Weight Loss in Children – Diet Plans For Kids


As the years pass and obesity rates continue to climb our children are also victims of overweight and obesity. Eighty percent of overweight and obese children will stay that way in adulthood. It is easier to work on losing weight for children while they are young.

children can lose weight and change their eating habits easier than adults. The older you get the harder it becomes to make this change and lose weight. Children should not “diet” but rather learn to make healthy choices.

My daughter is classified as obese and she is 10. I took her and had her tested for all major medical problems of his diabetes thyroid. There is nothing wrong with it medically. It has a slow metabolism and we were sent to a registered dietitian.

During his meeting with the dietitian she showed us what an appropriate portion size is. I was shocked when she showed us. She says this is true even for an adult. An appropriate portion size is the size of the palm of your hand. That’s it. It should have the four food groups on his plate, but helping each food group should be only the size of the palm.

A child should have enough calories each day of the allocation of energy. All calories after that turn into fat. Not enough calories begins to burn fat for energy. This does not mean you have to starve your child. This will not work, they will go behind your back and sneak food, undoing what you are trying to teach them.

Your whole family should work together to make a healthy change in lifestyle for your health and the health Childs. Your child should be eating 4-6 times a day according to bedtime and school hours

A Day. Example:

  • 6: 00- 8:00 Breakfast
  • two hours after breakfast if not close too close to lunch a snack
  • 11: 00- 1:00 Lunch
  • two hours after lunch, a snack
  • 5: 00- 6:00 Dinner
  • two hours after dinner, if not too close to bedtime and another small snack

Following an example as it will not let your child hungry and they will have lots of energy. Now this does not mean that you feed your cookies and chips kids for snacks. You must give them fresh fruit and vegetables. Some small thing in calories and fat.

I have four children with three of them being thin and is not therefore feel very bad about herself. Children who are overweight fall prey on others who like to attack cause low self-esteem and their other problems. It’s heartbreaking for parents as well. We feel like we have to help but we do not know how.

I went to search the Internet for weight loss in children at a solution. I needed a solution that would fit into our budget and I could implement in our entire family so that all my children learn to eat healthier for life. I assume that obesity rates continue to climb, the way we eat in my house one of my other children was expected to become overweight or obese as time passed.

taught me how to make meat, potatoes, vegetables, and bread at every meal. That was how I grew up and it’s supposed to be healthy according to grandma and mom. It was obviously going to have to change. I do not want my children to take this habit with them now that I know it’s not the healthiest way to eat.

I could not find camps and schools to put in fat. Well, that is absolutely out of the question for me. I do not send my child somewhere just because she is overweight. I love her with all my heart and I have custody.

After much searching, I found a perfect program for my entire family who had no recurrent costs and was in my budget. At $ 60.00 I felt it was well worth it for the health of my family. We have just begun to use the program, but I can tell you it is worth every penny.

The power generator is the best thing ever. It provides my meals for me and gives me a grocery list of what I need to take meals. If there is something we do not like or do not want to try then I replace it with another healthy thing of the generator. And if I have any questions I just go to the support forums with others going through the same thing.


Source by Donald Canter