How to lose weight fast without exercise, simple strategies to ensure healthy weight loss


As we remove the exercise of the equation, the focus will now turn to dietary factors and lifestyle. First be clear diet is simply the foods you eat on a daily basis. We are all on a “diet”, most simply do not understand what diet means. Now we want to lose weight without the help of exercise, we need to look very closely as foods and drinks we consume on a daily basis and calories we take to ensure that food habits are are aligned with any type of weight loss plan.

The first place we should look at is the food groups that we consume every day. To ensure healthy weight loss of about 1 pound per week, we want to eat starchy foods, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean sources of protein such as eggs, fish and nuts. Some of these foods are known as super foods and contain many vitamins and minerals that are essential for the loss of body weight and using help.

There are only three major food groups, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. We have micro-nutrients, but this is a whole other topic. We must ensure that nearly 60% of the food we eat are carbohydrates.carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of fuel and energy for the body, so we must ensure that the body has enough energy for daily activities. There should be some fat in the foods we eat and the rest will be the protein, which provide essential nutrients for growth and recovery.

So now we have established that the food groups are, we can now look to “diet” to see what the ration of food we consume in terms of the food groups. This is important because we can identify, if we eat too much calorie dense foods that are high in saturated fats, or if we lack the nutritional value of a food group.

The best way to go about this is to simply create a food dairy. This can be a simple word dresser, or you could opt for a smart phone application, the choice is yours, but this must be the first real step to keep track of what you eat. A good practice is to plan your week in advance and distribute the food you buy in the food groups given so that you can align your grocery list with foods that give you the nutritional value and help facilitate weight loss. This is very handy with a little planning.

Alternatively instead of writing all the foods you eat every day during the week, you can take pictures of the food you eat and take a picture of the food label so that the nutritional value and calories are recorded without writing things down. This is a good strategy for busy people.

Numerous studies have shown that people who take pictures of the food they eat as a recording and monitoring food intake means have found it easier to reduce and eliminate many unhealthy choices food that was on their diet. It is very easy to see how it works, not many people will be very enthusiastic about taking a picture of a burger and fries fat cheese, a good salad. This theory works well and saves time. Everything is a matter of choice.

The next thing to look at would be the liquids you drink every day and in the week. This is important because too many people drink too much sugary and carbonated drinks that have almost no nutritional value in them at all. These types of drinks are loaded with calories that will no benefit to your waistline.

To lose weight, we must ensure that the right types of liquid drinks in our diet. You should look to trade soft drinks and alcohol with water and drink clean health as smoothies and shakes to add variety. Water can play a very important role in any weight loss plan, and is particularly important if there is no exercise in the lifestyle of a person.

Water is a big player in these types of diets, because the water will often fill the gap of hunger. If water is taken with a meal, it is less likely to overeat and reduces the risk of weight gain as well. The water will also help with the digestive process and also to eliminate unhealthy toxins from the body to ensure a cleaning inside.

As mentioned the best way to add variety with drinks in a healthy diet is to throw some smoothies in the mixture. These are a great addition because you can get the much needed 5 fruits and vegetables a day and they are also saving time. Many people have trouble getting enough fruits and vegetables daily in their diet, smoothies provide the ideal solution.

The typical recommendation for healthy weight loss of about 1 pound per week. You must not look to lose more than that. This is very manageable without starving the body of necessary nutrients. To lose one pound of weight per week, you must reduce 3,500 calories of diet you are on. This works to a calorie reduction of 500 per day to keep within the healthy range.

Another common problem that many people face today is that they are sitting around for a long period of time in the workplace. This can make it difficult to keep a healthy diet without cheating. It has been proven in many studies that people who are seated for long periods of time generally eat more than people who are not. In this case, try to get up and walk around whenever possible. Some other ways to reduce the weight piling on, is to use stairs instead of elevators, walk instead of using the car, and walk the dog more often.

Overall, the diet is the most important to a weight loss plan aspect, and since we are not exercising or training, it is particularly important. It will take a bit of planning and a careful commitment to make a habit of recording the foods you eat on a daily basis, but in a few weeks, it will become a regular habit.


Source by Ashley Hubbard

What is a good diet plan to lose weight?


Believe me, I tried everything and when I say everything I mean everything South Beach, Atkins, the diet of fruits and other fad diet you can think of, I tried.

The problem with all of them at the beginning, you’re full steam, and you are bored of eating the same thing or you do not just lose weight at all and frustrated. The end result of all these fad diets is the same as you leave within four months TOPS ..

look like this; Take your monthly bills for example, if your bills have come when you put in a kitchen in an area in the room so that they were spread throughout the household that you do not write anywhere and basically you disorganized with them, and after five months in this way, you would have no idea where you were financially and you’d probably be overwhelmed and discouraged.

Now take pictures all the bills making a spreadsheet and balancing all about -. you would be able to see the big picture and it does not seem so intimidating

Losing weight and dieting is exactly the same. You have no idea where you are wise calories, you should eat and everyone is throwing fad diets in the mix to confuse you further frustrate you more

To lose weight, you have to organize yourself – you must be able to look at the big picture – where you are, where you want to be, what you eat is what you should eat and balancing it all. This will make your life 100% easier and much like getting the bills paid, you reach your ideal weight.

I’d like to recommend a program for you which is the equivalent of QuickBooks for your bills, but it’s for your diet and it is called band The Fat. Many people ask “what is a good diet to lose weight” and my answer is “Strip The Fat is not only a good diet to lose weight, it is the best and only!”

I myself used this program and now I tell everyone. It is a program that you install on your computer and manages your diet for you! It is so easy and so effective that even prints on a shopping list for you !! This is the best diet to lose weight and you will certainly give this organization and the balance you need to lose the great books!


Source by Earl K Thomas III