Diet For couples – a fun way to lose weight together


A diet for couples is fun if you have a partner who also wants to lose weight. It can be difficult to lose weight when your partner gets to eat whatever he or she wants just on front of you. Most couples are gaining weight after a couple of years together. It is normal for this to happen, but it need not be permanent. The best thing you can do to stay fit as a couple is to lose weight together.

There will be easier to lose weight together rather than go on a diet alone. If you live in the same house, you will just be tempted to break your diet and eat anything that your partner is having for a midnight snack. An advantage to a diet for couples is that you will not be tempted to break a diet because anything your partner is to eat should be healthy, non-fattening foods too.

You and your partner must be committed to losing weight together to make a plan work couples. Have a serious talk with your partner and describe the steps to start a diet for couples. It would be convenient to keep a journal to document your progress and write notes, such as the menu, a list of healthy foods to buy and a list of restaurants that serve non-fattening food. Forget putting fast food restaurant on the list.

The next thing to do to rid your home of unhealthy food. Empty your refrigerator and kitchen cabinets of chocolates, cakes, chips and other unhealthy snacks. Check drinks too because some of them can also be fattening as soda and cocoa drinks. It might help to check the label for the content if you are unsure if a food or drink is fattening or not.

go to the supermarket together so you can choose healthy foods each that appeals to your taste buds. Do not expect your partner to eat vegetables stick just because you like it. Each of you must get healthy food you can eat. Enjoying your diet menu will help you keep. Grocery shopping together, also prevents you to enter a bag of chips or a chocolate bar.

If you both enjoy eating out, you can always try to do so, but to reduce the number of times you dine out. In your journal, make a list of restaurants to visit. Choose restaurants that serve healthier food. Skip fast food restaurants all together if you can help it. Even if you think you do order a salad at a burger joint, you might still be tempted to order a hamburger those you’re there. If portions are large at the restaurant, split an order between the two of you or ask the waiter put half of the order in a doggie bag.

exercise together at the gym. You might even be able to get a discount if you sign up as a pair. Get in sports. Start with the sports you can do like a pair like badminton or tennis. If you have children, the whole family can play basketball and football together. Walk and bike racing are also good options. Who knows, a diet for couples might actually turn out to be fun if the whole family gets to spend much time together sport.

If your partner begins to break the diet, about him to get Back on Track. If you start to get tired of playing racquetball all the time, go cycling. The main advantage of a diet for couples is that you can work in teams to lose weight together. Get more tips on how to make a more interesting torque speed. Ask other couples who have also done this before, they can have interesting ideas to share to make it more fun to do.


Source by Jenni Lee

During menopause avoid gaining weight


What is menopause? It is when a woman stops ovulation and menstruation (period) is terminated permanently. It is the last menstrual period. Usually it happens when a woman reaches 51 years of age but can occur at an earlier age or older. It is called a natural menopause when you’re 51; if it occurs before 45 it is called premature menopause age and if this occurs before age 40, it is called premature menopause

Weight gain :. Approximately two thirds of women experience weight gain and difficulty controlling their regular weight. During the years of menopause, most women will have an increase of 10 to 15 pounds. It’s bad enough that menopause comes with the dreaded weight gain but weight collects around the abdomen. This is regularly appointed as an apple shape, because the stomach area becomes very round. Normally your extra pounds will be distributed throughout the body, but after menopause, you will gain weight around the waist line. Your average gain will be about a pound a year.

Maintaining your weight will become a very difficult task, and losing weight will make you wish for a miracle, because it will be almost at that point you have a pounds reduction. The reason for this is your hormones are fluctuating unpredictably, which will have an impact on your need to eat, your metabolism, and increased fat storage. At this point, your body will store rather than burn calories because you will develop a resistance to insulin in the body. Your body will change the way it handles food you eat. Insulin resistance will cause your body to store more calories you burn. For example, if you eat 500 calories before menopause, your body store and burn 150 calories 350. Now after menopause your body will store calories and only burn 350 150. This is the reason for your weight gain and difficulty you will lose weight.

If you have problems with your blood sugar, hormone levels, or eating habits because of the excessive weight gain, a visit to your doctor is recommended. You need to keep your weight gain under control because the storage of excess fat around the stomach can lead to high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and breast cancer. The sooner you start taking care of your self, eat properly and get proper rest, the better your life will be

Here are some weight loss tips menopause :.

