Exercise Vs Diet For Weight Loss


When it comes to fat burning, the first thing that we think of is which route to take, do we exercise, or do we go on a diet, or do we do a combination of them both. The traditional advice to burning fat is to eat less and to move more.

There is a ton of things to do to burn fat however we are constrained by our finite resources such as time and money. Weight gain and loss revolve around caloric expenditure and consumption.

Diet Only Route

This is the easiest route because we are going to be eating anyway so we might as well cut out the calories in our meal. For most people cutting out calories is easier than burning them off but what we really want is burn fat and not to lose muscle. When we take the diet only route that is exactly what happens, not only do we burn fat but we also lose muscle as well.

When most people hear the word “diet” they think of grilled chicken and salad only, however this is an extreme diet that you probably won’t have to commit yourself to. You might want to try a more balanced diet that includes high fibre and a variety of colours.

The diets with the fastest results are the low carb diets which make them the most popular, but they are difficult to sustain. Unfortunately though, most people on a diet only program tend to gain the lost weight back within two years.

Exercise Only Route

Exercise is an important part of weight loss, without it, part of the weight loss would involve muscle loss and not just fat loss. The problem with an exercise only plan is that you could possibly end up eating more and thus gaining extra unwanted weight. However those who do exercise regularly tend to keep the weight off for longer than those who don’t exercise.

Exercising for just twenty minutes can boost your mood for up to 12 hours and can even help treating people with depression. Exercise has many benefits like reduced stress and better sleep at night. The most important benefit of exercise is that it increases the rate at which your body burns fat.

Muscle tends to take up less space than fat so even though you’ll gain muscle weight you will defiantly look and feel better.

A Combination of both Exercising and Dieting

This is probably the best route to take.

The great thing about this approach is that dieting and exercising help to complement each other. The general rule is that weight loss should be 75% diet and 25% exercise. The important thing to remember is that dieting initially helps the process of weight loss but exercising helps keep the weight off.

Remember that you can’t out exercise a bad diet!


Source by Justin Greyling

Top 10 Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight


You Overindulge On Healthy Foods – Whole wheat pasta, dark chocolate, nuts, olive oil, and avocados are healthy and all natural, but they are not without calories. You still need to be aware of how much you consume of the good stuff. For example, avocado offers a number of health benefits, but the whole fruit is over 200 calories.

You Focus Solely On Cardio – If you work out on the treadmill every day but never pick up a dumbbell, then you're excluding one of the most essential components of the fitness puzzle. Not only does resistance training help strengthen the joints and prevent injury, but it also builds lean muscle and boosts your metabolism. Therefore, you'll keep burning lots of calories all day long thanks to your revved-up metabolism.

You Do not Drink Enough Water – Drinking water on a regular basis not only helps to detoxify your body and keep you hydrated but can also aid with weight loss. Try drinking a full glass or two of water before a meal to help with portion control, or consume foods, like fruits and vegetables, that contain a lot of water to control your appetite so you eat less. Drinking cold water, especially, can also help to speed up your metabolism and reduce your cravings for sugary foods and drinks, according to a small study.

You Leave Out Entire Food Groups – Leaving out entire food groups can cause a nutritional deficiency – not to mention elicit major cravings for the food you eliminated. So, instead of cutting out all carbohydrates, focus on whole grains and do not forget to monitor your portions. Usually it's going for that second helping that adds the pounds, not necessarily the pasta itself.

You Do not Get Enough Sleep – Making time for exercising can mean less time for sleep, but it's critical that you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep, especially if your goal is to lose weight. You'll also need the extra energy to stay on top of your workout routine, and not getting adequate Z's can cause your body to increase appetite-stimulating hormones.

You're Inconsistent With Your Diet – Whether you're on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or your own exercise and healthy eating plan, you can not do it halfheartedly and expect to see positive results. So, if you want to see the pounds drop from the scale, you need to stay committed to your plan.

You're Not Eating Enough Veggies – Consuming at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies per day is very important for everyone, but doctors who fill half their plates with produce are more likely to lose weight and keep it off. Also, regular consumption of plant-based foods are more nutrient- dense with fewer calories and all that fiber keeps the body feeling fuller longer.

You Do not Eat Breakfast – You may think you're saving calories by skipping breakfast, but what you're really doing is causing your body to hold onto fat because it thinks it's being starved. You jump-start your metabolism and lose more weight if you eat breakfast each morning. Do not just grab a donut or a bagel either; include protein to give you lasting energy and fiber to fill you up for hours. If you're in a hurry, try a bowl of oatmeal with your favorite whey or whole-food protein powder mixed in.

You're Not Watching Your Portions! – In addition to a balanced diet, portion control is one of the keys to weight loss success. Keep spoons and measuring cups on hand, or use a food scale to ensure that your portions are correct, and listen to your body's "I'm full" signal so you know when to stop eating and continue on with your day.

You Do not Keep Track Of What You Eat – To more accurately monitor your daily caloric intake, you need to write it down! If you do not think it's worth the effort, many studies have shown that those who were the most successful at losing weight permanently kept a close eye on their food intake by keeping a journal.


Source by Robin Reichert

Reasonable Weight Loss – How to Select Your Best Diet


The diet maze is getting bigger by the day, so what can a person do to find a reasonable diet that will give them lifetime weight management. You need a diet that will change your eating habits along with losing the weight you already have.

To select your best diet will take some research on your part. My advice would be to stay with a natural food menu and stay away from the diet pills. Real food in the proper amounts will improve your health and well being.

Learn to eat properly to start with. Never skip breakfast. Your body has gone without food during the whole night and now you expect it to go to lunch time with no ill effects. You body is going into the starvation mode and saving what fat it has to stay alive.

Eat a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat at every meal. They all work together, so do not think that you can do without one or the other. A diet that is not balanced will eventually cause you some harm.

A well balanced diet with 3 meals and 3 snacks will help you lose weight and give you the vitamins and minerals your body needs to maintain good health. It will also help you to avoid binge eating, which causes so many people to lose control of their diet and just give up on the whole idea.

A good nutritionist is the best way to find a diet to match your particular needs. People are all different sizes and shapes with different health problems, so your diet should be planned for you and your circumstances. A reasonable diet would be an eating plan for life and not something that just lasts for a few weeks.


Source by John Demusz