What is the Slim-Fast diet plan?


The Slim-Fast diet plan is the plan of the Slim-Fast company that manufactures a range of diet products. They are used as meal substitutes, as part of the plan.

Unlike other companies that produce food or weight loss products, Slim-Fast is much more than simply shakes and bars. The product range also includes soups, snacks and pastas. The Slim-Fast diet plan uses the products in the context of the total diet plan that allows members who follow the diet plan to lose weight

Slim-Fast promotes loss weight through 4 steps :. Portion control, sensible eating, regular exercise or activity and support. The support is in a variety of forms; is the site well put-out that contains a wealth of information, dietitians registered online that are available to answer questions and a buddy system where members support and help each other. Following their plan, Slim-Fast has said that you will lose 10% of your total body weight; at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week. This is a good rate, sustainable weight loss that is within government guidelines recommended

A very good thing about Slim-Fast is the education they offer .; different topics are set out very clearly to inform and educate on how to lose weight sensibly. Clear the user-friendly website is portion size, nutrition, balanced meals, how to read food labels, good against the bad fats, deal with cravings and management of long-term weight, among other relevant topics .

The diet plan recommends six small meals a day, which has been shown to help lose weight. The plan tells you to use Slim-Fast meal replacement products for two of the six meals. For the four other meals, you can eat what you want, but there are plenty of useful information on lean protein, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables and water, to encourage you to eat sensibly.

To help you plan your meals, there are tips on custom designed meal plans and weight loss tools. The goal is to reduce your calorie intake to control portion size, a scientifically proven weight loss strategy. You are able to incorporate their suggestions with your own favorite foods, with emphasis on balanced nutrition.

Regular physical activity that is part of Slim-Fast diet plan is also reasonable and feasible. It recommends only 30 minutes of daily activity without heavy emphasis on gymnastics training, which does not always appeal to people. This seems like a, honest plan sensible weight loss, as long as you like to eat and drink their products. If you do not, you probably will not stick with the plan.


Source by Allen Chen

Fast Food Calories will ruin your diet plan and exercise program


If you let them, fast food calories will sneak up on you day after day and ruin your diet plans and exercise program.

There is so easy to forget that sweet little treat mid-morning or afternoon drink or two on the pub veranda (accompanied by a package of something salty and rather moreish).

fast food calories are the absolute worst for you. But why?

I’ll give you three good reasons.

1. Fast foods are often compact enough for the amount of calories they hold. They look small so you are wrong you do not eat much. Do yourself a favor and watch the calories in fast food treats you eat regularly.

Once you know exactly how many calories you take in with every tasty little snack, you’ll understand why you can not lose weight. A small packet of potato chips (crisps), for example, will be about 230 calories. To work a little package, you need to walk briskly for about 30 minutes, maybe more; it depends on your current weight.

2. Fast Food Calories are often foolishly ingested, causing “calorie amnesia”. You can have a tendency to eat fast food during the long afternoon, when your body “needs a kick sugar “(but really need a good breakfast, morning tea and lunch to prevent the sugar craving).

Or you could have been the habit of snacking in a box of chocolates evening watching television. You watch TV, the chocolate will semi-automatically from the box to the hand to mouth and before you know it, the whole box is gone.

There is a usual. Spend about a week resist and it will disappear and disappear.

3. fast food calories are largely lacking in nutritional value. Fast foods tend not to be a balanced meal mainly of unsaturated fats, complex carbohydrates and lean protein. Fast foods tend to be made up of saturated fat, simple carbohydrates and salt.

No matter what the advertisers trying to sell you regarding fast food, you have to remember that. Working hard fast food providers to sell their product to make as much money as possible. They are much more concerned about their bottom line than the (stretch marks) lines on our funds.

Fat is the high-energy food, and if you do not use it through regular exercise, it will go directly into your preferred storage areas of the body. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate and again, if you do not have the energy of it for your daily routine of brisk exercise, it will easily convert to fat.

Fat and sugar will give you energy peaks followed by an energy drop, leaving you lethargic, motivated to exercise and worst of all, still hungry. The salt in fast foods encourage your body to retain water, swell up and slow down your metabolism.

Fast food calories will ruin your diet plans and exercise program with ease.

The only solution is to change what you eat and the portions and times you eat. Before too long, you will be positively enjoying a healthy lifestyle and not miss fast food at all.

do not believe me. Give it an honest try for a few weeks and find out for yourself. You will be pleasantly surprised by the weight loss results you get from fast food to minimize in your diet.


Source by Rosie Peters

Zone Diet Menu – 1 maps regime that works for you


The Zone Diet is one of the easiest diets to follow, because you meet your carbohydrate intake with your protein intake, keeping both in balance. The preferred ratio is 1: 1, a protein sequence identified by a carbohydrate unit. A protein block is 7 grams, while a carbohydrate block is 9 grams. A good example of a protein block is a raw chicken breast ounce or about 1.5 ounces of sliced ​​deli meat. A carbohydrate block is usually 1 cup of greens, vegetables or fruit. The key is to always combine these two blocks at each meal. The other key is to have 40 percent of complex carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, 30 percent fat in the diet. This is the “magic” formula that combines to make weight loss possible.

timing is everything

Another key element of the Zone Diet plan is timing when you eat because the Zone diet keeps your whole body balanced, and that helps keep hungry. You should eat a Zone Diet meal or snack about every 4 to 5 hours after your last meal Zone, and about 2 to 2 1/2 hours after your last snack area, and you should have a snack area about 30 minutes before you go to bed

Zone Diet Menu Plans

You can find many Zone Diet menu plans online and on paper will help you follow your Zone diet. You have to remember that each person is different, to begin the Zone diet plan, you will need to determine your specific protein needs. Typically, a man needs about 4 blocks of proteins of a meal, while a woman needs about 3 blocks of proteins of a meal.

meal plans are built around these needs, and blocks of proteins may include items such as chicken, turkey, sandwich meat sausages, pork, and even Canadian bacon. Blocks carbohydrates can include fruit, vegetables, salad, and an occasional slice of wholemeal bread.

No-No’s Zone Diet

Do not count calories or carbohydrates on the Zone diet, but there are some things you should avoid. Coffee, tea, chocolate and soft drinks containing caffeine are out, and so is alcohol, one glass of wine per day is allowed. There are also lists of foods in the Zone Diet menu plans that should be avoided, such as pasta, bread and potatoes, and foods high in sugar such as corn, carrots, peas, bananas, raisins and grapes. You can have these foods in moderation but definitely not every day. Some foods low in carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta are OK occasionally on the Zone diet, as they are created specifically to be low in carbohydrates.

Zone Diet Benefits

A benefit of Zone Diet menu plans is that you can eat almost any food; you just have to follow some items. It also encourages and discourages energy hunger due to the timing of meals. You should not be hungry on this diet and encourages healthy eating habits that can stay with you a lifetime. So check the Zone diet today, and create a healthier future you ,.


Source by Wendy Pan