1. In your plan food include foods that are low in fat, have low cholesterol levels and low levels of saturated fats. Eat vegetables and fruit; avoid refined sugars and maintain a balanced diet. All women should consume 20 to 30 grams of fiber a day and your fat intake should be less than 30 percent of your daily calorie intake.

2. Women with menopause need fewer calories to maintain the same body weight; reduce your intake of calories. Increase your level of exercise or activity level; reduce your calories by 10 to 15 percent to maintain your current weight. It is wise for women to get a head start; about age 25 reduce your calorie intake of 2 to 4 percent every 10 years.

3. You must remove your desired food; simply reduce the amount of each part. Take your time, chew your food well, and eat smaller quantities per meal. By chewing your food well, prompting your brain into thinking you consume more food than you really are. Therefore, you will be notified that you are full even if you ate less food.

4. Many of your body functions depend on an adequate amount of water intake. Drink 8 to 10 glasses a day will keep your body hydrated. Sometimes when you think you’re hungry, try drinking a glass of water especially if it was less than 4 hours since your last meal. Remember if you’re exercising; try drinking some water for every 15 minutes of exercise. After exercise Try to drink a glass of water instead of something to eat. Do not be confused by your signals, as to whether you are thirsty or hungry. It will make a world of difference with the amount of books you earn.

5. There is a difference between being just the right size and being too thin. Some of us will do more and losing too much weight. Well, you may experience osteoporosis problem by being too thin. Another thing not to lose large amounts of weight too fast because the sagging skin will make your look more like a walrus that a thin person.

6. The exercise will become more important for you the older you get. Do not think you can lose years of grease and fat in a week. It took you years to accumulate, but with the right program, you can lose. Some of the benefits of exercise is a heart and bones stronger, better control of your weight, and creates a sense of well-being and fitness. Without exercise and proper diet, you will more than likely suffer from obesity, osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

You do not have to spend thousands of dollars to buy a pass gym or spend many hours walking on a treadmill. Choose an exercise that you can enjoy doing. There are many forms of activity that you can do and enjoy everything at once, you are more healthy. Try exercising with a friend, but do not let that stop you from sticking with your plan

Idea :. Think about how you will feel when you look in the mirror and you see a person healthy fitness smile back you.


Source by Melvin L Davis

Diet for women pear shaped – is the result of the pear-shaped woman


Women come in different shapes and sizes – in fact often we are talking about women pear shaped and apple-shaped women. Unfortunately, most weight loss programs are designed for girls in the form of more frequent apple. For this reason, a lot of juicy pears are left out in the cold, which begs the question: What is a good diet for pear-shaped women

First, the good New: You can use almost any diet, no matter what your shape. Diets do not attack specific parts of your body when they flush fat from your system. Instead, they reduce fat all over your body. Therefore almost every sensible diet help you reduce your pear shape.

  • The best way to do is make sure you eat three to five small meals a day – and above all, do not skip breakfast. When you give your body food in the morning, it jump starts your metabolism and allows your body to properly digest the food you give him for the rest of the day.
  • Eat dinner as soon as you can when you get home from work – because if you eat dinner before bed, you give your body the conflicting management – using energy to digest, but lock body to get ready for sleep – and you end up gaining weight.
  • Drink plenty of water during the day. Reduce carbohydrates and fat means. Instead of eating lots of fruits and vegetables and low fat protein like chicken and beans. If you need to snack during the day to eat fruit or vegetables.
  • Avoid processed foods like the plague and never get food to take away – it’s full of fat that can ruin your diet.

Now for the bad news: most exercises plans marketed women do not work for women pear shaped. They are designed for apples. So you have to throw them like yesterday’s news.

Notice that plans traditional exercise for women focusing on the ups and crunches and sit bench presses. These are great for apples, but can actually make women pear shaped look worse. If all they will exploit your shape and make you look even more pear-shaped, and then when you started.

Instead, the thing for you to do is to build your upper body as you lose weight through diet. This will balance your body and make your figure more sinuous than low-heavy.

The best way to do this is to use free weights to build your arms, chest, back and torso. Do a lot of loops. Hold the dumbbells over your head and slowly lower them down to the neck. Lie on your back and lift the dumbbells over in the air until they are above your chest. Do a lot of push ups.

Avoid crunches and sit-ups until you have built your upper body. Keep it work and make sure – even after you start working on your lower body -. You make about twice as many upper body exercises like body or the lower stomach exercises

Keep it with the help of a sensible diet and nobody will dare think that you were never a pear!


Source by Cornell Dayne