Quick Weight Loss Diet – The Secret to Finding a Plan That Works


The problem with quick weight loss diets is finding one that actually works! I used to be overweight, and during this time I tried a lot of different diets with varying degrees of success. Some would work ok, and some would not. Normally about 3 or 4 weeks into my diet efforts, I would start to lose motivation, and once I would fall right back into my old bad habits … I bet this sound familiar huh? Well needless to say, this pattern continued in my life for far too long. I was always let in on a simple secret for finding a quick fat loss program that actually works by one of my good friends. What I did not know was how much that little tip would change my life. Basically my friend told me to never try a diet plan if the author does not have qualifications, and to make sure that other people are having good results with the diet. By following these 2 secrets you will increases your chances tremendously of using a good program that actually works.

Is the Author a qualified health expert?

The simple secret is to make sure the person who created the quick weight loss diet you are interested in, is actually qualified to be teaching in the first place. If you can find a diet program written by a certified personal trainer you are definitely on the right track. Why waste time trying diets by authors who are not certified personal trainers when you can use one that is? You are more likely to have better results with the certified personal trainer's quick fat loss diet than someone who does not have the experience and knowledge.

Look for other people's opinions.

Do not just rely only on the author's credentials, make sure other people have used the easy weight loss diet successfully. Try and find reviews of the weight loss diet so you know if it is worth your time trying. Also keep an eye out for before and after pictures which actually show people's faces. This way you can compare the pictures to see if it is the same person. Look for matching tattoos, eye color, and facial structure to determine if the pictures are fake. This will help you find the best quick weight loss program, and help you avoid ones that do not work.

Before you begin any easy way loss diet make sure the author is someone worth listening to, also make sure other people have had success with the easy weight loss diet so you do not waste your time on something too hard to follow. Use these two guidelines when looking for a quick weight loss diet and you will find one that gets results.


Source by Jared Williams

Are Cheap Diet Pills a Scam?


Being overweight is very common these days especially in America. But the US is not the only country suffering from obese population. Many countries like Great Britain, Australia and even Canada are catching up with the most fat country in the world. And as it comes to no surprise, the US is also the leading country in using personal trainer services and weight loss supplements. It is a billion dollar business but still it is the most obese country in the world.

When it comes to diet pills, they tend to give out different images. Some of them are clearly intended for health purposes, and the image of the product is usually accompanied with a healthy looking young couple. The other type of fat burning supplements is clearly directed towards the bodybuilding community. There are pictures of shredded bodybuilders endorsing the products, and claiming that all they needed to get in to that shape, was to use this "Nox Super Shredded Fat Burn" for two weeks. They lost 30 pounds of fat and gained 15 pounds of muscle during that time. In the picture there is a small subtitle "Results not typical". This is actually a disclaimer. If they clearly state that it is not normal to achieve these kinds of results with this product, no one can sue them for not getting any results at all.

The bodybuilder diet pills are usually referred to as strong thermogenics. This kind of weight loss products boost your resting metabolism and make you burn more calories. The health related weight loss supplements are normally supplements that prevent dietary fat or carbohydrates from being absorbed and properly digested. You can clearly see which is the safer option. Your metabolism is raised when you have a fever. Thermogenics raise your body temperature (thermo – temperature). This is not natural, neither is it completely safe. For your body temperature to raise one degrees celcius, your resting metabolic rate will increase nearly 15%. This is actually a lot, but a raise of one degree is actually a large increase. Imagine having one Celsius degree of fever constantly. These strong thermogenics used in cheap diet pills do not typically boost your metabolism by that much since it would be dangerous for some people, who would experience a larger increase.

As it seems to be there is no easy way out. Best results in weight loss are always achieved through a proper diet and a well designed exercise program. Are cheap diet pills a scam? You need to make that assumption on your own.


Source by Peter Bardez

Weight Loss – Obesity, Diets and Holistic Health


Diets are defined in the traditional sense of following a specific eating plan for weight loss / obesity.

Sure, following any of the hundreds of plans that have been promoted in the last few decades may result in some weight loss, but the benefits typically do not last.

Sadly, there is no magic bullet. No, not even those prescription medications that are common these days. Sure, they may result in shedding some pounds, but I've been observing nasty side effects in people that use them, and without lifestyle changes are made, the pounds will come back.

The average American keeps getting heavier, especially children, and the new miracle diets keep coming, and the average American keeps getting heavier, especially children, and …

I suspect you get my point.

But wait, I have this diet that works and I offer a guarantee and … Gotcha! Sorry, there are no simple, miracle solutions / plans. There was never any and there never will be.

I am happy to report that what does work for weight management, always has and always will work, is this: careful food selections, self control, occasional splurging (yahoo!), Acceptance of how God made you, and eating slower, smaller more Numerous meals.

This is the holistic approach and it's what I advocate.

Why do not you see this type eating advice advertised on TV or in magazines anywhere? It's because nobody makes any money when you do it. Surprise! In fact, many people will make less money when you follow a healthy holistic eating lifestyle, sometimes doctors because you will likely be ill less often.

Please become aware that the media and it's advertisers are becoming increasingly talented at getting and keeping our attention, particularly when it comes to our physical appearance. They place pictures of beautiful people with gleaming muscles (they are oiled), rippling six pack abdomens (they are airbrushed or do dozens of sit-ups immediately before the picture is taken), or even yet the people are taking steroid type drugs to enhance Their physiques. These "models" are not representative of we typical humans. You and I need to be wise to this, even though we enjoy looking.

Also, be wary of some of the food products, their claims, and what's in them.

The top 10 deceiving "healthy" foods that lead to weight gain and other health problems:

– margarine, because it lacks the essential oils necessary for a healthy cardiovascular system.

– artificial sweeteners, because they contribute to inflammation

– soy, because it can mimics the hormone estrogen

– most granola bars, because they contain excess sugar

– most dehydrated fruits, because they have added sugar

– most juices, because they lack pulp and contain excess added sugars

– whole grain products, because many people have hidden gluten allergies

– commercially grown apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, and imported grapes because they are the top 5 most chemically treated produce and contain toxins.

– all orange juice, because it is well known to increase inflammation

– commercially raised chicken because it's likely raised indoors, given antibiotics and probably hormones for faster growth

So scrap the diet plans and get the mind set that weight management benefits lifelong "good" eating habits. Simplistic is not it? Better yet it's either difficult or expensive.

So what's a person to do? The answer is this: small changes done consistently. Step one takes getting your thinking right first. Your brain has to change before your body will. Without that, all diets fail long term.

Here are a few tips:

– Eat smaller quantities and more often
– Eat fresher foods
– Eat organic grown varieties
– Eat slower
– Do not drink more than a few sips while eating
– Start a garden
– Eat more variety
– Add more fresh herbs and spices

Get to know the list of the 10 most chemically treated produce (avoid them), some detox / cleansing routines, recipes, and even some tips on simplistic gardening. These realistic weight management tools will produce results that last. Do not hesitate to seek professional guidance if needed.

I also recommend eating a big salad every day, possibly making a meal out of it by adding some quality protein like walnuts, fish, chicken, or beans.

And yes, do not worry, we can still enjoy goodies like ice cream on occasion, but with self control please.

Follow the above guidelines for the best management of weight loss / obesity.


Source by Dr Tom Potisk