Easy Family Diet Plan to lose weight


We all know how difficult it is to get children to eat well. They are suspicious of new foods that mom or dad can suddenly be at their service. They can smell the disgust that we, the adults, can be had with the new plan of the family diet. It can make a change to a healthy diet to come to a screeching halt. There must be a family diet easier to lose weight available anywhere.

Good News! A family diet easy to lose weight is not as difficult as it sounds, if you follow these four tips:

1. Eat as close as possible to the old foods using healthy substitutions and omissions. If you eat pizza every Friday night for delivery change “makes the family pizza night.” Avoid partially hydrogenated oils in the pizza dough. Avoid corn syrup or high fructose sweet pizza sauces. Use the fresh meat and chopped vegetables for toppings instead of nitrate loaded lunch meats and sausage. Find low-fat shredded mozzarella cheese for garnish. What you end up with is still pizza. The family enjoys the process and taste. Do this with other meals as well. Try brown rice noodles or spaghetti instead of the regular type. Try yucca instead of fries.

2. Make and freeze meals that you would normally buy in ready-made processed versions. Let’s face it. There are very few meals made available in normal grocery stores that do not have preservatives, hydrogenated oils, food colors or large amounts of added sugar. It is much healthier to make several dishes of lasagna in advance and freeze them to eat later than relying on store bought varieties. This can be done with many dishes of chicken barbecue meatballs.

3. Add the fruit of a sweet substitute for sugar. The amount of sugar consumed daily these days is incredible. If fruit can be added instead of sugar, the benefits of losing fat soluble fiber will be added as well. Try using applesauce for oil in baking recipes and then half the sugar. Instead of trying the frozen banana slices, strawberries or apples.

4. Habits may be the problem. If everyone used to go to the pantry for a snack, put the snacks in the pantry. The key is to make it easier to get healthy snacks. Having ready-made bags of popcorn in small sandwich bags available and easy. Have dried fruit and nut bags ready to go too. Put them at eye level in a large bowl in the pantry. You can even try to place the fruit in a bowl in the pantry. Go with the usual models.

There can be any diet, a family friendly easy diet plan to lose weight.


Source by Walt Miller