Building Muscle – What Is a Suitable Diet?


To build muscle you need to choose a weight gain high protein diet. The most suitable diets will not just include adding calories, but will incorporate the types of foods that are known to build muscle.

The whole purpose of your diet for building muscle is to provide your muscles with adequate nutrition. This nutrition will allow your muscles to repair and build effectively. You also do not want to be gaining fat, so following a low-fat but healthy diet plan is crucial.

Performing a rigorous weight training schedule is taxing on your body. By ensuring that you are fuelling your body correctly you will have enough energy to maintain and finish your workout.

But how do you know what a good diet for building muscle is? Well that's a really good question and to get to the answer you want to understand how your body builds muscle.

During periods of rest your body uses the protein from foods to repair and build your muscles. So you need to eat adequate amounts of lean protein such as salmon, eggs, lean chicken and cuts of beef and pork. Eating lean will prevent you from gaining body fat.

Any person wanting to put on weight must eat 500 calories more each day, this equates to a one pound gain each week. By keeping this simple rule in mind you can easily increase your calories consumed into your diet.

Remember that you want to eat the extra calories as protein in order to build muscle. If you are finding this difficult you can opt to using protein weight gain shakes and supplements. They are easily mixed with milk and are very easy to digest. Two shakes per day will more than cover the extra 500 calories you are trying to eat.

Because people's food choices are so different, it is virtually impossible to recommend the one best diet for building muscle which is suitable for everyone. The best way for you to find a suitable muscle-building diet is to try a few different ones out and see what you feel comfortable with. Try a new diet for at least two weeks to give it a chance and to see how it makes you feel. You need to consider if it is easy to follow, you don't want to make drastic changes to your eating habits.

If you remember to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables along with carbohydrates and increased protein amounts you should be able to see your muscle mass increasing. If not, try adding a Protein Shake, or bar to your diet.

Now you are armed with the information for a plan to pick a suitable diet. By following these simple tips you will be able to personalize a diet that will successfully help you to achieve your desired result.


Source by Kurt J Brandso

Anabolic Cooking – Can You Lose Weight With These Diet Recipes?


If you have read some of my other reviews of weight loss programs, you would know that obesity is on a sharp increase in western countries and all evidence points to this trend continuing for years. I believe there are several reasons for this. In this fast paced world we are just too busy or too tired to cook for ourselves. This truly is the fast food era. In my other weight loss reviews I have said that long term weight loss is a lifestyle choice. Its easy to lose a bit of weight but to keep it off requires a conscious change in diet and regular exercise. To be healthy is a lifestyle choice not a given. That lifestyle change must consist of eating healthy nutritional meals and exercise. One without the other doesn't work in losing the weight and keeping it off. I love good food, good wine and good friends. I'm always on the lookout for tasty recipes but that are not going to blow my waistline.

I saw this cookbook and thought what does anabolic mean? According to the Cambridge Dictionary anabolic means "A hormone, chemically made by living cells, that causes muscle and bone growth."

What Is the Anabolic Cooking Cookbook?

The anabolic cookbook is designed for busy people on the go who don't have time to cook healthy nutritious meals but want to lose the fat, build muscle or just eat healthy. The book contains over 200 recipes that take only minutes to prepare. This diet recipe book tells you what to eat, when to eat it, what ingredients to shop for and step by step instructions on how to prepare your meals. The interesting thing I found in this cookbook is that it tells you what is in the foods we are eating.

For those that are novices in the kitchen there is a section on how to read a recipe, the different cooking methods and what tools you need to get started in the kitchen. It's a virtual cooking classroom.

Nutrition is the most important part of losing weight and building muscle but how many of us assume that eating healthy means boring bland tasting foods? I admit I do. Dave Ruel the creator of the anabolic cookbook has soups, salads, fish and seafood, chicken and poultry, red meat and pork, breakfast and desert recipes that sound and look delicious. The first thing I looked at was the desert menu and got excited about the strawberry meringue, the chocolate mousse, and the blueberry cheesecake. But there are so many others to choose from as well. I figured the other menus are less important. I kid myself. But all the recipes are delicious and Dave says it takes only minutes to prepare a week of meals and also shows you how best to store them away.

The Benefits:

• A Complete shopping list, nutritional meal plans, and step by step meal preparation.

• Meal planning is easier because you are told what to eat and when to eat it and how to prepare a complete a daily meal plan from breakfast to dinner.

• Improves your cooking skills.

• Contains the nutritional values ​​of all the foods you buy and eat so you know exactly what you are putting into your body.

• Each recipe is designed to burn the fat, build muscle and tone the body.

• 60 day money back guarantee.

• No need for supplements.

The Negative:

• Dave does not include exercise routines for losing the fat or building muscle.

• Vegetarians do not have a huge variety of meals to choose from.

• This comes as e-book and not available as a hard copy.

• Some recipes do not mention serving sizes so if cooking for more than 1 you have to make adjustments to the ingredients yourself.

The Final Word:

There is no doubt nutrition is a big part of the weight loss equation. Often we associate diets with boring, tasteless foods but the anabolic cookbook gives us diet recipes that look good taste good and is good for us. The anabolic cookbook is one half of the equation you also need regular exercise with good nutrition to lose weight and keep it off. I do believe this book is a good first step and if used with a suitable exercise routine can help you lose the weight, build muscle and get healthy.


Source by Cindy Widmark

Planning Your Body Building Diet


One of the biggest things you need to do when planning your diet for body-building is to find a diet that you can follow through. If you don't see yourself following through with a certain diet, look for another one. Do not set yourself up for failure. For ideal bodybuilding you will need to set up 2 different types of diets.

The first diet needs to consist of something that will develop and give you more muscle mass while cutting the fat and the second one is maintaining your muscle mass while also cutting the fat. This is easier said than done as it is tough to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously. For most of us, it is highly advised to focus your efforts on cutting fat first before building muscle mass, or vice versa. Doing both at the same time is quite difficult, so it may be a good idea to focus on one thing first.

Another factor that you may want to consider is if the diet fits within your budget. This is important, especially for those of us that may be on a tight budget. Be sure to have this in your daily diet: Milk, Eggs, and Chicken.

If you think you are going to go crazy with your body building diet, you are OK to cheat. It is actually advised to cheat as it has shown that you are more likely to stick to your diet for the long term. So when you plan your diet, be sure to plan for cheat meals so that you are in this for the long haul. See you at the finish line.


Source by Jameson Masoli