The Best Diet For Losing Pounds Fast


Looking for the best diet to follow for losing pounds fast? Most people can lose between 10 and 20 pounds within a month, simply by changing what and how they eat. You do not need to starve yourself to lose weight fast. Follow the healthy diet tips below and you'll be able to stay full, avoid hunger, control your appetite, limit food cravings, and boost your metabolism at all the same time …

7 of the Best Diet Tips for Losing Pounds Fast

1. Avoid simple sugars. By simply cutting simple sugars out of your diet, you can quickly and easily cut the kind of empty calories that make you fat and keep your from losing weight. Sodas, candy, packaged junk foods, and even fruit juices are all sources of simple sugar.

2. Avoid refined carbohydrates. Avoid refined carbs, especially "white" flours. Like simple sugars, these can spike blood sugar and insulin levels, shutting down the body's fat-burning processes and often leaving you with more belly fat!

3. Avoid "bad" fats. Fat itself is not your enemy. In fact you can eat a significant amount of fat and still lose weight quickly. But "bad" fats – like those found in fried foods and hydrogenated oils – will make you fat and unhealthy. Avoid fried foods and always choose "trans fat free" products.

4. Eat "clean burning" foods. The best foods to eat for fast and easy weight loss are "clean burning" proteins, carbs, and fats. Some examples are: lean meats, fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans, and legumes (eg lentils). Make these the basis of your diet and you'll lose pounds much faster.

5. Eat 5-7 times a day. Instead of 2 or 3 big meals, try to eat 5-7 small meals and snacks per day, spaced out at 2-3 hour intervals. This will help to keep you from getting hungry and experiencing food cravings. Plus it'll help to stimulate your metabolism so you burn fat more quickly.

6. Cycle your starches. Starchy carbs – like breads, potatoes, rice, etc. – should be cycled in and out of your diet in a way that boosts the metabolism and keeps you from gaining weight. Many diets are based on this proven idea, such as the "calorie shifting" and "calorie rotating" diets.

7. Drink lots of water. Try to drink at least 60-70 ounces of water and sugar-free tea each and every day. This will help to reduce hunger while boosting your metabolism and optimizing your energy levels.


Source by JC Phelps

Truth About the Seven Day Diet


What is a seven day diet? The term is pretty self-explanatory, it is a diet program that is to be followed for a seven day period and promises substantial weight loss. Some examples of seven day diets are the cabbage soup diet, the fruit and vegetable diet and the General Motors Weight Loss Program. While some of these diets have been effective, they are not the healthiest choice for anyone who wants to lose weight. This is why none of these programs has been recommended by a physician as a safe way to lose weight: most of the weight lost during this diet is in fact muscle mass, and not fat.

In addition to this, the seven day diet may lead to 'yo-yo dieting', where the person on the diet keeps gaining the weight lost and has to resort to the diet again. For example, if you lose 10 pounds the first time you use the diet, you may gain back 20 pounds, as your body members the diet a period of deprivation and starts storing fat to ensure you have energy reserves, and it slows down your metabolism , while you may be tempted to overeat to make up for the previous week. The next time, you'd try and diet off the 20 pounds you've earned, but after a while may end up gaining even more. This cycle of weight loss and gain is very unhealthy and quite de-stimulating too.

In spite of all the risk factors, many people decide to go ahead with the seven day diet anyway. While it is not advisable, its impact may be minimized by progressing onto a healthy eating plan and exercise program after the diet, using the weight lost during the seven day program as a motivation factor to keep going with the healthier program. Most use this diet as a way to lose weight fast just before an event, so that they can wear clothes they bought hoping they'd ever fit.

The good news is that most seven day diets do incorporate healthy elements such as drinking lots of water and eating more fruits and vegetables that make a great start for any eating plan. So, while the best option is to change your lifestyle so that you're getting more exercise and making healthy eating options, if you're in a real pinch, you might choose to jumpstart your fitness program by going on one of the seven day diets out there. Just remember to consult your physician before you begin to make sure it does not adversely affect your health.


Source by Natalina Odus

Is Diet Soda Bad For You?


A question that is asked by many people; "Is Diet Soda Bad for You?" Most diet sodas contain an artificial sweetener called Aspartame, which the majority of experts conclude, is not good for you. So, the simple answer to whether or not diet soda is bad for you is in fact "yes", it is bad for you! However, it is good to keep in mind that just about anything is bad for you if it is consumed in excess quantities.

While dieting, many people find that certain methods work well for them. Some dieters will even drink diet soda as a means to control their food cravings. There is no scientific evidence to support that consuming diet drinks works for this. However, many dieters are unwilling to part with their diet soda for this reason.

A lot of people claim that "soda is sweet, it tastes good and it even provides a reward while dieting". One reason the consumption of diet soda is popular is because it provides a sweet tasting alternative to a popular sweetener, high fructose corn syrup.

High fructose corn syrup is the sweetener for most regular sodas. This ingredient is well known for being high in calories and low in nutritional value. Therefore, companies involved in making diet drinks are looking to provide consumers with a different kind of sweetener.

Aspartame is the artificial sweetener of choice for many of today's popular diet sodas. There is wide spread debate in scientific and medical communities about whether or not Aspartame can be directly linked to several life threatening diseases. Do an online search for the word "Aspartame" if you are interested in finding out more about this debate.

Although, any effective diet program takes a commitment, diet plans that are too strict for the individual dieter will usually not be effective. The dieter on an excessively strict weight loss program will often "fall off the wagon" and give up. Therefore it is important to find a balance in what works for you while dieting.

While finding this balance, it is encouraged to provide yourself with rewards. If diet soda is part of your reward, consider cutting down on it gradually. You will thank yourself in the end for consuming less diet soda because it's ingredients are in fact, bad for you!


Source by Erin Bishoff