Losing Weight Fast – Cabbage Diet?


Many people tend to look to the famous cabbage diet as fast weight loss strategy but does it actually work? Yes.

Yes, it does work, but only temporarily. Before I dive in further, lets just give you more information about the losing weight fast method, the cabbage diet. The cabbage diet is a diet where you need only have a few days to lose that few extra pound to attend your cousin's wedding, or to get into that beautiful dress for your prom.

This losing weight fast diet includes having you to drink only cabbage soup for a few days. By doing so, you would lose the water retention in your body, resulting in you losing a few pounds needed for that emergency event. So all you can take for that few days would be cabbage soup.

Again, this is only a losing weight fast method that you can use to help you lose that few extra pounds fast. It is bad for your health in the long run!

This losing weight fast method definitely works but there are some side effects.

As you are not taking all the required nutrients that your body need, you might feel weak or nausea. Also, as it is only losing the water in your body, you would regain your weight the moment you start eating normally. If you think that you can simply continue on this diet, it's a waste of time. This is because no actual fats is lost and you are just slowing starving your body of the nutrients it need. This might lead to serious problems and land you in hospital with real damage to your body.

So, in that few days when you're taking this diet to ensure that you are losing weight fast, there are some suggestions for you to go help you survive the cabbage diet.

First and forth most, fruits. They contain fibers that will give you a filled feeling rather than going around all day with your stomach growling away. Also, fruits has natural sugar in them that would give you some energy that the cabbage soup lacks. Try not to eat fruits like watermelon that has high water content. After all, you're trying to lose the water retention in your body!

Next, get some carbohydrates and protein. Sandwich, just a simple one with some tomatoes and one slice of ham in it would make you feel better. It would not affect your weight much and would give you some much needed energy to survive your cabbage diet.

You can try losing weight fast in this method, but it will not help you in any actual weight loss. There are other methods that will help you in losing weight fast and making sure that you keep the fats of permanently!


Source by Grace T Chen

Why Do Most Fast Diet Plans Fail?


Fast diet plans are one of the most popular topics in the field of health and well being. It never fades away, names may change but the principles are the same-promise an instant solution to the problems of overweight overnight. How many fad diets have you ever tried in your lifetime? Ever wondered why fad diets do not really work? Here are the top 5 reasons why diets are doomed to failure.

1. Diets are monotonous. They lacked to give one important element in menu planning-variety. It means serving different kinds of food everyday to prevent taste fatigue. It also makes our meal more enticing and satisfying. Obviously fast diets offer bland foods that you must solely take in for a couple of days to weeks. Some goes for months. Can you imagine eating the same kind of food every meal for the rest of your life? Boredom and deprivation are the reasons why people do not stick with this kind of diet, You may lose weight in this kind of diet but for just a given period of time diets make you feel hungrier. And as expected, due to the feeling of deprivation, you go to back to your usual diet and presto – re gain the "lost pounds" all over again.

2. Diets do not include exercise. Diet without exercise never works. Lost weight from diets are due to water not fat. Excess fats must be burn through exercise. Weight management means hard work. There is no single pill or food shakes that shed off the accumulated weight you've gained through time in an instant.

3. Diets are too strict and too difficult, too little and too fast. Too much of everything expire enthusiasm. In this fast-paced environment, one must have enough energy to get through the day. However, diets demand no carbohydrates, no sugar, just plain fruits and vegetables. Definitely lacks energy to face the busy world. To add up, if you are not that lucky enough, you might get sick because of depleted nutrients from these fast diet plans to fight infections.

4. Diets are generalized. Losing weight effectively should be individualized. What might work for others may not work for you. diet plans rely heavily on undocumented testimonies and anecdotes without scientific findings. Effective weight loss programs include individual assessment and behavior modification.

5. Diets do not include lifestyle change. Losing weight does not focus on diet alone. A good weight loss program involves diet, exercise, sleep and managing stress and emotions. Before you engaged yourself in another popular fast diet plans; think of the reasons above. You might be wasting your time and energy. Always remember that there are only 3 aspects to consider in weight management; proper diet, exercise and behavior change; no more no less.


Source by Alma Liyag

How to Get Rid of Fat


This is the most popular question among the people who seek for losing weight. As we know, there are three main categories of weight in our body; fat, muscle, and water. Among all three categories, fat is the one which is most prominent and common. If you lose the fat from your body, not only you become slimmer, but you become healthier as well. There are many methodologies used for getting rid of fat. Let’s discuss a few of those in this article.

Modifying your diet is the main way of getting rid of fat. This method makes sure you lose existing fat as well as no fat is taken in to the body. Therefore, this is also a preventative measurement that anyone can use if they are interested on how to get rid of fat. There are a number of theories developed by many scientists about losing fat by dieting. On top of that, there are many authors, sometimes with no proper qualification in the field, have written hundreds of books as this is one of those subjects that anything and everything can be sold. Anyway, you need to be careful when choosing a dieting plan and you are advised to consult a qualified person. The bottom-line is that any dieting plan is good as long as it provides you a balanced nutrition and less calorie intake.

Next method suggests you aerobic exercises with controlled calorie intake. Aerobic exercise helps you in two ways to get rid of fat; by exercising the cardiovascular system and by burning calories. Both of these help losing fat fast. Anything such as running, walking, playing a game are considered aerobic exercises as they make your heartbeat accelerated and sustained. Aerobic exercises should be accompanied with a proper dieting plan for the best results.

Toning and strengthening your body muscles is the next method on how to get rid of fat. The body muscles contain a fair amount of fat and the process of getting rid of this fat has two advantages; losing fat and strengthening the muscles. When muscle fat is lost and the muscle is strengthened, muscles will have a proper and attractive shape. There are many formal and informal exercises for toning and strengthening your muscles and you need to consult a qualified person for choosing the best one for you. The exercises suitable for you may vary depending on your body type, sex, weight and many other factors.


Source by Natalina Odus