Calorie Based Diet Plans Without Counting Calories


Planning sensible meals on your diet plan is essential to losing weight. With calorie based diet plans, you control the proper calorie intake, which is the main ingredient in the recipe to lose weight. To lose weight and keep it off you have to burn more calories than you take in. But you must know how many calories you need to eat and how many you need to burn in order to be successful.

Food was meant to be enjoyed – but in moderation. If we base our food decisions on taste alone and disregard nutrition, we will most likely gain weight. We have to strive for a healthy balance of taste and nutrition. To create a calorie based diet plan, you have to structure your daily meals around the number of calories you need to lose weight. The healthy way to lose weight is not the fastest. It is recommended that you lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. Most fad diets that lose weight quickly are just losing water weight. That is why you gain the weight back as soon as you start eating normally again.

The average woman may burn 1700 to 2000 calories per day during normal daily activities. The average man, 2200 to 2500 calories each day. A pound of fat contains 3500 calories. You need to burn 3500 additional calories in order to lose one pound. If you reduce the number of calories that you normally eat by 500 to 600 calories you can lose that one pound in a week. A calorie based diet plan of this sort will allow you to lose weight and have a stable appetite during the day. If you’re a woman, create meal plans based on 1200 to 1400 calories per day. A man should plan on 1500 to 1800. Many people skip meals to save calories. This is a big mistake because it causes you to eat more at other times because of low energy and blood sugar levels. Instead of skipping meals, eat 4 to 5 times throughout the day. When you spread your calories throughout the day, you can keep up your energy level. Keeping your metabolism high and your blood sugar level low allows you to burn more calories.

To burn more calories you need to exercise. It is the best way to increase your metabolism. If your body can burn 2000 calories a day without exercise, it will burn 2200 calories per day with regular exercise. The amount of calories burned by exercise depends on your weight. A 150 pound person can burn 140 calories in a 30 minute walk and close to 300 calories walking fast paced for an hour. If you increase your activity level, you increase the number of calories you burn. Then you don’t have to reduce the number of calories that you eat as much. You need to have a 500 calorie deficit each day. You get this by exercising, eating less or a combination of the two. You will find that as you exercise more, your body will want more calories. No exercise plan is going to help you burn calories if you don’t do it. You need to find an activity that you will enjoy and keep doing. Exercise needs to be a life long commitment, just like eating healthy on a calorie based diet plan.

The easy part is determining how many calories you need per day. The hardest part of a calorie based diet plan is determining what you should be eating and how much of it to get those calories.


Source by Helen Wilson

Fast Ways to Lose Weight Guide


Losing weight is not an easy task to achieve because you need to be persistent and that requires a lot of dedication for the rest of your life. The battle against weight loss is a continuous struggle for many people on the planet. Those people living in developed countries have the biggest struggles in weight loss.

In order to lose weight fast, you should boil, steam or grill your food instead of frying it. Eating food that has been fried is not good for you because your food absorbs the fats and oils. Try using a wide variety of spices and seasonings to make your food much more tasty and much more appealing.

Quit drinking anything that is loaded with artificial sweeteners, sugar, carbonated beverages, sweet tea, milk shakes, and so forth. Drinking plenty of fresh, clean water will dramatically help you lose weight and become healthier by burning a lot of calories.

Working-out and watching T.V. go hand-in-hand when it comes to losing weight. Your work-out can consist of squats and stretches, sit-ups, running-in-place, push-ups and crunches.

You should work-out 20 to 30 minutes a day for a minimum of 3 to 4 days a week if you want to lose weight fast. It is recommended that you take breaks in between rigorous cardiovascular exercises to lose weight fast. Your fat-burning hormones work much more efficiently that way.

Fruits and vegetables are really good to help you lose weight fast. Be sure and put them on the menu. Overeating can be prevented by eating fiber enriched foods because they make you feel full longer. You’ll have a much higher energy level maintained all day long, too.

If your wanting to lose weight fast then you should be eating protein, fiber and drinking lots of water.

Weight gain can be caused by water being retained by sodium, therefore your salt intake should be limited.

A pedometer would be a great investment for you if you are having a tough time finding enough time to work-out When you are wearing your pedometer you should try to get at least 10,000 or more steps a day because you can burn 100 extra calories or more each day.

Keep in mind that these fast ways to lose weight can be extremely helpful to you. Be sure and follow a great diet plan and try not to lose more than a couple of pounds a week. Always get a lot of good exercise!


Source by David L. Donaldson

Weight Loss Success – Extreme Self-Discipline Made Easy


How many times have you decided that another diet did not work? Was it the diet that didnt work or your self-discipline that failed? Just about any diet will eliminate those unwanted pounds, when you learn to use your self-discipline.

Everyone has self-discipline to one degree or another. If you are not fit, you simply need to learn to use your self-discipline.

Prior to joining a health club in 1987, I was very undisciplined in every area of ​​my life. For example, in the middle of a freezing North Dakota winter, I received a utility company notice that my power would be shut off immediately since since I had not paid my bill.

Of course I had not paid my bill, I could not find it. Because I did not want to freeze, I quickly paid the bill. I realized being undisciplined and procrastinating was not a good lifestyle.

Because of my undeveloped self-discipline, I took 5 years to get my 4-year degree. I just did not bother to exert myself. Developing self-discipline requires energy. Energy comes from exercising. Once I began exercising in March 1987, my energy level steadily increased. I began to realize that I was in control of my life.

Self-discipline is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Conversely, the less you use your self-discipline, the winner it gets.

The first step to developing self-discipline is simply understanding this: you CAN develop extreme self-discipline! Get the notification out of your head that you do not have self-discipline.

The second step to developing self-discipline is to set up your environment for success. Toss all your trigger foods. How do you expect to be successful at weight loss when you are constantly tempted by those tasty, crunchy foods in your pantry? It is much easier to say no once at the grocery store than have to say no hundreds of times daily to those same snacks.

Replace all fat-promoting foods with fit-promoting quality foods. In Lose the Lies Lose the Weight, , I provide extensive lists of fat-promoting versus fit-promoting foods which will teach you exactly how to eat for weight loss success.

Finally, join a health club. Gaining control of your discipline requires energy. Energy comes from regular physical activity, not channel or Internet surfing. Exercise eliminated my procrastination and lack of self-discipline.

After I began exercising in March 1987, everything in my life changed. I no longer had to take several naps every day. I began to get things done. I quickly completed my college degree. I wrote Step by Step Phonics, competed in natural bodybuilding competitions (and won), ran 5 K's, got in shape after two kids, started a business, wrote Lose the Lies Lose the Weight, and had the energy to accomplish every goal I set .

Do you realize, my friend, the amount of energy and talents that you have not tapped into because you have not utilized your self-discipline? What you can accomplish will amaze you once you simply use your self-discipline.

What are you waiting for? You have things to do. Accept that you can and will develop self-discipline. Second, eliminate all those fat-promoting foods. Read Lose the Lies Lose the Weight, if you need motivation. Finally, join a health club. Once you take these action steps, you will create the life and fitness results that you desire. Take control of your life today.


Source by Laurie L. Bell